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41. KR-1070 Ethics, Philosophy And Sociology Of Religion KR1070 ethics, philosophy and Sociology of Religion. Code KR-1070. Course titleethics, philosophy and Religious Socialisation. Credits 5. ECTS-credits http://www.hia.no/hum/ects/ECTS_2002-2003p91.htm | |
42. A Primer On The Ethics Of "intellectual Property" This primer provides a general framework for freeing any information covered under copyright and patent laws. http://www.ram.org/ramblings/philosophy/fmp/copying_primer.html | |
43. MA Applied Ethics - Philosophy @ Hull Options available include Values and the Environment; Community and Conflict; Bioethics;Social Values and Education; ethics and Organisation; philosophy of Law http://www.hull.ac.uk/philosophy/APPETHIC.HTM | |
44. Utilitarianism And Kantian Ethics - Philosophy Of Ethics papers on utilitarianism, kant, ethics andthe philosophy of ethics and morality. http://www.ethicspapers.com/categories/utilitarianism.html | |
45. Ethics Of Civilization To 30 BC A study of the influence of philosophy and religion on civilizations, with sections on India and China. http://www.san.beck.org/EC-Contents.html |
46. Ethics/philosophy ethics/philosophy Books (in alphabetical order) A Sand County Almanac. RestorationEcology philosophy, Goals and ethics, Bonnicksen, TM, ES 400, 87. http://web.uvic.ca/enweb/rns/ethics.html | |
47. Association Of Feminst Ethics And Social Theory A professional organiztion dedicated to promoting feminist ethical perspectives on philosophy, moral and political life, and public policy. http://www.afeast.org/ |
48. Philosophy @UVic - GRAD PROGRAM And Awards Colin Macleod, BA (Queens), MA (Dalhousie), Ph.D. (Cornell) ContemporaryPolitical philosophy, ethics, philosophy of Law. Charles http://web.uvic.ca/philosophy/awards.htm | |
49. Environmental Ethics/Philosophy Homepage Environmental ethics/philosophy. It is intended to provide a variety of sourcesfor information about a range of topics in environmental ethics/philosophy. http://www.swarthmore.edu/es/envirophil/ | |
50. Spinoza's Ethics Brief summary of some aspects of Spinoza's moral philosophy. http://angelfire.com/md2/timewarp/spinoza.html | |
51. Office Of Computer Ethics - Philosophy & Goals The Office of Computing ethics has two main components Education of all studentsregarding the Policy on Fair, Responsible and Acceptable Use of Electronic http://academic.udayton.edu/ethics/philandgoalssub.htm | |
52. Wob - BEKIS: Faculty Of Medical Siences, Dpt. Of Ethics, Philosophy And History Dpt. of ethics, philosophy and History of Medicine. Faculty of MedicalSiences, Dpt. of ethics, philosophy and History of Medicine http://wob.drze.de/Wob/de/view/class146_id2993.html | |
53. Garlikov Links to online essays and papers by Rick Garlikov concerning philosophical topics, particularly philosophy of education and ethics (moral philosophy). http://www.garlikov.com/ | |
54. Cann-Dee-Apples Cattery::Ethics/Philosophy Our philosophy and ethics of Breeding We believe that the primaryreason for breeding traditional Siamese and Balinese cats is http://www.canndeeapples.com/ethicsphilos.htm | |
55. Ethics For Artificial Intelligences This paper discusses the need to make computers behave as though they themselves were instilled with an appreciation for ethics and means to accomplish this. http://philosophy.wisc.edu/lang/AIEthics/ | |
56. Pencak Silat Ratu Adil - Indonesian Martial Arts Focused on effectiveness, this school was developed by master teacher Rudy Ter Linden. Site shows techniques, articles on training, ethics, philosophy, definitions supported by audio media, and streaming video samples. http://www.ratuadil.com/ | |
57. PONDER - Deistnet.com Essays on the history, philosophy, and ethics of Deism. News, FAQ, suggested reading, book reviews, humor, and poetry. http://www.deistnet.com/ | |
58. Essays On Theology And Ethics A series of articles from a liberal Protestant point of view by Kenneth Cauthen, a retired professor of theology, philosophy, and ethics. The site posits the existence of an impersonal, limited, suffering, struggling deity. This deity's creativity is said to have produced all the varieties of life. http://www.frontiernet.net/~kenc/index.shtml | |
59. Philosophy, Medical Ethics And Society email to joseph.schmucker-von-koch@gmx.net University of Regensburg, Instituteof philosophy Universitaetsstrasse 31 member of the ethics Review Committee http://members.tripod.com/~uniregensburgsvk/ | |
60. Voices Online | New Law Institute Will Tackle Ethics, Philosophy New Law Institute Will Tackle ethics, Phlosophy Education reform, legal ethics andother critical law and philosophy issues will be examined in depth by a new http://www.sandiego.edu/publications/voices/dec-jan01/law.htm | |
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