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Extinct Species Endangered & Threatened: more detail | |||||
81. Hawaii's Endangered And Threatened Species Current time and temperature in Honolulu right now Hawaii's endangered and threatened species Web Site Hawaii is the endangered species Capital of the World. http://www.bishop.hawaii.org/bishop/HBS/endangered | |
82. NESARC -- National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition -- Delisted Species species. Date Delisted. Reason. Mexican Duck, July 25, 1978, Original Data In Error.Tecopa Pupfish, January 15, 1982, extinct. Longjaw Cisco, September 2, 1983, extinct. http://www.nesarc.org/delist.htm | |
83. Skip Common Site Navigation And Headers United States so rare they are in danger of becoming extinct. provided for the conservation of endangeredspecies and their there are more than 600 endangered or threatened http://www.epa.gov/ebtpages/ecosspecieendangeredspecies.html | |
84. TESS Species Lists threatened and endangered species System (TESS). Search by species nameAdvanced species search and report generation Advanced Federal http://ecos.fws.gov/webpage/ | |
85. Species List For Illinois (104 species including 29 endangered, 4 threatened, 16 extirpated, and 4 extinctspecies) Phylum Ectoprocta (9 species) Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/ilspecies/ilsplist.html | |
86. What Makes A Species Endangered? Most of us have a general idea of what an endangered, threatened, or extinctspecies is, but biologists have certain definitions for each. http://www.bradwoods.org/eagles/usleg2.htm | |
87. Endangered, Threatened, Of Special Interest, Extirpated, Or Continued or increased stress will result in its becoming endangered. Top of PageExtinct A species or subspecies that occured in Ohio at the time of http://www.ohiocoleo.org/projects/beetlesofconcern.asp |
88. Data From The Washington Natural Heritage Program X = Possibly extinct or Extirpated from Washington. Federal Status under the USendangered species Act (USESA) as published in the LE = Listed endangered. http://www.wa.gov/dnr/htdocs/fr/nhp/refdesk/lists/plantrnk.html | |
89. Canada's Endangered Species For a complete list of Canada's extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatenedand vulnerable species listed by COSEWIC contact COSEWIC http://raysweb.net/specialplaces/pages/canada-es.html | |
90. Endangered Species Act As of April 30, 2000, 1,230 species were listed as either endangered or threatenedin the United States. Are species still becoming extinct? Yes! http://mountain-prairie.fws.gov/northdakotafieldoffice/endspecies/endangered_spe | |
91. Signs Of Sustainability - Biodiversity: Indicator Numbers Of Threatened Species threatened species in Finland were earlier divided into four categoriesextinct, endangered, vulnerable, and nearthreatened. The http://www.vyh.fi/eng/environ/sustdev/indicat/uhanala.htm | |
92. History Of The United States Endangered Species Act of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of its range. THREATENEDrefers to any species that is likely to become an endangered species http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Education/ESA.htm | |
93. An Introduction To Endangered Species :: Green Nature :: Most people have a general idea of what an endangered, threatened, or extinctspecies is, but biologists have rather precise definitions for each term. http://greennature.com/article202.html | |
94. CRS Report: 98-32 - Endangered Species List Revisions: A Summary Of Delisting An Of the remaining species that have been removed from the endangered and threatenedlists, seven have gone extinct, and nine species have been delisted due to http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/Biodiversity/biodv-18.cfm | |
95. Endangered Species Our new endangered species Main Page. Our *OLD* endangered species Main Page.The EELink Main Page. Thank you, EE-Link Staff. Old File Requested Links http://www.nceet.snre.umich.edu/EndSpp/Endangered.html | |
96. The IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources provides taxonomic, conservation status and distribution data on taxa under threat of extinction. http://www.redlist.org/ | |
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