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41. Irrigating Greenhouse Crops of March September most Texas growers must irrigate their crops at least growersmust consider the physical characteristics of their growing media (ie water http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/greenhouse/guides/green/irrigate.html | |
42. Media Release - Big Savings For Summer Crops Says CSIRO 17 November 1997 BIG SAVINGS FOR SUMMER crops SAYS CSIRO Adding bacteria to summercrops can save farmers money and improve yields, according to CSIRO. http://www.pi.csiro.au/Media/MediaReleases/1998/MR17-11-97.htm | |
43. Media Release: Farm Crops Studied As Clean Fuel Source: Iogen Hires U.K. Firm To What's New? RELEASE INDEX. Farm crops Studied as Clean Fuel Source IogenHires UK Firm to Conduct Feasibility Study. Ottawa February 26, 2002. http://combustion-net.com/media_centre/2002releases/020226-farm-fuel.htm | |
44. Friends Of The Earth: Campaigns: Real Food: Resource: Media The resources here are specifically designed for the press and media. Briefings.Genetically Modified crops and Food (PDF format) July 2001, updated Jan 2003 http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/real_food/resource/media.html | |
45. Forage Information System Extensive collection of resources on hay, pastures, silage, and the grazing animals. Forage plant Category Science Agriculture Field crops Grassland and Pasture...... The media section contains information organized by media type. The COVER crops sectioncontains information on Establishment, Fertilization, Pests and Research http://forages.orst.edu/ | |
46. Cover Crops; Forages Information System Vegetable Exchange; Weed control with cover crops; What is SustainableAgriculture? Publications/Other media. Book Cover Cropping http://forages.orst.edu/main.cfm?PageID=37 |
47. IHD: Media Release 19.06.2001 (managing Birds In Crops) Institute for Horticultural Development IHD media Release 19 June2001 Managing bird pests in crops. New methods to deter birds http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/agvic/ihd/resources/mr-20010619.htm | |
48. IHD: Media Release 27.03.2000 (Pest Of Lettuce Crops) Institute for Horticultural Development IHD media Release 27 March2000 Pest a menace to lettuce crops. Corn earworm has been eating http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/agvic/ihd/resources/mr-20000327.htm | |
49. Information For News Media - FAQs Home, Resources, Contact Us, Main Articles Listing crops. 1. Desert VegetableCrop Production ProgramAssistance for Arizona's Growers. return to media home. http://ag.arizona.edu/media/archives/8.html | |
50. Media Interest Items (ACIS) document located at http//ag.arizona.edu/crops/public/media.html Copyright ©2001 University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences webmaster http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/public/media.html | |
51. Promise And Pitfalls Of Using Genetically Modified Crops In Developing Countries Home media Quik Stop Interview Archive Genetically Modified Cropsand Developing Countries. Promise and Pitfalls of Using Genetically http://www.foodfirst.org/media/interviews/2000/scifri4-00.html | |
52. JOINT MEDIA RELEASE 27th March 2002 JOINT media RELEASE 27 th March 2002. GM crops CAUSE MASSIVE, UNMANAGEABLECONTAMINATION. Europe cannot ignore official warnings, say http://www.foeeurope.org/press/GL_27.03.02_GM_Crops.htm | |
53. The Royal Society - News And Media - Media Releases media Releases Genetically Modified crops offer hope for endangered wildlife 15January 2003 In the first piece of research into how genetically modified (GM http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/templates/press/releasedetails.cfm?file=427.txt |
54. The Royal Society - News And Media - Media Releases media Releases Royal Society welcomes Government report on crops of the future 9December 1999 The Royal Society 1 welcomes the first report of the House of http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/templates/press/releasedetails.cfm?file=260.txt |
55. JOINT MEDIA RELEASE 27th March 2002 In a joint media release today, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth (FoE agricultureand biodiversity by preventing any genetically modified (GM) crops of beet and http://www.eeb.org/press/joint_media_release_27th_march_2002.htm | |
56. Media Compilation # 14: As Biotech Crops Multiply, Consumers Get Little Choice + June 15, 2001 media Compilation 14 1. As Biotech crops Multiply, Consumers GetLittle Choice + 2. SOME MORE GMORELATED NEWS + 3. WILL EUROPE BAN ASPARTAME http://www.cybernaute.com/earthconcert2000/MediaCompilation14.htm | |
57. Press Releases - APS Media/Outreach Center on Efforts to Develop a First Line of Defense for US crops; Home Visitor'sCenter media/Outreach Center Education Center Careers Placement http://www.apsnet.org/media/press/top.asp | |
58. IFIC Media Guide On Food Safety Development; AfricaBio and the San Diego Center for Molecular AgricultureFoods from Genetically Improved crops in Africa, Sept 2001; http://ific.org/biotechnology/ | |
59. The UK Patent Office - About Us And Policies - Notices - Media Relations Contrac Action Aid Stop Patents on crops campaign. The Government appreciatesconcerns about patent rights in the area of plants and food http://www.patent.gov.uk/about/notices/action.htm | |
60. University Of Sussex Media Release 15 November 1999 University Professor Argues University Professor argues that GM crops will reduce thirdworld hunger. Theseare all issues brought into high profile by GM crops. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/information_office/media/media72.html | |
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