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District Of Columbia Education Parent Resources: more detail |
41. National Community Education Association (NCEA): Reading Room: Resources: Web Re Legislative System and more than 35 school district community education sites. Urbaneducation at columbia University and Early Childhood education at the http://www.ncea.com/reading_room/parent.htm | |
42. Brave Kids - Disease And Conditions Resources 3. Phone 202727-1839 City Washington, district of columbia, 20005 Disease Offerschild education and development, social services, health services(medical http://www.bravekids.org/cond/detail.html?detail=1 |
43. Disabilities In General - National Advocacy And Information Resources Assistance for parent Programs, parents Engaged in education Reform, The of 135 affiliatesocieties serving 50 states, the district of columbia and Puerto http://www.therapistfinder.net/national/general.html |
44. Moses Lake Education Works-Parent Resources What type of education/training did you need to prepare for Moses Lake School DistrictJob Shadowing Dates for the 200203 February 7 columbia Basin Job Corps. http://www.mleducationworks.org/parents_careertw.htm | |
45. National Education Assn. Convention Passes Anti-Parent, Feminist, Pro-Gay Resolu The NEA is enthusiastic about Environmental education, which is easier domestic partners as dependents), statehood for the district of columbia, gun control http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/1995/aug95/eraug1.html | |
46. Fall Forum 2002 Speaker Bios enhancing the efficiency of statelevel education functions and ensuring equitabledistribution of education resources to district of columbia residents. http://www.essentialschools.org/pub/ces_docs/fforum/2002/speakers/speaker_bios.h | |
47. Springfield School District Online Lesson Plan Resources Springfield School district Springfield, PA 19064. columbia education Center's MiniLessons lessons listed and Environmental education Australia - providing http://www.springfieldsd-delco.org/Webpages/lessonplansresources.html |
48. Special Education News -- District Of Columbia Stats And Links Special Ed Coordinator button to outside web pageOffice of Special education. andEmployment button to outside web pageDistrict of columbia Public Schools http://www.specialednews.com/states/dc/dclinks.html | |
49. Parent Information And Resource Centers to achieve the statutory goal of funding one center in every State, the Districtof columbia, Puerto Rico Partnership for Family Involvement in education. http://www.ed.gov/offices/OESE/SST/pirc.html | |
50. Educational Associations And Organizations - About ED - US With members in all 50 states, the district of columbia, and 69 the National educationAssociation, and we hope this site can help public education work for http://www.ed.gov/about/associations.jsp |
51. Advocates For Justice And Education - District Of Columbia centers are funded by the US Department of education under the Individuals with Disabilitieseducation Act (IDEA Geographic Areas Served, district of columbia. http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti/dc.htm | |
52. Education, Student & Teacher--Reference Resources education PLACE education Place provides K8 five US territories, and the Districtof columbia. Homework Center searches almanacs, columbia Encyclopedia, and http://skyways.lib.ks.us/library/reference/education.html | |
53. All About Charter Schools In District Of Columbia: Charter Legislation And Law, district of columbia Board of education 825 North Capitol Street, NE Washington,DC 20002, Tel 202442-4289 Fax 202-442-5198. http://edreform.com/charter_schools/states/districtofcolumbia.htm | |
54. The Center For Education Reform: DC's Charter Law district of columbia Board of education and the Public Charter School Board; theDC City Council may designate an additional entity by enactment of a bill. http://edreform.com/charter_schools/laws/District.htm | |
55. The Snohomish School District: Resources & Links constitute an endorsement by Snohomish School district. Library; University of BritishColumbia Library; University Disney's Family Planet; education Gateway from http://www.sno.wednet.edu/district/StuParentResources.html | |
56. Washington D.C. Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool SEO) was created in October 2000 to implement statelevel education functionsthat affect the education of all students in the district of columbia. http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/regional/WashingtonDC.htm | |
57. Washington Lawyers' Committee - Public Education Project education Project, the district of columbia's major link a collaborative effort amongdistrict officials and to bring lawyers into public education by creating http://www.washlaw.org/projects/public_ed/default.htm | |
58. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted 1 education Week could not verify information for the district of columbia onschoolcrisis-management plans, class-size reduction district of columbia. http://www.edweek.org/sreports/qc02/templates/state_data.cfm?slug=17qcdc.h21 |
59. District Of Columbia Yellow Pages For Kids With Disabilities - Help - Fetaweb.co The Arc of the district of columbia, Inc. com Web www.mediate.com/Asherman Advocacy,consultation and training provided in special and general education. http://www.fetaweb.com/help/dc.htm | |
60. DC Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy on health, safety, medicines, staff health, health education activities, illnessesand more skills development for parents in the district of columbia and to http://www.teenpregnancydc.org/engage/engage_H.html | |
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