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7. Glossaries By Language dictionaries and glossaries indexed by the OneLook® search engine Cambridge International Dictionary of english http://www.rahul.net/lai/glossaries.html | |
8. Marjorie Chan: Word Lists & Online Glossaries / Dictionaries. Chinese, Chinese word lists, Chinese dictionaries, Chinese glossaries, Chinese online dictionaries, Chinese online dictionaries, Chinese language glossaries and dictionaries on other Chinese dialects, see the Chinese Dialectology section of my ChinaLinks. and for links to english http://deall.ohio-state.edu/chan.9/cdict.htm | |
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12. Old English Glossaries Creating A Vernacular Scholarly introduction to Old english glossaries. Covers the origin and purpose of OE glossaries, describes the different types of glossaries, and explains their relationship to later english dictionaries. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/chwp/healey/ |
13. Terminology Collection: Term Online Norwegian english Skogbrukets ordliste ok 29.8.2000 mm. Bibliographies ofprinted glossaries. International Bibliography of dictionaries, glossaries and http://www.uwasa.fi/comm/termino/collect/forestry.html | |
14. DICTIONARIES english Dictionary Vietnamese. Vietnamese Computer Glossary Other Lists of dictionaries.Index of Online dictionaries List of Online dictionaries and glossaries http://www.wwli.com/translation/diction.html | |
15. Technical Dictionaries And Glossaries - English Diccionarios y glosarios técnicos INGLÉS Technical english dictionariesand glossaries ENGLISCHE Fachwörterbücher und Glossare. http://www.geocities.com/susanacr_99/dicenglish.htm | |
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17. Monolingual English Dictionaries And Glossaries Translate this page Monolingual english dictionaries, glossaries and reference works forItalian-english translators. Return to Index Monolingual english http://www.traduzioni-inglese.it/english.html | |
18. Glossaries Collection of more than 2000 links to glossaries and dictionaries.Category Reference dictionaries......ATAAccredited Translator (english-German) 1407 Charolais Drive, Austin, TX 78758Tel. Here are hundreds of the glossaries and dictionaries I have found http://www.jump.net/~fdietz/glossary.htm | |
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20. Specialized: Miscellaneous Dictionaries And Glossaries Specialized Miscellaneous dictionaries and glossaries. Last updated 16 September2000. Food and drink. Pearl's Food Lover's Glossary Definitions in english of http://www.iol.ie/~mazzoldi/lang/s-misc.htm | |
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