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61. NCTP Basic Data Recovery Analysis Course If you are a criminal investigator, prosecutor, or whose duties include the investigationand prosecution and the seizure of electronic evidence, these courses http://www.nctp.org/bdra.html |
62. Measures Of Electronic Surveillance: Possibilities And Practice In EU Member Sta frequently accompanied with criminalpolitical justifications based in regards tothe gathering of evidence. and evaluation of electronic surveillance measures http://www.iuscrim.mpg.de/forsch/krim/braun_e.html | |
63. Forensic Studies Resources - Monash University Library The evaluation of forensic DNA evidence University of of the forensic accountant electronicresource. Freckleton, I. criminal law investigation and procedure http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/subjects/law/forensic.html | |
64. - What We Do electronic evidence tasks we perform routinely for correspondence, and other electronicdocuments. on a wealth of successful criminal prosecutions, EvidentData http://www.evidentdata.com/services.html | |
65. DCJS Governor's Conference On Crime 2000 and seizure, criminal intellectual property enforcement, and electronic evidenceissues He is currently assigned to the Bureau of criminal investigation and the http://www.dcjs.state.va.us/crimeforum/bios.htm | |
66. Computer Crime - 2001 Enactments information concerning oral, wire, or electronic communications intercepted in inconnection with a criminal prosecution be order for use as evidence in civil http://www.ncsl.org/programs/lis/legislation/compcrime01.htm |
67. S3 Partners captured data to secure electronic evidence if litigation forensic investigationuncovers hard evidence, which allows of civil and criminal courses of http://www.s3partners.com/solutions_litigation.html | |
68. Draft Job Family Standard For Administrative Work In The Investigation, Enforcem as serving civil and criminal processes; transporting detection, and investigationof accidents Work involves recovering electronic evidence and information http://www.opm.gov/fedclass/text/dgs18aex.htm | |
69. Crime Scene Investigation Books--General Forensic Science information, in both print and electronic formats. reports, and the presentation ofevidence as an geology; earth sciences and criminal investigation (Rutgers U http://www.crime-scene-investigator.net/forensicscience-books.html | |
70. Governmental Electronic Surveillance Activity - Advanced Electronic Security Com agencies routinely request them in criminal cases, usually background of growing useof electronic surveillance, it Illegally seized evidence cannot be used in http://www.bugsweeps.com/info/electronic_surveillance.html | |
71. Criminal Justice Digital Library - Electronic Publications The Evaluation of Forensic DNA evidence Committee on National Archive of criminalJustice Data is a and provides access to electronic criminal justice data http://www.academicinfo.net/crimjustlibrary.html | |
72. Understanding And Installing Tripwire and maintain an evidentiary chain for all electronic and physical evidence collectedduring why it has been difficult to gain convictions in criminal cases http://www.securityhorizon.com/whitepapers/technical/compforensics.html | |
73. NAAG.org: NAAG Initiatives: Computer Crime Point-of-Contact List agencies regarding requests for electronic evidence stored within relating to theinvestigation or prosecution the jurisdiction where the criminal activity is http://www.naag.org/issues/20010724-cc_list_bg.php | |
74. October 10, 2001 Wiretapping Provisions Of Anti-Terrorism to issue orders for seizure of electronic evidence in storage If a FISA wiretap yieldsevidence of crime primary purpose of wiretap, criminal wiretap standards http://archive.aclu.org/issues/privacy/Patriot_Chart_law.html | |
75. ASIL Electronic Resource Guide International Criminal Law Most legal scholars agree that a recognizable body of international criminal law does exist. However, the precise parameters of this body of law are often unclear, perhaps due to the rapid and complex developments of our global society. criminal activity, counterfeiting, money laundering, financial crimes, terrorism, and willful damage to the environment. This chapter provides information on the major electronic http://www.asil.org/resource/crim1.htm | |
76. EPA-Criminal Enforcement - Forensics - Lab Fraud The CFT recovers, analyzes, examines and compares electronic evidencefor the purpose of uncovering potential data fraud violations. http://www.epa.gov/compliance/criminal/forensics/computer/lab/ | |
77. CAS: Team> Management in the resolution of civil and criminal litigation and P. FlorezDirector of ElectronicEvidence Programs Silicon the Federal Bureau of investigation (retired http://www.casglobal.com/team/management.html | |
78. White House Fact Sheet On Anti-Terrorism Proposals 7/29/96 or a civil offense and evidence gained through is relevant to an ongoing criminalinvestigation, 18 U In FISA investigations, a full electronic intercept order http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/fact_sheet_july96.html | |
79. TACTICS Private Investigations And International Investigator Firm investigations, intelligence, electronic countermeasure efforts photography, and evidenceevaluation. surveillance investigations, criminal defense investigator http://www.tacticsone.com/internationalawardsthree.htm | |
80. LLRX.com - Library Records Post-Patriot Act (Federal Law) A chart of changed legal authorities, by Law Library Resource Xchange.Category Reference Libraries Intellectual Freedom USA PATRIOT Act...... activities, provided that such an investigation of a United eg, computers, electronicevidence. Crime and Intellectual Property Section, criminal Division July http://www.llrx.com/features/libraryrecords.htm | |
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