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European Gov General: more detail |
1. European Governments On-line - Other European Countries european governments online. Other european Countries Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http//www.mvp.gov.ba) offers a general introduction to the country and its institutional http://europa.eu.int/abc/governments/others/index_en.html | |
2. Crisis Awareness And Preparedness ready.gov from the Department of Homeland Protection Division, Office of general CounselTravel Tips european Center for Disaster Medicine; european Commission http://travel.state.gov/crisismg.html | |
3. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Russia and society stagnated in the following decades until general Secretary Mikhail inthe south through humid continental in much of european Russia; subarctic in http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rs.html | |
4. Internet Resources - European Information Here you will find pointers to resources of interest to those researching and studying the european Union and to research sponsored by the european Community. EU gov (part of Legal Day) is a comprehensive single page directory of official sources on the EU reports on the Secretariatgeneral's website The european Commission and special http://www.ex.ac.uk/library/internet/eurostudies.html | |
5. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Germany Definition Field Listing strategic location on North european Plain and missionAmbassador Wolfgang Friedrich ISCHINGER consulate(s) general Atlanta, Boston http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gm.html | |
6. U.S. European Command General Completes Successful Visit To Estonia "european Parliament Appeals to gov. Ridge". by Julia Wright the tabling, at the 1999 session of the United Nations general Assembly in New York, of a motion for a resolution http://www.usemb.ee/fulford.php3 | |
7. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Britain And The EU Community todays european Union. Find out more about the benefits that our membershipbrings 30th Anniversary You can also test your general knowledge about http://www.fco.gov.uk/europe/ | |
8. American Natural Products -- Regulatory Sites The european Commission Commission's Directorates-general and Services http//europa.eu.int/comm/dgs_en.htm http// www. access. gpo. gov/ nara/ cfr/ waisidx_ 99/ 27cfr21_ 99. http://www.4anp.com/regulatory.html | |
9. European Reading Room Home Page 7075522 (general Reference) Fax (202) 707-8482 Email eurref@loc.gov Hours Weekdays830 am to 500 pm Closed Weekends and Federal Holidays, The european http://www.loc.gov/rr/european/ | |
10. American Folklife Center: Resources In Ethnographic Studies A collection of ethnographic resources provided by the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.Category Science Social Sciences Cultural Anthropology Ethnography...... general Sources. American Canterbury; european Research Centre on Migrationand Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER); Human Relations Area Files (Yale); http://www.loc.gov/folklife/other.html | |
11. E-Gov Lab-Department Of Informatics, University Of Athens to the transaltion of the egov site to the is also a consultant to the general Secretariatfor of Thessaloniki, a postgraduate degree on european Union and http://www.e-gov.gr/uoalab/ | |
12. CCIPS INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTER CRIME Deputy Assistant Attorney general DiGregorys Remarks before the european Parliamenton International Cooperation in Combating Cybercrime, September 19, 2000. http://www.cybercrime.gov/intl.html | |
13. Defra, UK - Wildlife And Countryside - Wildlife, Countryside And Flood Managemen 8767 Fax number 0117 372 8119 general email enquiries ramsar@defra.gsi.gov.uk. wildlifeprotection provisions of relevant european Union Directives http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/wacd/ | |
14. CII - E-commerce -The Electronic Commerce Directive and definitions; countryof-origin regulation; general information to be at the directionof the european Commission). 020) 7215 4161 Email ecom@dti.gsi.gov.uk. http://www.dti.gov.uk/cii/ecommerce/europeanpolicy/ecommerce_directive.shtml | |
15. CII - E-commerce - European Policy 7215 4161 or email to icannconsult@dti.gov.uk. s functions is at http//www.icann.org/general/toward-mission UKOnline For Business Web Site european Policy E http://www.dti.gov.uk/cii/ecommerce/icann.shtml | |
16. Swain Library: Patent General Information www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/doc/general/ Patents http Patent Organisation decidedthat the european Patent Organisation for 2000 http//www.uspto.gov/web/menu http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/swain/patent/patgeninf.html | |
17. General Sources Of Information On Mathematical And Computational Biology. sites for molecular biology, biocomputing education, sequence analysis, and generalbioinformatics http//molbio.info.nih.gov/cgibin/pdb. european Mol Bio Lab. http://www.csit.fsu.edu/HHP/more-info.html | |
18. European Union Web Sites And Services Supreme Audit Institutions european Union. Cyprus (www.audit.gov.cy). SAI of CanadaCanadian Auditorgeneral; British Columbia Auditor-general; Canadian http://www.eca.eu.int/EN/DIVERS/LINKS/links.htm | |
19. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF BARBADOS european Community. 78 Avenue general Lartigue, B1200 Brussels, Belgium Tel (322)732-1737 or (322) 732-1867 Fax (322) 732-3266. E-Mail brussels@foreign.gov. http://www.foreign.gov.bb/missions.htm | |
20. Regional Indicators European Union (EU) european Commission's Energy Website Directorategeneral for Energy the United StatesUS Mission to the european Union. Lowell Feld lfeld@eia.doe.gov Phone (202 http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/euro.html | |
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