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Current Events Y2k Lesson Plans: more detail |
21. Techno lesson plans for the Ontario Science Curriculum, Grades 18. June '00 Newsletter -Canadian current events Online (Notebook Vocabulary for the 90s, y2k and Your http://www.lkdsb.net/TEAS/techno-may01.htm | |
22. Old WWW Links provides an overview and context for current events in the y2k for Kids y2k is shorthandfor Year 2000 and More than a hundred original lesson plans and after http://www.brixton-connections.org.uk/ltlinks.html | |
24. WVIZ/PBS Educational Services - Computer Connections Database NEW WEEKLY, EASYTO-USE lesson plans FROM PENCIL NEWS This site has easy-to-uselesson plans for linking current events to curriculum content. http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/newsletter/archdb3.asp?general=Teacher Resources&spec |
25. Education World ® : Lesson Planning: Marching Into The Millennium: Classroom Ac a biographic profile, a timeline of important events in the Turnof-the-Century ChildThese interdisciplinary lesson plans use historic y2k RESOURCES ONLINE. http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson155.shtml | |
26. Club News Economy, Paper Banking and the y2k Crisis; Visualization online forums based oncurrent events and viewer wrote and edited online lesson plans and activities http://www.anwc.org/amresume.html | |
27. FAQ individual laptops as you conduct the lesson from the Newscurrents Online differentfrom the other current events programs available what to make of the y2k bug http://www.newscurrents.com/nco/faq.html | |
28. .. Metropolis Japan .... Tech Know .. Newsroom), an excellent resource for using current events in the action ESL teachersstuck for a lesson plan can this month, safe passage through y2k and dot http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyo/426/tech.asp |
29. An AskERIC Write-A-Lesson Plan Guide Subject Category, Sample lesson Plan from AskERIC Collection. Foreign Languages,Que hora es? Social Studies current events, Are You y2k AOK? http://www.askeric.org/Virtual/Lessons/Guide2.html |
30. Bomis: The Education/Directories And Resources/Search Engines Ring Searchable for current events, weather, specific topics Trip, Great Ideas, Gifted,Homework Help, lesson Plan, and your curiosity from airplanes to y2k on this http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mresources-search-engines-reference/ | |
31. EducatorsCornerPg that discusses lesson planning and current events http//www Economics resourcesite with a lesson plan about asp; Science, technology and y2k resources - http http://www.mhs.mps.k12.mi.us/Resources/Teacher/EducatorsCorner.htm | |
32. CNNfyi.com - Lesson Plan: Saving Wall's Artwork - June 2, 2000 Have them create an alternative proposal to the artists' current plan. Have studentscreate murals to memorialize their most significant events (ie, y2k). http://www.cnn.com/2000/fyi/news/06/02/berlin.wall.lp/ | |
33. Bookmarks For Jennifer Lamkins The Passing of a Century current events Social Studies ZDNet InfoWeb Computer SkillsLesson plans Timeline of rvintro Y1900 Connected to y2k CES Fieldbook. http://www.access.k12.ca.us/Services/jenbookm.htm | |
34. Education Planet Geography And Countries,Regional Resources,North America,USA,Ge 29 lesson plans, 29 Books, 1 Software. Mayor's Welcome City History City OfficialsCurrent events and Information City Departments email here y2k here 4 day http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Geography_and_Countries/Regional_Resources | |
35. January 1999 Librarians' Sites Du Jour of course), y2k, Iraq, Microsoft, and more. There's even a Teacher's Guide withlesson plans for using the cartoons for teaching current events to multiple http://www.northstarnet.org/regional/jayhawk/1999/january.html | |
36. Part 1 - Could Y2K Failures Bring Us Martial Law? The Administration Claims Victory over y2k bug Here Here's a civics lesson onExecutive Orders! Biblebased ministry dealing with current events, the New http://www.ericbarger.com/Martial_Law_part_1.htm | |
37. Scranton Library Madison CT. REFERENCE -- CONNECTICUT It also offers lesson plans for teachers, information on contacting your trade, workplaceissues, buying and selling, and y2k. current information on the CPI. http://www.scrantonlibrary.com/PagesReference/lawgov.htm | |
38. FISSEA Newsletter - Oct. 1999 training and awareness for y2k security related by populating it with current eventsand appropriate Sergeants carried alreadyprepared lesson plans in their http://csrc.nist.gov/organizations/fissea/newsletters/1999/news10-99.html | |
39. SupplySideInvestor of the students and the importance of current events guide the Capital Gains 6/4/1999;A Practical Problem y2k 6/11 Part 3) 12/3/1999; A Private lesson for Pat http://supplysideinvestor.com/archive.asp?Heading=Memo on the Margin |
40. Acs.oes.ca.gov/Newsletters/071198.txt current events From Cary Mangum cmangum@mail.macnexus.org http//www.bog.frb.fed.us/y2k/ . One interesting lesson learned involved the http://acs.oes.ca.gov/Newsletters/071198.txt | |
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