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European Zoos: more books (17) | ||||
21. Saving The Amur Leopard List of european zoos participaing in the Amur leopard conservation breedingprogramme. List of european zoos participating in the breeding programme. http://www.amur-leopard.org/zoos_eep.html | |
22. Saving The Amur Leopard Status in Zoos. List of european zoos participating in the breeding programme.The PMP Population in North America. Amur leopards in other regions. http://www.amur-leopard.org/zoos.html | |
23. About ZGW We are now back in Europe, are currently writing up and promoting thework we have done and preparing Resource packs for european zoos. http://www.zoosgowild.com/about_zgw.htm | |
24. Press Cuttings european zoos help endangered turtles. Press Release Source EuropeanAssociation of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) Date 10 January 2002. http://www.cites.org/eng/news/cuttings/2002/0110_EAZA_turtle.shtml | |
25. Press Cuttings Full story . european zoos help endangered turtles. January 10, 2002(press release of EAZA) On Wednessday 9 January two representatives http://www.cites.org/eng/news/press_cutting.shtml | |
26. Zoos Must Not Keep Elephants unacceptable. They say adult elephants in european zoos have half the 30yearlifespan of their counterparts working in Asian timber camps. http://www.save-the-elephants.org/Elephant News Items/Zoos must not keep elephan | |
27. ABCNEWS.com : Zoo Animals At Risk Of Foot-and-Mouth (Adam Butler/AP Photo), Survival Issues european zoos Call for Footand-Mouth Vaccinationto Prevent Disaster By Leela Jacinto March 28 The wildcats at the http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/britain010328_footmouth.html | |
28. Veterinary Prophylaxis And Therapy At Schönbrunn Zoo Veterinary prophylaxis and therapy at european zoos by Dipl.Tzt. Methods andAims In 1993 and 1994 the author conducted surveys at 61 european zoos. http://www.zoovienna.at/old/e_tierarzt.html | |
29. Association Of The Friends Of Schönbrunn Zoo, Vienna of the Welfare of Zoo Elephants in Europe , was published and at the same time theRSPCA started a campaign against the keeping of elephants in european zoos. http://www.zoovienna.at/old/e_statment_eleph.html |
30. Elephant Free London A study of 20 european zoos in 1996 revealed that young were produced on averageonce every 22 years, whereas in the wild elephants give birth once every four http://www.bornfree.org.uk/elephantfree/elecapt.html | |
31. Elephant Free UK - RSPCA scientists for Animal Behaviour Research Group at Oxford University, also focuseson the immediate welfare and treatment of elephants in european zoos. http://www.bornfree.org.uk/elephantfree/rspca.htm | |
32. Asiatic Lion Information Centre - How You Can Help The Fund has a 5year plan for field work on the wild lions in the Gir forest,a breeding program in the european zoos and an information kit for Asian and http://www.asiatic-lion.org/help.html | |
33. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Short, Unhappy Life For Elephants Kept In Asian elephants in european zoos live half as long as elephants hauling timber intropical logging camps, Oxford zoologists say in a report published today. http://www.guardian.co.uk/animalrights/story/0,11917,817303,00.html | |
34. EAZA - Evropska Asociace Zoologockych Zahrad A Akvarii AZA. 271 european zoos are regular members of the European associationand also some extraeuropean zoos are associated members. The http://gate.vosji.cz/ucsz/eaza_en.htm |
35. EZITT Welcome to the EZITT Pilot Project (european zoos Information TechnologyTraining project). This project is a pilot project which http://ezitt.caiia-star.net/intro.html | |
36. USATODAY.com - American Zoos Help Kabul Animals might think. . A donor who wanted to remain anonymous promised $10,000,and european zoos have also pledged money. Jones, who visited http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2001/12/01/zoos.htm | |
37. Animals In Captivity Elephants in european zoos Dying Prematurely Dec. Elephants in only 10percent of european zoos are provided with opportunities to graze. http://www.geocities.com/beckygretz19/veg_animals_in_captivity.html | |
38. ZSL-ZSL winter. Five UK and seven european zoos have responded and the cratesare now under construction in Moscow Zoo. With temperatures http://www.zsl.org/press/pr_0000000375.html | |
39. Dissertationsdatenbank Translate this page Problems in reindeer husbandry and nutrition in the Schönbrunner Zoo and othereuropean zoos Comparison, possible reasons and solution proposals, http://www.arcs.ac.at/dissdb/rn036712 | |
40. Elephants The study, conducted by scientists at Oxford University shows elephants die youngin european zoos, having suffered from deficient enclosures, poor diet http://www.captiveanimals.org/elephants/rspca.htm | |
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