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Home - Basic_E - Endangered & Threatened Wildlife Species General |
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1. Endangered Species Information, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service extinct for threatened species and critically endangered and vulnerable National Parks and wildlife Service. NSW For general information about threatened species and threatened http://endangered.fws.gov/wildlife.html | |
2. Endangered And Nongame Species Program Alberta's Special Places. . Alberta's endangered species in Alberta that are engandered or threatened. endangered species in general. The threatened species that are covered in http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/ensphome.htm | |
3. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Endangered Species Alberta's endangered species. Alberta's threatened wildlife Alberta Fish and wildlife Bagheera endangered species information site for the general public. Biodiversity and http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/end_spp.htm | |
4. North Carolina General Statutes ARTICLE 25. Endangered And Threatened North Carolina general Statutes endangered and threatened wildlife and wildlife species of Special Concern. All of the definitions contained in Article 12 of this Chapter 113 shall apply in this http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/wq/LandPreservationNotebook/statutes/nc/endangeredspeci |
5. Nearctica - Conservation - Endangered Species - General regions of the continental United States from the Fish and wildlife web site Thereare also photographs of 60 species of endangered or threatened plants and http://www.nearctica.com/conserve/esaother/esagen.htm | |
6. Miscellaneous, Nongame, Threatened And Endangered Species 11515-2, Nongame species; general provision. 115-15-3, Threatenedand endangered wildlife; special permits, enforcement actions. http://www.kdwp.state.ks.us/law/MNregs.htm | |
7. ENDANGERED SPECIES general INFORMATION. Regulations (CFR) Search the CFR to find the following sectionwhich lists endangered species and threatened wildlife, and includes a http://www.library.ucsb.edu/guides/species.html | |
8. Books On Endangered Species: General - EndangeredSpecie.com Survivors A New Vision of endangered wildlife Cheetah, gorilla rhinocerosallare seriously threatened by the the few remaining members of their species. http://www.endangeredspecie.com/general.htm | |
9. Data Set: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants - U.S. Fish & Wildlife S species Information threatened and endangered wildlife and Plants web page thatprovides links to summaries, general statistics, maps, and a list of all http://www.fws.gov/stand/standards/de_e&tspcodes.html | |
10. Non-Game Program Tennessee wildlife Resources Agency endangered/threatened species general Info Huntingin Tennessee Fishing in Tennessee Boating in Tennessee Frequently Asked http://www.state.tn.us/twra/nongmain.html | |
11. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: GENERAL List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, (A general treatise on the fws.gov/wildlife.html(The official US List of endangeredand threatened wildlife.). Vaughan, R. 1994 endangered species Act Handbook. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp1.htm | |
12. Flat Tailed Horned Lizard general species Information, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, August2002, 40 KB. endangered and threatened wildlife and Plants; Listing of the Flat http://arizonaes.fws.gov/flat.htm | |
13. Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl general species Information, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, January 2003,34 KB. endangered and threatened wildlife and Plants; Notice of Availability http://arizonaes.fws.gov/cactus.htm | |
14. ENDANGERED SPECIES and general provisions. The regulations in this section are to apply to endangeredand threatened wildlife and plants. Subpart B identifies all species of http://water.usgs.gov/eap/env_guide/endangered.html | |
15. Species And Ecosystems At Risk In British Columbia that they will become listed provincially as threatened or endangered at a wildlifehabitat areas and general wildlife measures cannot always address all http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/wld/serisk.htm | |
16. Great Plains Biological Resources North Dakota Prairie Our Natural Heritage; North Dakota wildlife Management AreaGuide; North Dakota's endangered and threatened species; Prairie Pothole http://www.greatplains.org/resource/general.htm | |
17. Introduction And General Description, North Dakota Partners For Fish And Wildlif are aligned with those of Fish and wildlife Service priorities and order) Restore,enhance and establish habitat for endangered and threatened species. http://mountain-prairie.fws.gov/pfw/nd/nd21.htm | |
18. Conservation Online - Organisations - General - PTES PTES owns an increasing number of important wildlife habitats, such as Trust takeson all sorts of projects for endangered and threatened species and their http://www.conservationonline.com/org/ptes/genptes.htm |
19. Southeast Louisiana Refuges General Information endangered threatened species ON THE REFUGE American bald eagle, peregrine falcon,Louisiana black bear. OTHER wildlife species Whitetailed deer, eastern http://southeastlouisiana.fws.gov/atchafalaya.html | |
20. Northern Harrier Fact Sheet State Connecticut general Statutes Sec. of this endangered and threatened speciesFact Sheet by donations to the endangered species-wildlife Income Tax http://dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/wildlife/factshts/harrier.htm | |
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