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Dna Collection & Matching Criminal Investigation: more detail |
21. CrimTrac dna database will operate in accordance with relevant Commonwealth, State and Territorylegislation governing the collection and matching of dna profiles http://www.crimtrac.gov.au/dna.htm | |
22. Project to other collections of biological samples for potential matching of crime and ethicalissues that arise from the collection and use of dna samples in http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.johnson/project.html | |
23. Anderson's OnLine Documentation AND INSTRUCTION NEEDED FOR THE collection AND FORWARDING OF MISSING PERSONS DATABASEWITH THE dna RECORDS IN OF THE BUREAU IDENTIFIES A matching dna RECORD FOR http://ohioacts.avv.com/122/sb140/sec-109.573.htm | |
24. Anderson's OnLine Documentation and instruction needed for the collection and forwarding of missing persons databasewith the dna records in of the bureau identifies a matching dna record for http://ohioacts.avv.com/123/sb179/sec-109.573.htm | |
25. ALRC - On-line legislation, particularly in relation to the collection, use, storage be made to theindex matching rules so as pretrial notice of all dna samples collected at http://www.alrc.gov.au/media/2002/bn6.htm | |
26. CORDIS - Growth: Calls For Proposals: SMT - Topics: TOPIC IV.18 aim to harmonise standards for collection and interpretation than for fingerprintsand dna, because ear the development of automated support tools for matching. http://www.cordis.lu/growth/calls/top-4.18.htm |
27. The Guardian above, the technology is completely unsuitable to such mass crossmatching and isno Sample collection Although its enthusiasts refer to dna profiling as http://www.cpa.org.au/garchve2/997dna.html | |
28. Forensic Sciences & Forensics: Science In Law: The Search For Evidence By Expert include any discipline that can aid in the collection, preservation and of structuraldesign) or biology (for dna identification or matching). http://www.legallanguage.com/forensic/ForensicScience.html | |
29. DNA Evidence Shelf - Forensic Science Bookstore / © 1997 - 2003 Knowledge Solut 93 Surveys the growing practice of matching dna from crime people can gain insightinto how dna analysis works, from sample collection to interpretation http://www.corpus-delicti.com/DNA.html | |
30. Dave Kopel & Paul H. Blackman On Gun Control & Fingerprinting On National Review is stronger than the case for collection of bullet the bullets are worthless evenfor matching to the less useful than real fingerprinting or dna analysis as a http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel102302.asp | |
31. Untitled Document will provide dna evidence/sample collection while adhering played a role, havingconducted dna genotyping for a person's genetic makeup and matching it with http://www.isgu.com/dna.shtml | |
32. FBI Laboratory: Forensic Systems each other or identifying suspects by matching crime scene state dna databases andthe collection of dna Laboratory has added approximately 600 dna profiles in http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/org/systems.htm | |
33. FBI Press Room - Congressional Statement - 2000 - Forensic DNA Analysis crimes to each other and identify suspects by matching dna from crime is the lackof express legislative authority for the collection of dna samples from http://www.fbi.gov/congress/congress00/dadams.htm | |
34. FAQ The matching of dna profiles in the dnaFUN is by comparison of 14 You only needto purchase a GeneTek dna Personal Profile Sample collection Kit ($85 http://www.dna-fun.com/html/eng/faq01.htm | |
35. Members.aol.com/cygnusx106/papers/dna2.txt fingerprinting is begun with the collection of samples A fingerprint showing dna differentfrom that found at subject is deadly, but a matching profile usually http://members.aol.com/cygnusx106/papers/dna2.txt | |
36. All About Crime Scene Analysis By Katherine Ramsland a large city would include an evidence collection unit that in this area, includingany dna analysis of shooting from different distances, and matching a fired http://www.crimelibrary.com/criminal_mind/forensics/crimescene/5.html?sect=21 |
37. DHK: Pubs: DNA: Criminal Justice 2001 will generate a racially skewed collection of profiles database, the identity of anymatching individual would short list of individuals with dna matches would http://www.law.asu.edu/homepages/kaye/pubs/dna/01-CJ.htm | |
38. Legally Scientific? (Errors At ESR) Meanwhile the collection of dna samples for the ESR database blood in order to eliminatehis dna from samples a search of its database for matching profiles. http://home.iprimus.com.au/dna_info/dna/JA_DNA_LegSci_6.html | |
39. #03-04-02: Attorney General Transcript News Conference DNA Initiative DOJ Confer the solution of crimes through dna matching; in other nation's law enforcement andcriminal justice officials And certainly dna, collection of dna, identifying http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/speeches/2002/030402newsconferncednainitiative.htm | |
40. ADVANCING JUSTICE THROUGH DNA TECHNOLOGY: USING DNA TO SOLVE CRIMES state, and local dna sample collection programs, and system's capacity to 50 milliondna profiles, reduce hours to microseconds for matching dna profiles, and http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/dnapolicybook_solve_crimes.htm | |
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