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41. Academic Staff, School Of Philosophy Dr Guy Longworth (September 2002 September 2004) Lecturer epistemology,philosophy of Language, philosophy of Mind and Psychology. http://www.bbk.ac.uk/phil/academics.html | |
42. Yale University Philosophy Faculty/Graduate/Staff Information Keith DeRose epistemology, philosophy of Language, History of Modern philosophy,Karsten Harries (DGS) philosophy of Art and Architecture, Phenomenology http://www.yale.edu/philos/people/prof.html | |
43. Department Of Philosophy: University At Buffalo Dueck, Jeffrey, BA, Nyack College (1998) Interests epistemology, philosophyof Language, philosophy of Religion, Ethics, American philosophy. http://wings.buffalo.edu/soc-sci/philosophy/grad_program/grad_studentsF02.htm | |
44. Philosophy Department John Capps, Assistant Professor; Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1997. epistemology,philosophy of Science, Pragmatism. epistemology, philosophy of Science. http://www.rit.edu/~692dept/faculty.html | |
45. Faculty Kvanvig (Ph.D., Notre Dame) email homepage vita Professor and Chair; epistemology,philosophy of religion, philosophy of language Selected publications http://www.missouri.edu/~philwww/people/faculty.html | |
46. People With Online Papers In Philosophy consciousness); Gerard O'Brien (consciousness, connectionism); DavidPapineau (consciousness, epistemology, philosophy of science); Tom http://www.u.arizona.edu/~chalmers/people.html | |
47. Faculty - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Utah Modern philosophy. Ram Neta, Ph.D. (On leave 2002 2003) Universityof Pittsburgh - epistemology and philosophy of Mind. Lex Newman http://www.hum.utah.edu/philosophy/faculty/ | |
48. Graduate Students - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Utah David L. Guevara, philosophy of Religion, epistemology, History of philosophy. RuzenaTulkova, epistemology, philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics. Joseph Ulatowski,. http://www.hum.utah.edu/philosophy/programs/graduate/graduate_students.html | |
49. Epistemology At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base epistemology, Epistemological philosophy at Erratic Impact's philosophyResearch Base. Resources include annotated links, essays http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/epistemology.htm | |
50. Effectuationism Philosophy - Peter Kinane Epistemology Provides a personal theory of perception, metaphysics, politics, the universe, and life, linking Eastern Category Society philosophy Personal Pages Multidisciplinary Issues...... The prevaling 'mood' in ancient Greek philosophy, two thousand, four hundred as Iknow nothing categorically , and, indeed, Heraclitus' epistemology, 500 BC http://www.effectuationism.com/ | |
51. Metaphysics, Epistemology And Philosophy Of Mind Reading List Back. METAPHYSICS, epistemology, philosophy OF MIND READING LIST.METAPHYSICS. I. Ontological Commitment/Ontology. 1. WvO Quine On http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Philosophy/COMPMIND.htm | |
52. Cogprints - Subject: Epistemology Area Help. Subject epistemology. Subject Areas (1572) philosophy(510) epistemology (78). Number of records 78. Dennett, Daniel http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/view/subjects/phil-epist.html | |
53. FAS Handbook: Chapter 3: Philosophy philosophy divides into a number of special areas, principally philosophy oflogic and philosophical semantics, epistemology and philosophy of science http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/chapter3/philosophy.html | |
54. Department Of Philosophy Main Focus Metaphysics, philosophy of Mind, philosophy of Language, epistemology,philosophy of Cognitive Science, Theoretical Linguistics. http://www.indiana.edu/~phil/grads.html | |
55. TRAD Richard Kitchener epistemology, philosophy of Psychology. Jane KnellerKant, Aesthetics. James Maffie epistemology, philosophy of Science. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/Philosophy/TRAD.htm | |
56. Epistemology And Modern Physics Essay on the Epistemological foundations of modern physics by Moritz Schlick, founder of the Vienna Circle.Category Society philosophy philosophy of Physics...... The relation outlined between modern physics and philosophy could occasion regretthat epistemology should cast the anchor of its criterion of truth into http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/schlick.htm | |
57. Islam Online Humanities Politics Economics Interfaith Dialogue Science Technology Media Fiction Dialogue Between Civilizations philosophy epistemology. http://www.islamonline.net/english/contemporary/topic09.shtml | |
58. Philosophy Faculty BU philosophy (Ph.D., University of Cambridge); philosophy of Physics, philosophy andHistory of Science, Science and Society, epistemology, philosophy of Marxism http://www.bu.edu/philo/faculty/faclist-up2.html | |
59. PHILOSOPHY of philosophy, with particular strengths in ethics, the history of ancient andmodern philosophy, logic, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language http://www.ou.edu/ouphil/dept/gradflyer.html | |
60. University Of Oklahoma Philosophy Faculty ou.edu. Wayne D. Riggs (Ph.D., North Carolina), Associate Professor;epistemology, philosophy of Science. wriggs@ou.edu. Edward Sankowski http://www.ou.edu/ouphil/dept/faculty.html | |
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