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81. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service-Jones Hole National Fish Hatchery Region 6 Mountain Prairie Region fisheries program in Vernal, UT. http://joneshole.fws.gov/ | |
82. FishBase A relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, and zoologists. fishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to science. http://www.fishbase.org/ | |
83. BC Fisheries - FishInfo BC We're developing improved online access to fisheries regulations and to otherinformation about fish, fish habitat and fisheries in British Columbia. http://www.bcfisheries.gov.bc.ca/fishinv/fishinfobc.html | |
84. NS Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries: Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) Sp , image, life history, and other information on this inland freshwater fish indigenous to North America. From Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and fisheries....... http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsaf/sportfishing/species/lktrout.htm | |
85. Iowa Fish And Fishing Favorite Pages Managing fish Offices Publications, Site Search State ofIowa DNR fisheries Wildlife Law Enforcement State Parks Tourism. http://www.state.ia.us/government/dnr/organiza/fwb/fish/ | |
86. Nagasaki Univ. Faculty Of Fisheries, Cover Page Faculty of fisheries http://www.fish.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ | |
87. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Fish Portal site about fish, including aquarium links.Category Recreation Pets fish and Aquaria Directories...... multiple window program that helps managers of water, hydropower, fisheries andrecreation see the impact of their decisions on fish populations in the http://www.actwin.com/WWWVL-Fish.html | |
88. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries Quarterly international journal which publishes review articles from fields of fish biology where the emphasis is placed on adaptation, function or exploitation in the whole organism. http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0960-3166 | |
89. Fishing Programs Branch Page fisheries programs branch representing the Department of fish and Game. Marine fishing page offers Category Regional North America Outdoors fishing...... Department of fish and Game. fisheries Program Branch Ed Pert, Branch Chief 14169th Street Sacramento, Ca 95814 (916) 4453616. Email Comments. Hot Links. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/fishing/ | |
90. Old Dominion University Center For Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Includes information on fish ageing and a few species accounts. http://www.odu.edu/sci/cqfe/age&growth/ |
91. Digital Library Of The Commons: Van Zalinge, Nicolaas, Nao Thuok, And Touch Sean Tana. 1998. Where There is Water, There is fish? fisheries Issues inthe Lower Mekong Basin from a Cambodian Perspective. van Zalinge http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/documents/dir0/00/00/01/78/ | |
92. RJM Fisheries Limited - Specializing In Salt Fish Production A Nova Scotia processor of fish products. http://www.rjmfish.com/ |
93. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service-D.C. Booth National Historic Fish Hatchery Region 6 Mountain Prairie Region fisheries program in Spearfish, SD. http://dcbooth.fws.gov/ | |
94. ** KUFF ** Faculty of fisheries. http://www.fish.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/p1/f0master.html |
95. North Atlantic Fisheries College Industrymanaged institute dedicated to supporting the fisheries industry (fish catching, aquaculture and processing) through training, and research and development. Based in Scalloway. http://www.nafc.ac.uk/ | |
96. Fishes Of Canada Explore the fish families of Canada, aquaculture, Canadian fisheries, and fish ecology. http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/fish/fish.htm |
97. Aims & Scope fish and fisheries journal information, contents lists and abstractson the Blackwell Publishing website. fish'. fish and fisheries. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/faf/ | |
98. Maryland Fisheries Resource Office / USFWS Located in Annapolis, coordinates fish tagging programs in cooperation with federal and state agencies along the eastern seaboard to help monitor the status of stocks, restore fish populations, and set seasons on harvest. http://marylandfisheries.fws.gov/ | |
99. NEFSC Fish FAQ Interesting facts and answers to common questions about fish, shellfish, crabs, lobsters, cetaceans, and turtles. http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/faq/index.html | |
100. Bureau Of Rural Sciences (BRS) fisheries and Marine Sciences. The Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) website has beenmoved into the Agriculture and fisheries Forestry Australia (AFFA) website. http://www.brs.gov.au/fish/ | |
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