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European Gov General: more detail |
41. Castle Morpeth Borough Council - - European Issues - General Enquiries european Issues general Enquiries The Kylins, Morpeth Northumberland, NE61 2EQtel 01670 535000, fax 01670 535155 email info@castlemorpeth.gov.uk. http://www.castlemorpeth.gov.uk/morpeth\services.nsf/Public/AllServices/F6B48EB7 |
42. Alpha Technologies - Distributors Of General Laboratory, Analytical, Medical, Ch energy. europa.eu.int/eurlex/en/lif/index.html. european Accreditationwww.european-accreditation.org/. Irish Agencies. train). www.hse.gov.uk. http://www.alpha-technologies.info/legislation.htm | |
43. INTERNATIONAL MARKET INSIGHT (IMI): PROCUREMENT OPPORTUNITIES, 5 May 2001 The european Bank For Reconstruction and Development. world wide, readers are referredto the following sources WWW.USATRADE.gov general information on http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/country/010509port.htm | |
44. European Bank For Reconstruction And Development 12 December 2002 This notice updates the general Procurement Notice about projectopportunities at the european Bank for EBRD.OFFICE.BOX@MAIL.DOC.gov or Ayse http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/tenderlead.cfm?1860 |
46. National Health And Medical Research Council - Apply For Funding - Special Initi More information on the european Unions Sixth Framework programme is January 2003Email Webmaster nhmrc.webmaster@nhmrc.gov.au general Enquiry research http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc/funding/si.htm | |
47. Medical Devices 8687 or email michael.johnston@health.gov.au general Information on the supply ofMedical Australia european Community Mutual Recognition Agreement (EC-MRA http://www.health.gov.au/tga/devices/devices.htm | |
48. President Bush Meets With European Leaders be meeting again that is, the US, the EU, Russia and UN Secretary general. PresidentBush and the european Union, and I, myself, have worked on providing http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/05/20020502-9.html | |
49. NSF INT WE Program Homepage title to obtain an abstractlength general description of NSF Europe Homepage withinformation about european research and can be contacted at dschinde@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/int/w_europe/start.htm |
50. Dear Colleague Letter Nsf02135 http//www.kbn.gov.pl. 1/3 Wspólna Str, 00529 Warsaw, Poland. José Manuel Fernándezde Labastida, Vice Director general of Projects. Tel. european NETWORKING, http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02135/nsf02135.htm |
51. CEENet HOME Page - Central And Eastern European Networking Association Central and Eastern european Networking Association. Members of general Meeting. MACEDONIATel +389 91 119 373 Fax +389 91 119 373 eMail fisi@zic.gov.mk. MN http://www.ceenet.org/ceenet_members.html | |
52. Women And Equality Unit Explains the role of the unit in co-ordinating work across Whitehall departments as part of their Category Regional Europe United Kingdom government Equality Issues...... NEW More on the 'Advancing Women in the Workplace' european project and 0870 1502333, Email publications@dti.gsi.gov.uk For general enquiries, phone 020 http://www.womens-unit.gov.uk/ | |
53. REC General Assembly Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Email jrawska@mos.gov.pl. SLOVAKIA Mr.Juraj Gavora Director general Section for the european Integration and http://www.rec.org/REC/Introduction/GenAss.html | |
54. WTO | SPS - Links To Members' Websites Risk assessments/scientific information, analisis.riesgos@ica.gov.co, web site/ informationavailable, SPS in general, Food safety, european Communities back to top http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/spslinks_e.htm | |
55. IVTIP Interesting Links and other scientific purposes european Community directives regarding animals FDA Food and Drugs Administration general http//www.fda.gov/ CBER/FDA - Food http://www.ivtip.org/links.html | |
56. ERS/USDA Briefing Rooms Beans; Economics of Foodborne Disease; european Union; Farm Assistance Program Linkageswith the general Economy; administration webadmin@ers.usda.gov page updated http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/ | |
57. Remote Sensing Tutorial Table Of Contents Space Program Initial Military Operations / Russian Space Program / european, Asian,and the Internet / Installing PIT from the CDROM / general Overview of http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Front/tofc.html | |
58. #466: 08-12-02 ATTORNEY GENERAL ASHCROFT ANNOUNCES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FIRST P MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2002 WWW.USDOJ.gov, AG (202 WASHINGTON, DC Attorney general JohnAshcroft announced that the has long been commonplace in european countries. http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2002/August/02_ag_466.htm | |
59. WDFW - Aquatic Nuisance Species: European Green Crab group to train and coordinate its volunteers and the general public to The Europeanshore crab, Carcinus maenas, in the Coorong a E-mail fishpgm@dfw.wa.gov. http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/fish/ans/greencrab.htm | |
60. MFA Of Ukraine MFA Information. Diplomatic relations. Consular matters.Category Regional Europe Ukraine Government...... the european Commission and the EU Council Communication to the european Parliamenttitled March 11, 2003 Press Releases The general Consulate of Ukraine has http://www.mfa.gov.ua/eng/ | |
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