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1. WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources--General Resources For All Please select the next resource category that you want. general resources for all Countries from the Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, newswires and links." http://www.etown.edu/vl/countgen.html | |
2. Acquisitions, Serials, And Collection Development This section of the Internet Public Library provides resources for Acquisitions, Serials, and Collection Development librarians. general resources section contains web sites that provide general information on or links to acquisitions, serials, and collection development resources. Book review services section offers links to book, cdrom, software, movie and video review resources. Publishers' catalogs, serials management and book and serial exchange services, sources of foreign acquisitions, shipping and labelling tools, and currency conversion sites. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/acqsercd.htm | |
3. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage Finally, some general resources are included to help you pursue subjects further afield. not responsible for accuracy, reliability or currency of the information found at those sites. http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www00_e.html | |
4. Marjorie Chan's ChinaLinks 4: General Linguistics & Internet Resources 4 general Linguistics and Internet resources. N. INTERNET resources FOR general LINGUISTICS translator, bible, quotations, maps, currency converter, translators, postal codes, etc. http://www.cohums.ohio-state.edu/deall/chan.9/c-links4.htm | |
5. Romania: Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library Of Congress) currency, general resources Includes the national anthem, flag, coat of arms, churchand state holidays, the monetary currency and exchange rates back to 1990. http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/european/romania/help/rofinding.html | |
6. Behavioral HealthCare Meetings, Organizations And Resources Worldwide guide to upcoming mental health professional meetings, conferences and workshops. Search by month through to 1998. Meetings, Organizations. And general resources. In Behavioral Healthcare use may be attributed to the author. Accuracy and currency of material presented here are not guaranteed. http://www.umdnj.edu/psyevnts/psyjumps.html | |
7. Homework Help -- General Resources Choose a general category, such as Science Math Refdesk A substantial number ofresources all in Universal currency Converter Converts the currency from one http://www.kcls.org/hh/generalref.cfm | |
8. Articles Of Agreement--Article XXX - Explanation Of Terms (a) The Fund's holdings of a member's currency in the general resources Accountshall include any securities accepted by the Fund under Article III, Section 4. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/aa/aa30.htm | |
9. Useful General Resources Useful general resources This page exists to draw attention to a few sites and other resources that are of general interest and may not be known to you. Useful general resources. Contents. Introduction. UK university students' email addresses Phone 1800-424-2923 and tell them what currency and how much of it you want and they will http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~jimella/resource.htm | |
10. Articles Of Agreement--Schedule J - Settlement Of Accounts With Members Withdraw in the currency of the withdrawing member, and for this purpose the Fund may transferto the general resources Account holdings of the member's currency in the http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/aa/sched_j.htm | |
11. General Resources AlleyDog.com the psych students best friend. The site dedicated to help students enjoy and prosper in psychology. Conciseness. Interactivity. currency. Appropriateness for Intro Psychology......Home Psychology Links general resources general resources Links Criteria for evaluating sites Submit a link http://web.psych.ualberta.ca/~atop/psychlinks/General_Resources.html |
12. SELECTED WOMEN AND GENDER RESOURCES ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB FREE general resources AND DATABASES THAT CAN BE SEARCHED FOR INFORMATION ON WOMEN AND GENDER of web pages illustrating the concepts authority, objectivity, currency, scope and more. http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/others.htm | |
13. Internet Reference Resources -- Money/Currency general Money/currency. currency Taxes Miscellaneous http://www.lib.virginia.edu/reference/general/money.html | |
14. Internet Reference Resources -- Calculators/Converters general Calculators/Converters. Money Science Time MiscellaneousMoney. The Universal currency Converter How many dinars in a lira? http://www.lib.virginia.edu/reference/general/calc.html | |
15. Acquisitions, Serials, And Collection Development: Reference Tools Acquisitions, Serials, and Collection Development Reference Tools. generalresources currency Conversion Shipping and Postage general resources. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/acq_tool.htm | |
16. Reference--General Reference This is a guide to general reference resources at Stanford and Indexes to BiographicalInformationa list of library resources at Stanford currency Converters, http://garamond.stanford.edu/guides/genrefs.html | |
17. Redirect general Reference Materials Associations Australian Theses Atlases and Maps, Flags,currency Converter, Time SubjectBased Electronic resources Arts Business http://www.usq.edu.au/library/resources/ | |
18. Bureau Of Reclamation - Home Page general resources. United States Postal Service Find zip codes and calculate postagerates; Universal currency Converter Perform interactive foreign exchange http://library.usbr.gov/BORgeneral.html | |
19. Globalization Research Center - General Resources - Globalization Research Cente of issues such as the Euro currency, the EU's expansion plans, as well as generalbusiness, political business portal offers articles, resources, products and http://www.cio.com/research/global/overview.html | |
20. NetVet General Reference Resources NetVet. general Reference resources. Copyright Clearance Center® Online;Copyright Website; currency Converter; Current US Weather Map; http://netvet.wustl.edu/refs.htm | |
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