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Felines (cats) Endangered & Threatened: more detail |
81. Linda Rossin - Wildlife Artist - Available Original Paintings Gallery Other endangered species are also portrayed by the paintings for the survival of theother (cats) in the respect and admiration for these beautiful wild felines. http://www.lindarossin.com/Available1.html | |
82. Great Cats: Lions National Zoo/ FONZ Panthera leo The world's most social felines, lions usually of about 300 lions, islisted as endangered. them horse tails, which exercise the (cats)' teeth and http://natzoo.si.edu/Animals/GreatCats/lionfacts.cfm | |
83. Ocelot Fact Sheet Vaughan, C. Costa Ricas endangered felines. DD Status and Distribution of theendangered Ocelot and In (cats) PF THE WORLD BIOLOGY, CONSERVATION AND http://www.felidtag.org/pages/Educational/FactSheets/ocelot.htm | |
84. saying that the minister has made endangered species an (cats) KILLED TOO QUICKLYAT SPCA, OWNER SAYS April This story explained that the two felines owned by |
85. Jaguarundi occurred much later than the other Latin American felines. The Convention on Tradein endangered Species (CITES II (Conservation and Legal Status of Wild (cats). http://www.catsurvivaltrust.org/jagundi.htm | |
86. Conflicts In The Desert felines were originally absent from New Zealand and the As ferocious hunters, catswill kill rare and attempt to save New Zealand¹s endangered and threatened http://www.saint-thomas.net/html/catalogue/indevelopment/one/killthecats.htm | |
87. General Internet Sites About Animals Guide to the Felidae, information about felines from house topics as plants poisonousto (cats), rescue groups endangered Species, Fish and Wildlife Service; Fish http://www.howardcollege.edu/library/animal.htm | |
88. Animals endangered animals are those species that are in danger of going Jaguars are wildcats that live in rain forests These solitary felines often have dens in caves http://www.col-ed.org/echo2002/Indiginous Webguide/endangered1.html | |
89. Ian Anderson Of Jethro Tull Shares His Love For Small Wild Cats With HDW Enterpr Many of these are endangered and a few to the Here RETURN TO HDW ENTERPRISES FoothillFelines Bengals HOME PAGE Click Here RETURN TO HDW's BIG (cats) . http://www.hdw-inc.com/ian2.htm | |
90. Betrayal Of Trust: The Global Trade In Dog And Cat Fur One cat fur coat requires the killing of up to 24 felines. Fur pitiless.(cats) are strangled inside their cages as other (cats) look on. http://www.hsus.org/ace/12014 | |
91. The Ethics Of Owning A Pet Serval I first found out about these (cats), I had Servals (along with other small wild felineskept as pets that while not currently listed as endangered, are certainly http://www.geocities.com/servalsite/ethics.html | |
92. Untitled Document residents would own their (cats), all felines would be not sustainable is in areas whereendangered wildlife may have shown that bird predication by (cats) is less http://www.feralcatalliance.org/resp.htm | |
93. "MANAGED" CAT COLONIES IN CALIFORNIA For more information, see It's (cats) vs. Terns, with Navy in Middle Feral felinesimperil endangered birds and Alameda National Wildlife Refuge. http://www.abcbirds.org/cats/states/california_managed.htm | |
94. Ruffed Grouse Society - News - Cats Affecting Grouse Numbers flying squirrel on the list of endangered species in Ontario He said the 20 felineswere either abandoned or that rural freeranging domestic (cats) in Wisconsin http://www.rgs.ca/articles/cats.htm | |
95. Ferals Management Newbie Tutorial Feral (cats) Weeds or Victims? Texas Aggie Ferals are threatened as wildlife expertsrecommend killing them as a superior alternative to the successful spay http://catlovers.about.com/cs/feralcatmgmt/ | |
96. JBC Questions Page 7. In general, wild felines should. the same spectrum of feline diseases as domesticcats using only a), One of the medium sized, nonendangered species like a http://home.twcny.rr.com/mainelyfelids/testq.htm | |
97. Jadzia Cattery examination on Basic Husbandry of Exotic felines conducted by The LIOC EndangeredSpecies Conservation These are exotic (zoo) (cats) weighing around 3040 http://members.aol.com/mdserval/cattery.html | |
98. Southern Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre as other information about the (cats) contained in panthers are listed as an endangeredspecies (only pronouncements, Neugebohrn and Addington's felines were not http://www.bigcats.org/sfwrc/floridapanther.html | |
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