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41. Children Who Learn To Make Good Choices Are Less Likely To Use That might not seem like drug education, but it is. We can explain to children thatthere are some things in the world that are not good for them, or are good http://www.marshfieldclinic.org/cattails/02/mayjun/home.asp | |
42. Peru - Values Education For Children And Young Adults - Living Values Education have been working with a drug prevention programme to develop supportive protectionfor children. Number of Sites Using Living Values education Total number of http://www.livingvalues.net/homepages/peru.html | |
43. British Isles - Values Education For Children And Young Adults - Living Values: Values education Values education for children and Young because we work on valueseducation, our academic in prisons to benefit drug rehabilitation groups and http://www.livingvalues.net/homepages/britishisles.html | |
44. National Families In Action and Abuse Addiction Deaths PREVENTING drug ABUSE Prevention education InterventionTreatment Law Enforcement FOR FAMILIES Raising drugFree children Help for http://www.emory.edu/NFIA/ | |
45. Archived: Safe, Disciplined And Drug-free Schools and have pledged to support the education of children on the critical problems ofchildren and youth. school programs, teach violence and drug prevention, and http://www.ed.gov/updates/PresEDPlan/part7.html | |
46. BBC News | Drugs | Drug To Control Children 'overused' Monday, May 24, 1999 Published at 1406 GMT 1506 UK drug to control children 'overused'The causes of hyperactivity are thought to be biological A disturbing http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/specials/drugs/newsid_351000/351603.s | |
47. BBC NEWS | Education | Zero Tolerance For School Drug Dealers children do come across drug dealers and drug users Mr and Mrs Holcroft met Mr Lewisat the Department for education on Tuesday, ahead of a summit on http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/2000225.stm | |
48. Subject Index To Periodicals In The HI State Lib PROBLEMS; JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL AND drug education; JOURNAL OF drug ISSUES; educationsee also ADULT education; children; AND YOUTH (ABOUT); HEALTH; education; SCHOOL http://www.state.hi.us/hsl/libraries/serlist/sindex/desindex.html | |
49. Community, School And Home Against Drug Abuse: School Psychology Programs, Schoo describes their drug prevention program for children and describes how they incorporatetheir community, school and parents into the drug education process. http://www.indiana.edu/~schpsy/drugs.html | |
50. DE Inspection Services: ETI Surveys TO children WITH SPECIAL educationAL NEEDS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS, children with special GOTO drug education, drug education in Post Primary Schools and colleges of http://www.deni.gov.uk/inspection_services/surveys/ | |
51. Nat'l PTA: Common Sense: Help & Hotlines: Getting Help education Network www.familyeducation.com Teachers The Antidrug Teacher's Guidewww.theantidrug.com/get_involved/learn.html Leadership to Keep children http://www.pta.org/commonsense/6_help/62_gethelp.html | |
52. Psychiatry: The Ultimate Drug Pusher - Psychiatry: Education's Ruin The legal form of the drug is given to children under the name of Desoxyn.Some time later, Larry confided to his mother he was doing drugs. http://www.cchr.org/educate/ptudb.htm | |
53. VPIRC: Parents' Center: Excerpts From Growing Up Drug-Free: A Parent's Guide To The antidrug education our children are getting in school today only begins to counterthe street-level education they pick up from their peers and popular http://www.vpirc.net/parents/articles/drugfree.shtml | |
54. Health Library - Drug Abuse Helpline Helps children hurt by parental alcohol and drug abuse. Trains youthvolunteers on how to conduct drug prevention education. http://yalenewhavenhealth.org/Library/HealthGuide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc99d |
55. Children With Prenatal Drug And/or Alcohol Exposure the care of alcohol and drugexposed children is a team effort that requires coordination,case management, special care techniques, and education to be http://www.chtop.com/ARCH/archfs49.htm | |
56. NIDA - Newsroom - Scholastic Classroom Magazines And National Institute On Drug NIDA Junior Scientists, engaging drug education materials for grades 2 to 3. These guides,and are designed to interest and educate young children about their http://www.drugabuse.gov/Newsroom/02/NR9-27.html | |
57. Health Education: Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Drug Use Wouldn't it be plausible that families that use PickMe-Up'steach their childrento use Pick-Me-Up's also? Thousands of children were involved. http://www.teachhealth.com/stresstolerance.html | |
58. Education - U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) Start program providing early education for disadvantaged children, studies showed In1986, Rockefeller introduced the Student drug education and Prevention Act http://rockefeller.senate.gov/Issues/education.htm | |
59. ò¨ph~u_B[b^CBvz[y[W of the prostitution zone in Bogota, where the children receive job the drug AbusePrevention Center which has been implementing drug education and prevention http://www.dapc.or.jp/english/report.htm | |
60. Single Members, Families, And Children to single servie members, single parents, families, and childrenContinued alcoholeducation and alcoholism prevention, race relations, drug education and drug http://www.tpub.com/rps3/24.htm | |
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