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Extinct Species Endangered & Threatened: more detail | |||
1. Endangered Species On EE-Link: Endangered Species - Main Page World Conservation Union's searchable list of the world's most endangered animals. http://eelink.net/EndSpp | |
2. Endangered And Extinct Species Lists for threatened and endangered animals with range in the United States. Searchendangered species by Common or Scientific Name. extinct species http://eelink.net/EndSpp.old.bak/ES.lists.html | |
3. Hawaii's Endangered And Threatened Species the background color of the page orange for endangered and threatened species greenfor Candidate and Proposed species black for extinct species lavender for http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/endangered/endangered.html | |
4. WWF - Threatened Species Accounts categories of endangered, vulnerable and extinct for threatened species and critically endangered and vulnerable have http://www.panda.org/resources/publications/species/threatened | |
5. Resources On Endangered And Extinct Species of the Midwestextinct species extinction, extinct, threatened, endangered, speciesextinct Mammal species of the Australian Arid Zone extinction, extinct http://www.naturalenviron.com/endangeredsp.html | |
7. Endangered & Threatened Intro species that may become endangered within the Extirpated species that have disappearedfrom Pennsylvania extinct species that occurred in Pennsylvania but no http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/endangered/endanglm.htm | |
8. EPA: Pesticides Endangered And Threatened Species if a fish such as the shortnose sturgeon becomes extinct, all of the species thatrely on it for food will also suffer and may become threatened or endangered. http://www.epa.gov/espp/coloring/especies.htm | |
9. ND Endangered Species become extinct, the plant would also become extinct. experiences and values thata species may have more current information about endangered and threatened http://www.npsc.nbs.gov/resource/distr/others/endanger/endanger.htm | |
10. Endangered Species List Fact sheets on New York State's endangered and threatened birds and other wildlife.Category Recreation Birding North America United States New York...... is listed as federally endangered in the Great Lakes Region, and as federally threatenedin the Atlantic Coastal Region. Definitions. extinct species is no http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/endspec/etsclist.html | |
11. Education Planet Environment,Animals,Extinct Species Lesson Plans Removed from the endangered and threatened List This the species was dropped fromthe endangered species list. 1598-1681) - Learn about the extinct dodo bird http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Environment/Animals/Extinct_Species/ | |
12. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Endangered Species Exploring a World at Risk AMNH exhibition endangered and extinct species ListsEELink endangered and threatened Primates endangered and threatened species http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/end_spp.htm | |
13. Extinct, Endangered And Threatened Species scienceAlmanacScienceAnimals Ways of Life extinct, endangered and threatenedspecies. Many species of animals are disappearing from our planet. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0906937.html | |
14. Endangered Plants & Animals IUCN Red List of threatened species endangered or extinct species by country, regionor marine region. World Wildlife Fund endangered species of the world. http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/species.html | |
15. ND Endangered And Threatened Species as either endangered or threatened in the United States as of January 1, 1992; thereare 1024 species listed worldwide. Are species still becoming extinct? http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/nddanger.htm | |
16. 1994 Endangered And Threatened Species Recovery Program Though extinct species represent an irreplaceable loss to the biodiversity As of September30, 1994, 909 species were listed as endangered or threatened http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/recovprg/analyses.htm | |
17. Endangered extinct species that no longer exist; gone forever. North Dakota has a list of10 endangered and threatened species that are protected under the endangered http://www.fws.gov/r6jcslyr/endanger.htm | |
18. Endangered Species that a species is in immediate danger of becoming extinct and needs protection tosurvive. threatened means that a species is likely to become endangered if it http://www.fws.gov/r5cbfo/Endblurb.htm | |
19. Threatened Australian Plants Lists of the engangered, vulnerable and extinct species of Australian plants. http://www.anbg.gov.au:80/endangered/ | |
20. North Cascades National Park: Threatened And Endangered Species The endangered species Act of 1973 defines an endangered species as any plant oranimal species that is extinct species are species that are gone forever. http://www.nps.gov/noca/treas.htm | |
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