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Europe Intl Civ Rights: more detail |
21. Schedule Of Courses POLSCI 116S, POSTWW II EUR/E ASIA. POLSCI 122, FOUNDATIONS MOD intl POL. POLSCI134, CLASSICS W civ GER TRAD. POLSCI 136, COMP GOV/POL W europe. http://www.siss.duke.edu/Schedule/0860/POLSCI/ | |
22. CGRS: Articles Revisited in Asylum and Refugee Claims, 12 J. of intl Refugee Law Conference Report, Towards a GenderSensitive Asylum Policy in europe, 11-12 Mason U. civ. http://www.uchastings.edu/cgrs/law/articles.html | |
23. Univ Of Calif-Santa Barbara Group, AC, SSC CLAS 100A 198201 Grk and Rom civ CLAS 300T Elective or Major, RGN HIST126 199404 E.europe since 1918 or Major POLS 2 198702 Comp intl Pol PS http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~bnrserve/transfer_work/001320.html | |
24. Univ Of California-Santa Cruz Group, IP, SSC HIS 122 200102 Reformation europe HIST 110T Letters Group HUMA 20197901 W civSource 001 199101 Intro Latin Amer Studies intl 153T Social http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~bnrserve/transfer_work/001321.html | |
25. Course Listing Spring_2003 617001, Envrn Issues in intl Business, 3, LAW-708-001, Enfrcng civ rights, Fed CrimPr, http://www.wcl.american.edu/courses/coursesapp/searchcourse.cfm?time=spring_2003 |
26. Index To Historical Materials: S - Z Speeches (civil Service Comm.). MS US civ. Serv. MS Moscoso; US Agcy for intl. Dev. OHBrandon; Brandon (Nunnerly). Supreme Allied Commander, europe (SACEUR). http://www.jfklibrary.org/index2000-s-z.html | |
27. Index To Historical Materials: A Through E Devel. OH Gaud. Assistant Administrator for Africa and europe, Agcy for intl. Devel. civilservice. MS JFK WH Central Files; Macy; US civ. Serv. for intl. Dev. http://www.jfklibrary.org/index2000-a-e.html | |
28. Louisiana Tech Faculty: Sterling, Raymond L. Progress of Underground Development in europe and North Sheltered Building Researchin the United States A Selective State of the Art Review, Proc.intl. http://www.latech.edu/tech/engr/faculty/civ/sterling.htm | |
29. Cyberlaw Cases, Statutes, & Topics The German Digital Signature Act (first digital signature law in europe).Related US Case Law v. Total News, Inc., 97 civ. v. Borland intl., Inc. http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/iclp/csth.html | |
30. Spring 2002 Schedule Fate of Christian Society in Med/Renaiss europe (Same as Latham, A POLI 26 03 F FoundationsIntlPoli TR MAIN 001 Dolan POLI 57 01 US civ rights/civ Lib TR http://www.macalester.edu/registrar/sp02sched.html | |
31. International Relations Program Fall 2002 Approved Course List AMES025. ANC MIDDLE EAST HISTORY civ. Non-West/Elect. 401 LEC MWF 11-12 STAFF. HIST-202.REVOLUTIONS IN MOD europe. Elect. PSCI-150. intl REL THEORY PRACT. Core. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/irp/courses.html | |
32. Sample Reference Questions A page sized map of europe. GLY Geology. Buffalo history. Books on Alexander theGreat. Cu3Co Pen (?) - World civ assignment. JPN - Japanese - intl. Studies. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/temp/subjquestions.html | |
33. US Embassy New Delhi - Public Affairs/AIRC/Article & Web Alert In the United States and Western europe, public fatigue for Democratic Change http//www.partnersintl.org un.org/partners/civil_society/statemnt/st-civ.htm top. http://usembassy.state.gov/posts/in1/wwwh18.html | |
34. DRAFT HIST 219, europe since 1945. civ 320, Pagans and Christians in the Roman World withREL 320. intl 390, Topic Seeking our Shadows with AMST 350 (only Fall 2001). http://www.wm.edu/FAS/Meetings/DOCS/ED-POL/EPCReport2000-01B.htm | |
35. Spring 2001 Course List 1215 TR, M. Carter B. Barham Crosslisted with intl. 448356, europe BETWEEN THEWARS 1919-1939 (So St.) 3 crse in Span or Span Amer culture/civ recommended) 3 http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/laisp/courses/2001fall.html | |
36. Fall 2002 Course List Crosslisted with intl. 448356, europe BETWEEN THE WARS 1919-1939 (So St.) 3-4 cr,LEC 1 - 12 TOPIC DECNT PLAN DEV COUNT SOC CAP, civ SOCI, STATE LEC 3, 330-6 http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/laisp/courses/2002fall.html | |
37. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON CURRICULUM REPORT ANTH 317 Anthropology of Tibetan civilization.(5) ANTH OF TIBET civ. 530 TransatlanticRelations The United States and europe in World 15) intl RELATNS TOPICS http://staff.washington.edu/uwcr/reports/98/98-12.html | |
38. L'actualité Du Droit Des Technologies De L'information - Bulletin Mensuel édit Translate this page Voir à ce sujet Scanlon v. Kessler, 97 civ. ht tp//www.internetnews.com/intl-news/1998/07/2902 europe- Régulation des communications par Internet. http://www.juriscom.net/actu/achv/elaw/e-law02.htm | |
39. Index To Historical Materials: F - M P., Sr.; Landis; US civ. Aeronautics Bd.; US Fed. International development. MS USPeace Corps; US Agcy for intl Dev. Kennedy family trip to europe, 1938-39. http://www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/index2000-f-m.html | |
40. Preparation Of Letters Rogatory R. civ. Smit, International Cooperation in Litigation europe, The Hague, MartinusNijhoff, (1965). for Proceedings in England and Abroad, 31 intl and Comp LQ http://travel.state.gov/letters_rogatory.html | |
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