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21. Related State Federal Government International Agricultural Chemical CompaniesOrganizations Specific Weeds Weeds in Specific crops miscellaneous. http://www.olemiss.edu/orgs/iws/related.htm | |
22. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTY SEED CROPS INVESTIGATIONS miscellaneous Specialty Seed crops Investigations. Seed/grain production ofseed crop species not involved in defined research projects were observed. http://ag.montana.edu/carc/SpCrops/1998/98MiscSpecCrops.htm | |
23. IPM: Miscellaneous: Disease: Seed Treatments For Field Crops an error occurred while processing this directive PDF Version of this document,Search RPD No. 1001 SEED TREATMENTS FOR FIELD crops, July 1990. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/publications/rpds/series1000/rpd1001/rpd1001.htm | |
24. Ifgene International Forum For Genetic Engineering miscellaneous Announcements Page. independent scientific review to examine the extentof current scientific knowledge behind GM, with particular focus on crops. http://www.anth.org/ifgene/misc.htm |
25. ERS/USDA Features - The 2002 Farm Bill: Title X - Miscellaneous Title X miscellaneous, Modifies crop insurance and organic agriculture programs. Cropinsurance is available for a wide variety of crops, but not always in each http://www.ers.usda.gov/Features/farmbill/titles/titleXmiscellaneous.htm | |
26. Spring 2000 Miscellaneous Crops Trial Spring 2000 miscellaneous Crop Pack and Garden Performance Trials.= Pack Trial (greenhouse) data = Garden Trial data, Click on the http://overton.tamu.edu/flowers/Spring2000Pack/Misc_List.htm | |
27. Miscellaneous Subjects 89: 1. As Biotech Crops Multiply, Consumers Get Little Ch June 11, 2001 miscellaneous Subjects 89 1. As Biotech crops Multiply, ConsumersGet Little Choice + 2. A comment + 3. Heart Opener + 4. Letter from Jimmy http://www.cybernaute.com/earthconcert2000/MiscelSubjects89.htm | |
29. Plant Genetic Resources Bibliography - General/Miscellaneous 1998. Regeneration of seed crops and their wild relatives. In Proceedings ofthe Thirtysecond Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food crops Society. http://www.caisnet.org/bibliographies/pgr/general_miscellaneous.htm | |
30. Miscellaneous Topics: Alternative Farming Systems Information Center miscellaneous Topics. AFSIC Subject Categories. List of Alternative crops and Enterprisesfor Small Farm Diversification (May 2001). Lost crops of Africa, vol. http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/sbjmisc.htm | |
31. Old Agricola Codes crops 4045 Physiology and Biochemistry of Forest Trees 4050 Field crops, Culture4055 Horticultural crops, Culture 4060 miscellaneous Economic Plants, Culture. http://www.nal.usda.gov/cals/oldagricola.htm | |
32. Geobop's Kid-Friendly Agricultural Facts & Statistics: Crops (Geobopological Sur Statistics crops (Including cereal grains, fruits and nuts, vegetables and hay)Agriculture Home States crops Animals miscellaneous (See also http://www.geobop.com/World/NA/Topics/Industry/Ag/Crops/ | |
33. Miscellaneous Statistics Stats Main Menu Hort crops Field crops Dairy Livestock miscellaneous Farm Finance Food Industry Trade Census More Information . http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/stats/misc/ | |
34. Horticultural Statistics Stats Main Menu Hort crops Field crops Dairy Livestock miscellaneous Farm Finance Food Industry Trade Census More Information . Graphs http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/stats/hort/ | |
35. HorTIPS: Tech Priorities : Field Veg: Miscellaneous Veg and Salads. Herbs. Organic. miscellaneous. Solutions are listed either asgeneral solutions suitable for all crops or under specific crop headings. http://www.hortips.co.uk/fv_11.htm | |
36. Katy Appleton - Miscellaneous VNS Images Current land use (2001), viewpoint 1. Large amounts of cereal (wheat, barley, oats)and ground crops (eg potatoes, carrots, sugar beet), little maize, and http://www.uea.ac.uk/~e907122/images/wcs/wcs.html | |
37. Farm Bill 2002 Title X Miscellaneous Provisions crops Marketing Orders for Caneberries (AMS); Purchase of Specialty crops (AMS); J.miscellaneous Studies and Reports Report on Specialty Crop Purchases (AMS http://www.usda.gov/farmbill/miscellaneous_fb.html | |
38. S - SUBJECT CROSS REFERENCE - VISUAL RECORDS - BC ARCHIVES Silviculture miscellaneous Combinations Of Forestry And Agriculture ~ Silviculture- miscellaneous Fruit And Seed crops ~ Silviculture - miscellaneous http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/visual/subjects/s-words.htm | |
39. F - SUBJECT CROSS REFERENCE - VISUAL RECORDS - BC ARCHIVES Tobacco ~ Farm crops Vegetables, NES ~ Farm crops - Wheat ~ Farm Engineering - MachinesAnd Equipment ~ Forest Engineering - miscellaneous Buildings ~ Forest http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/visual/subjects/f-words.htm | |
40. Soil: General Information miscellaneous soil information Sensitive map for agribio research, University ofWolverhampton (UK). Soils and crops Research and Development Centre, Canada The http://homepages.which.net/~fred.moor/soil/links/l0105.htm | |
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