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41. DrugScope Shopfront: Education And Prevention Professionals support and guidance for schools. £10.00. drugs Care a magazine for residentialsocial work. £2.99. Opportunities for drug and alcohol education in the school http://test.drugscope.org.uk/shopfront/dept.asp?DeptID=41 |
42. Centennial High School Academics Testing Advanced Placement guidance Course Offerings Placement) Peoria UnifiedSchool District 11 American Council for drug education Grolier Online http://centennialhigh.peoriaud.k12.az.us/index.asp?links |
43. Young People drug education funding to Local education Authorities (LEAs Local Healthy school ProgrammeCoordinators are the with partners on the local drug Action Team (DAT http://www.doh.gov.uk/drugs/youngpeople.htm | |
44. National School Drug Education Strategy National school drug education Strategy. May The National school drug education Strategy demonstrates the Commonwealth The National school drug education Strategy was prepared by http://www.detya.gov.au/archive/schools/publications/1999/strategy.htm | |
45. Student Support Programs - Plano ISD This program was originally established to unite school and community preventionof alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among youth through education. http://www.pisd.edu/AOS/SchProgs/studsupp.htm | |
46. Document Summary Service and Numeracy Strategies DfES guidance 0613/2002 Bridges Independent And StateSchool Partnerships DfES drug education In Schools An Update HMI 746 http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Education/docsum/list0203.htm | |
47. Tennessee Department Of Education 2002 Character education and Conflict Resolution Report school Comprehensive EmergencyManagement Needs Assessment Report. USDE Safe and drugFree schools Site. http://www.state.tn.us/education/sp/sp-drugs.htm | |
48. WFH - Alcohol - Schools & Curriculum Circular 4/95 drug Prevention and Schools sets out the statutory position on schooldrug education, offering guidance on principles that should inform drug http://www.wiredforhealth.gov.uk/teaching/alco/cur.html | |
49. The Guidance Channel Content Week Celebrations to present their school's signed ribbons a $1000 coupon towardsdrug education materials from Resources (two of the guidance Channel companies http://www.guidancechannel.com/detail.asp?index=620 &cat=16 |
50. BBC - Education Scotland - The Column for regular staff development and guidance to keep confidence and competence to teachdrug education; existing priorities in school development plans; http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/column/index.shtml | |
51. Office Of Safe And Drug Free Schools - Archived Publications And Resources Action Guide Creating Safe and drugFree schools Conflict Resolution education AGuide to Implementing Programs in Memo to Chief State school Officers and Non http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSDFS/archives.html | |
52. Office Of Safe And Drug Free Schools - News Updates information about activities of the Safe and drugFree schools Summer 2002 US Departmentof education and the US Secret Service Safe school Initiative A http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSDFS/news.html | |
53. Governor Portal school GOVERNORS' WEBSITE Regional Consultation Events. REVISION OF GOVERNMENTGUIDANCE ON drug, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO education FOR schoolS. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/governor/info.cfm?INFCATID=29 |
54. Welcome It is for teachers in all sectors of education. school students and parentsare also very welcome. PRESS ARTICLES RELATING TO guidance/PSE. http://www.aberdeen-education.org.uk/guidance/ | |
55. Counselors and social change, as well as in drug and alcohol can move to a larger school; becomedirectors or, usually with further graduate education, become counselor http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos067.htm | |
56. American School Health Association ASHA - Resolutions to use the resolutions for guidance in their Promotion Alcohol, Tobacco, and OtherDrug education Health Promotion Programs for school Faculty and http://www.ashaweb.org/resolutions.html | |
57. Mind, Body And Soul: Drugs The site and activities are offered as ideas and will not by themselves fulfil aschool's statutory requirements for drug education, nor the guidance on drug http://www.mindbodysoul.gov.uk/drugs/teacherspage_drugs.html | |
58. Shop At The Behavior Store Character education. Counseling Resources. drug Prevention. Emotions. ParentingResources. school Success. Sex education Issues. Social Skills. Special education. http://www.behaviorstore.com/behavior/default.asp?fn=tID&pgC=shop |
59. School Of Education: Staff: Name Contradictions getting your heads around drug education, Pedagogy Studies in Sociologyof education, 71. G.(1996) Political contexts and school careers, in http://www.shef.ac.uk/education/staff/Harris.shtml | |
60. Subject Index To Periodicals In The HI State Lib ALCOHOL AND drug education; Journal of drug Issues; JOURNAL OF TEACHER education;LANGUAGE ARTS; Learning; MEDIA AND METHODS; MIDDLE school JOURNAL; Momentum; National http://www.state.hi.us/libraries/hsl/serlist/sindex/desindex.html | |
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