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61. University Of Sussex Media Release 22/2/99 Traffic-Choked Crops Find Relief In S TrafficChoked crops Find Relief in Sussex Student. Traffic pollutionis causing unprecedented levels of damage to the worlds crops. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/information_office/media/media49.html | |
62. Reporters' Newsroom Science Teasers media tips on government science. Soils and crops Researchand Development Centre (SainteFoy) Achievements and Discoveries. http://res2.agr.ca/media/index_e.htm | |
63. Preserving The Identity Of Non-GM Crops In South Australia - Media Release - 27- media Release Discussion paper released on preserving the identityof non-GM crops in South Australia. Department http://www.dhs.sa.gov.au/pehs/Alerts-&-Recalls/preserve-id-non-gm-crops.htm | |
64. Health Canada - The Safety Of Genetically Modified Food Crops February 2001. Information. The safety of genetically modified foodcrops. Before a new agricultural or food product can be produced http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/media/releases/2001/2001_13ebk5.htm | |
65. ABARE Media Release 2003 Of the major winter crops, wheat production in 200203 is estimated at 9.4 milliontonnes For general media enquiries, contact Melinda Charge on (02) 6272 2103 http://www.abare.gov.au/pages/media/2003/18feb.html | |
66. Media Releases For 2002 10 September, Drought ravages winter crops. 6 September, 1 August,ABARE cuts winter grain production forecast. 31 July, media alert! http://www.abare.gov.au/pages/media/news_releases2002.htm | |
67. Syngenta In The News - January 26, 2001 media RELEASES, Return to previous page, Groundbreaking discovery pointsto better cereal crops. La Jolla, California, January 26, 2001. http://www.syngenta.com/en/media/article.asp?article_id=126 |
68. Agri-Media Sites Idaho agricultural news and classified ads. Dairy, livestock, crops, hay, marketnews. All materials copyright of LEE Agrimedia, Lee Enterprises, Inc. http://www.minnesotafarmguide.com/links/ | |
69. EPA - Pharmaceuticals And Personal Care Products - Summary Of Media Coverage Summary of media Coverage Regarding PPCPs in the Environment and Involvement of EPALas seekinga moratorium on the planting of bioengineered crops designed to http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/chemistry/ppcp/media.htm | |
70. GMO metres. · Maize also poses a medium to high risk to similar crops. GM 9874580.For out of hours media enquiries, call 07747 021117. The http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsf/848d689047cb466780256a6b00298980 | |
71. Crops Department The replant interval also has been shortened to 30 days for all crops, downfrom 120 days. 2003, PRImedia Business Magazines media Inc. http://farmindustrynews.com/ar/farming_herbicide_label_changes/ | |
72. Crops Department Article. crops department Farm Industry News, May 1, 2002, Brought to you by 2003, PRImedia Business Magazines media Inc. All rights reserved. http://farmindustrynews.com/ar/farming_crops_department/ | |
73. University Of California Agriculture And Natural Resources Publications SevenDay Storage Language - English media - Poster Ethylene in Postharvest Biologyand Technology of Horticulture crops Language - English media - Slide set http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/merchant.ihtml?pid=3713&step=4 |
74. 02.06.2003 - Genetically Modified Cotton Crops Produced Greater Yields, Reduced By Sarah Yang, media Relations February 6, 2003. Berkeley Cotton crops inIndia that were genetically modified to resist insects produced dramatically http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/02/06_India.html | |
75. 11.29.2001 - Transgenic DNA Discovered In Native Mexican Corn, According To A Ne By Sarah Yang, media Relations. and also from a collection of seeds from the SierraNorte de Oaxaca region taken in 1971, before the advent of transgenic crops. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2001/11/29_corn.html | |
76. Ornamental Plants - Annual Reports And Research Reviews: Composted Biosolids: An Use of composted sludge on different crops. Woody Ornamentals After Seven Months(110-95) and 17 Months (8-96) of Production in Container media Amended with http://ohioline.osu.edu/sc154/sc154_15.html | |
77. Nutrient Management: The Key To Growing Healthy Nursery Crops set of web pages describes the nutrients needed by nursery crops, the particular Theproblems Most soilless media used in container nursery operations provide http://www.hort.cornell.edu/department/faculty/good/growon/containr/ | |
78. Media Release: Hogs, Corn And Soybeans Boosted Minnesota's 1997 Agricultural Pro media Release Hogs, corn and soybeans boosted Minnesota's 1997 agricultural production. Ronningen,651296-4886 Related Work Hogs and bumper crops boost farm http://www.mnplan.state.mn.us/press/1999/demog/hogs.html | |
79. Media Release - Aug 28, 2001 media Release. Dubbo Forum GE Threat to Farm Incomes August 28, 2001. Geneticallyengineered crops are being recklessly pushed onto farmers and food buyers says http://www.geneethics.org/html/media_010828.html | |
80. Media Release - Mar 22, 2002 media Release, Direct from Europe and the USA, Mr Anderson warns Australiansof genetic pollution in crops and food and its results. http://www.geneethics.org/html/media_020322.html | |
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