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41. Choike : Indigenous Peoples of indigenous Nationalities of ecuador (CONAIE) CONAIE is a representative bodyaimed at guaranteeing indigenous peoples of ecuador a political voice. http://chasque.choike.org/links/4/34/links.html | |
42. [Eco-list] LS: Declaration On Climate Convention And Indigenous Peoples (fwd) indigenous peoples As a result of the Quito Workshop on the Clean Development Mechanismand indigenous and local communities (convened May 46, Quito, ecuador) http://lists.isb.sdnpk.org/pipermail/eco-list/2000-June/000069.html | |
43. Ecuador Facts And Figures, Ecuador History For more about ecuador's indigenous peoples, check out the Website of CONAIE, theConfederation of indigenous peoples of ecuador, Child from ecuador's southern http://www.goecuador.com/pages_home/aboutec.html | |
44. Best Indigenous Cultures Websites of indigenous Nationalities of ecuador has led the indigenous peoples of ecuadorfrom relative isolation to a position at center stage of ecuadorian society. http://www.care2.com/channels/ecoinfo/cultures | |
45. American Indigenous Peoples Canadian first nations; Native peoples of Chile; Native peoplesof Colombia; ecuador indigenous Flags; Qhishwa-Aymara; Inca; Native http://www.1uptravel.com/flag/flags/sam-nat.html | |
46. Indigenous Peoples Fund - Publications January 2000. Defining Ethnodevelopment in Operational Terms Lessons fromthe ecuador indigenous and Afroecuadoran peoples Project. November 1996. http://www.gm-unccd.org/FIELD/Multi/IPF/pub.htm | |
47. Diego Cevallos, Racism Thwarts Indigenous Rights, Says Menchu She said the International Decade of indigenous peoples, declared amidst the as newinfluence and leadership roles won by ecuador's indigenous movement, the http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/123.html | |
48. Amazon Watch Works With Indigenous And Environmental Organizations In The Amazon September 13, 2002 Author of World Bank Environmental Policies Says the OCP CrudePipeline in ecuador Threatens Amazon Biodiversity and indigenous peoples. http://www.amazonwatch.org/newsreleases02.html | |
49. Ecuador, OCP Pipeline Ancestral Territories From An Oil Invasion Many indigenous peoples of ecuadorssouthern Amazon are saying no to oil development in their territories. http://www.amazonwatch.org/megaprojects/ec_imf_oil.html | |
50. PROBLEMS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES LIVING IN CITIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED, PERMANENT F had taken up in earnest. A spirit of dialogue had been the guidingprinciple in ecuadors relations with its indigenous peoples. http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/hr4600.doc.htm | |
51. RIGHTS-LATAM/CARIBBEAN Indigenous Peoples Decry War And Oil Brazil, Colombia, ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela are members of the Coordinating Body for the indigenous peoples' Organisations http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/jan02/00_03_001.html |
52. Campaign Page The rights of ecuadors indigenous peoples have been laid out clearly in internationaland national law but these rights have been consistently violated. http://advocacynet.autoupdate.com/cpage_view/amazonoil_introduction_17_58.html | |
53. Hrip ecuador. Abya Yala Net indigenous peoples of ecuador. World History ArchivesNative American history in ecuador. The Declaration of Quito 1990. http://www.colby.edu/personal/jdanders/hrip.html | |
54. Amazonia . . ecuador One thousand indigenous peoples from the forests of ecuador gatheredin Quito to demand a share in ecuador's growing oil profits December 99. . . http://www.amazonia.net/Articles/371.htm | |
55. Amazonia ecuador One thousand indigenous peoples from the forests of ecuador gatheredin Quito to demand a share in ecuador's growing oil profits December 99. http://www.amazonia.net/Topics/Ecuador-18/ | |
56. Steven Geiger Arts and Craft of the Saguros (ecuador), (contributed to indigenous peoples).Pimienta de Cuetzalan, Puebla, (contributed to indigenous peoples). http://www.developmentgateway.org/indigenousrights/dg-directory/shared/community |
57. /CORRECTION/RIGHTS Indigenous Peoples Of The World Unite For to consolidate a network of solidarity between rural and indigenous peoples. ecuador'sindigenous movement is considered the best organised and strongest in http://www.oneworld.net/ips2/apr01/01_34_010.html |
58. Www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/ecuador/txt/2000/0119conanie.txt Date Tue, 18 Jan 2000 175714 +0100 From el desaparecido International Press Releasefrom the Confederation of indigenous peoples of ecuador (CONAIE) Quito http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/ecuador/txt/2000/0119conanie.t | |
59. Www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/ecuador/txt/2001/0220Indians_win_agai Its tool massive mobilization. ecuador's indigenous peoples do notgovern the country, not yet, but they can stop business as usual. http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/imf/ecuador/txt/2001/0220Indians_w | |
60. CorpWatch.org - Research - Hot Links - Indigenous Rights World indigenous Studies By democratizing relations between peoples, nations and Confederationof indigenous Nationalities of ecuador CONAIE is http://www.corpwatch.org/research/PRL.jsp?topicid=27 |
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