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61. AVIFAUNA - Picchio Verde . . . L'altro Web Site - Wildlife species; Texas Organization for endangered species (TOES); threatened Faunain Australia; US Fish wildlife Service; Voices http://digilander.libero.it/avifauna/wildlife.htm | |
62. Endangered Species Act And The Fish And Wildlife Coordination Act assessment discussing any endangered or threatened species that is to the sevenmemberendangered species Committee to consider fish and wildlife resources and http://tis.eh.doe.gov/oepa/law_sum/ESA.HTM | |
63. FEIS Species Format cited in species summary wildlife species Summary INTRODUCTORY OTHER STATUS endangered,threatened, etc pasted into other documents wildlife DISTRIBUTION AND http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/species_format.html | |
64. Threatened And Endangered Species On The Colorado Plateau US Forest Service, Region 6, Denver, CO. US Fish and wildlife Service. 2000. Speciesinformation threatened and endangered animals and plants. http://www.cpluhna.nau.edu/Biota/endangered_species.htm | |
65. Endangered Species Coalition : Member Page our progress in revising the Lists of endangered and threatened wildlife and Plantsduring INFORMATION as having the lead responsibility for that species. http://www.stopextinction.org/Team/Team.cfm?ID=447&c=4 |
66. Species At Risk - Canadian Society Of Environmental Biologists - BioWeb Links Provincial Government Sites Alberta's threatened wildlife Alberta Environment;Alberta Fish wildlife ; Nova Scotia endangered species Status http://www.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/cseb/b_enspec.html | |
67. Barbara's Animals & Endangered Species Page Research Institute (Florida Fish wildlife Conservation Commission Ecosystem Assessmentand Restoration, endangered threatened species, and Information http://www.gate.net/~barbara/animals.htm | |
68. An Illustrated Guide To Endangered Or Threatened Species In Kansas and important guide focuses not only on threatened and endangered species, but also aswell. George Potts, coauthor of Watching Kansas wildlife A Guide http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/colill.html | |
69. Saving America's Wildlife: Renewing The Endangered Species Act -- Defenders Of W of the Interior, Fish and wildlife Service, endangered species Technical Bulletin20(3 to be limited to protecting threatened species, not authorizing http://www.defenders.org/pubs/save10.html | |
70. Saving America's Wildlife: Renewing The Endangered Species Act -- Defenders Of W 7. Livestock Grazing At a Glance. DAMAGE TO wildlife Negatively impacts 25 percentof endangered and threatened species in the United States. http://www.defenders.org/pubs/save06c.html | |
71. ScienceMaster - JumpStart - Endangered Species to add a species to the Federal lists of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants.Once listed, a species is afforded the full range of protections http://www.sciencemaster.com/jump/life/endangered.php | |
72. 15.615 - Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund to help acquire vital habitat for threatened and endangered submitted by the Statefish and wildlife agency Fund (section 6 of the endangered species Act) funds http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=449 |
73. WWF US: Newsroom - Environmental Science News Articles on International Trade in endangered species (CITES), World wildlife Fund releasedits biennial list of 10 species particularly threatened by illegal or http://www.worldwildlife.org/news/newsroom.cfm?type_id=12 |
74. Epa-species endangered and threatened species Permit Applications envsubset. endangeredand threatened wildlife and Plants; Proposed envsubset. http://legalminds.lp.findlaw.com/list/epa-species/mail56.html | |
75. How Did Endangered Species Protection Get Started? In 1978, the Game Commission and US Fish wildlife Service entered the status ofand improve conditions for states threatened and endangered species. http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/endangered/history.htm | |
76. CPAWS Campaigns: Endangered Species In Saskatchewan respecting the management and control of such wildlife and any allows the Ministerto list species as endangered, extirpated, threatened or vulnerable http://www.cpaws-sask.org/campaign/legisl/endangered_sask2000.html | |
77. 521 FW 4, Endangered Species, Fish And Wildlife Service Manual: U.S. Fish And Wi have the purposes of conserving species of fish, wildlife, or plants included onFederal or State lists of endangered or threatened species, or those http://policy.fws.gov/521fw4.html | |
78. 2000 Federal Register, 49958; Centralized Library: U.S. Fish And Wildlife Servic Cites 1996 IUCN Red List of threatened Animals Author Dr. Susan Lieberman, US Fishand wildlife Service, Office for this action is the endangered species Act of http://policy.fws.gov/library/00fr49958.html | |
79. BILL C-33 - First Reading Killing, harming, etc., listed wildlife species. 33. 35. Application certain speciesin territories. Recovery of endangered, threatened and Extirpated species. http://www.parl.gc.ca/36/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/C-33/C-33_1/ta | |
80. BISON Species Account 010111 endangered and threatened wildlife and Plants; Animal Candidate Review for Listingas endangered or threatened species, Proposed Rule. http://www.cmiweb.org/states/nmex_main/species/010111.htm | |
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