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101. EUROPA - Environment European Commission environment http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/index_en.htm |
102. United Nations Environment Programme Book Shop Distribution point for UNEP publications. Most reports and magazines are only available for purchase, but are few items can be read online. http://www.earthprint.com |
103. Dept. Of Environment Official city site offers information on air quality, energy, the natural environment, shoreline projects Category Regional North America C Chicago Government......Check out our new Portal Web Site! What's New Public Service InternProgram. Apply for Air Quality Permits. 2001 Energy Plan (pdf 244k). http://www.ci.chi.il.us/Environment/ |
104. Energy Environment An interdisciplinary journal aimed at natural scientists, technologists and the international social science and policy communities covering the direct and indirect environmental impacts of energy acquisition, transport, production and use. http://www.multi-science.co.uk/ee.htm |
105. National Research Council (U.S.) Commission On Geosciences, Environment, And Res Scope includes atmospheric sciences, climate, oceanography, solidearth sciences, radioactive waste management, polar research, environmental science and toxicology, natural disasters, and water science. Commission reports cover scientific/technical aspects of public policy issues in these areas. http://www7.nationalacademies.org/dels/ |
106. Lycos Environment News Service A daily update on issues affecting the earth, from correspondents around the world http://ens.lycos.com |
107. Urban Transport And Environment Information and analysis on urban transport and its impact on environment in India. Includes extensive statistics, announcements of conferences and events, and white papers on topics including air pollution in Delhi and vehicle emission control strategies. http://www.teriin.org/urban/urban.htm |
108. TN Department Of Environment And Conservation Web site for the state's environmental regulatory and conservation agency air, water, waste, parks, Category Regional North America State Agencies......TNAnytime Search TennesseeAnytime. TN Department of environment and Conservation Directory Help Center En español En français Auf Deutsch In English. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/ |
109. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Independent, international research institute specialising in sustainable development and environment issues at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Aims to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity. http://www.sei.se/ |
110. Encyclopedia Of The Atmospheric Environment Authoritative but accessible information on a wide range of atmosphererelated and environmental topics, including air quality, acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, and weather. http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/eae/enter.html |
111. Environment And Ecology Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/eco.html |
112. The European Commission - Environment DG Actions et programmes de la direction générale de l'environnement.Category World Français Nature et environnement Organisations...... es, Medio Ambiente. da, Miljo. de, Umwelt. el, ?eß?. en, environment.fr, Environnement. it, Ambiente. nl, Milieuzaken. pt, Ambiente. fi, Ymparisto.sv, Miljo. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ |
113. Backyard Jungle People network with each other about their local environment. Enables users to explore the natural world around them and report their findings online through photos, drawings, and maps. http://backyardjungle.org |
114. European Environment Agency - Climate Change Reports on the science of climate change, its impacts and possible mitigation strategies. Collection of indicators, reports, links, data sets and targets on climate change. http://themes.eea.eu.int/Environmental_issues/climate |
115. U.S.-China Energy And Environment Technology Center Established by Tsinghua University (China) and Tulane University (U.S.). News and contact information. In Chinese and English. http://www.us-china-eetc.org/ |
116. J Sainsbury Plc Environment Information and resources on Sainsbury's environmental initiatives across the range of its retailing business. Located in England. http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/environment |
117. World Scientific Forum On Environment And Human Health Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2003. Includes conference topics and other details of bilingual RussianEnglish meeting. http://www.wecoforum.org |
118. American Public Information On The Environment Runs a helpline service which attempts to answer your questions on any environmental issue. You can also ask them questions on the Web, or browse their other info. http://www.AmericanPIE.org |
119. European Federation For Transport And Environment A European umbrella for NGOs working in the field of transport and environment, promoting an environmentally responsible approach to transport. http://www.t-e.nu/ |
120. Winthrop AIR Environment-Health Information resource on airportrelated environmental health concerns, particularly the effect of airport air emissions on the health of nearby communities. Includes report of an environmental health survey around Boston's Logan Airport. http://www.airhealthwatch.com/ |
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