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21. Media - Call For Open Minds On GM Crops And Biotechnology (28 June) His particular area of expertise is in major world grain crops. He is a worldexpert on herbicide resistance in weeds and crops. media REFERENCE http://www.uwa.edu.au/media/statements/2001/06/call_for_open_minds_on_gm_crops_a | |
22. Media - Perth To Host Herbicide-Resistant Crops And Weeds International Symposiu media REFERENCE Professor Steve Powles 61 8 9380 7833. Colin CampbellFraser 618 9380 2889 0419 947 718. PROGRAM. Symposium - Herbicide resistant crops and Weeds http://www.uwa.edu.au/media/statements/2002/june/perth_to_host_herbicideresistan | |
23. Sewage And Crops To 'green Up' Australian Mine : Media Releases : News : The Uni Alan Baker, University of Melbourne +61 (0)3 8344 5055 Email ajmb@unimelb.edu.auJason Major media Officer The Sewage and crops to 'green up' Australian mine. http://uninews.unimelb.edu.au/0006_1_1.php?article=237 |
24. Media Clipping: More Kinds Of Crops, More Kinds Of Critters media Clipping January/February 2003 from Rural Delivery (http//www.countrymagazines.com/rd.html).More kinds of crops, more kinds of critters. http://www.gpiatlantic.org/mc_soilqp_ruraldelivery2-03.shtml | |
25. PRIMEDIA Business Magazines & Media Inc. The wheels are on 30in. spacing for row crops. The foam marker is also adjustablefor marking in standing crops. A 21-hp engine powers the unit. http://show.farmindustrynews.com/crops/ | |
26. "GREED OR NEED? Genetically Modified Crops" PANOS Media Briefing 30A, 2/99 is illinformed and sometimes hysterical , fanned by an irresponsible media. Aheated debate over genetically modified crops has been raging over recent http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/GMcrops.html | |
27. GRDC - Media Release - Pest Damage To NSW Crops (South, 5 Sept 2002) media Releases, Southern Region 5 September 2002. Pest damage toNSW crops. Reports of increased damage to NSW oilseed and cereal http://www.grdc.com.au/whats_on/mr/south/Southern_Region1079.htm | |
28. GRDC - Media Release - Fluid Fertilisers Showing Promise In Victoria (South, 11 media Releases, Southern Region 11 March 2003. Fluid fertilisers showing promisein Victoria. crops grown on highly alkaline soils in SA and fertilised with http://www.grdc.com.au/whats_on/mr/south/southern_region2007.htm | |
29. Media UK - Magazines - C - Crops com/products/crops.asp popular User verdict Editor Debbie Beaton. Search theforums for messages about this title. Update our details Contact media UK http://www.mediauk.com/magazines/36033 |
30. Pharm Crops: Publications: Media Center: Greenpeace USA media Center, Q A. What is a pharm crop? Genetic engineering (GE) corporationsare creating crops that produce proteins that are pharmaceuticals, vaccines http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/media/publications/pharm_croptext.htm | |
31. GREENPEACE WELCOMES EU MORATORIUM ON GE CROPS: Press Releases: Media Center: Gre unfurled a banner that read Give Butterflies a Chance; Stop GenetiX crops. Specialist,212865-5645 Racine Tucker-Hamilton, Greenpeace media Officer, 202 http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/media/press_releases/99_6_24text.htm | |
32. News And Media: Scientists Publish Evaluation Of Biotech Crops, Underscoring Saf Scientists Publish Evaluation of Biotech crops, Underscoring Safety andBenefits ST. The most significant benefits of Bt crops include http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/00/12-15-00.asp | |
33. News And Media: Golden" Crops: Part Of A Sustainable Solution To Global Vitamin Golden crops Part of a Sustainable Solution to Global Vitamin AMalnutrition According to the World Health Organization, vitamin http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/00/12-07-00c.asp | |
34. Water, Media And Nutrition For Greenhouse Crops Water, media and Nutrition For Greenhouse crops. A Growers Guide. All youllever need to know about water, media, and nutrition for your greenhouse crops. http://touchwoodbooks.co.nz/twatermedia.html | |
35. MEDIA ADVISORY: ETTER SUMMER CROPS FIELD DAY June 30, 1997. media ADVISORY ETTER SUMMER crops FIELD DAY. Contact ThomasMarek, 806359-5401. media ADVISORY. WHAT 1997 Summer crops Field Day. http://agnews.tamu.edu/dailynews/stories/SOIL/Jun3097a.htm | |
36. Field Crops - Pathology And Quarantine - Media Articles media Articles. Harvest faba beans to avoid staining Caused by the fungus Ascochyta,seed staining can result in faba bean crops being downgraded from human http://www.sardi.sa.gov.au/dhtml/ss/section.php?sectID=835&tempID=47 |
37. Field Crops - Crop Improvement - Media Releases Crop Improvement. CRC Value Added Wheat. media Releases. Adding Value$17.2M for Research Adding Value to Australian Wheat Announced. http://www.sardi.sa.gov.au/dhtml/ss/section.php?sectID=735&tempID=44 |
38. New Study Indicates Biotechnology-derived Crops Benefit The the responsible use of current biotechnologyderived soybean, corn and cotton crops. willpresent the study findings and respond to questions from the media. http://www.cast-science.org/pubs/biotechcropsbenefit_ma.htm |
39. GROWING VEGETABLE CROPS IN ROCKWOOL AND OTHER MEDIA ISHS Symposium on Peat in Horticulture GROWING VEGETABLE crops IN ROCKWOOLAND OTHER media. GROWING VEGETABLE crops IN ROCKWOOL AND OTHER media. http://www.actahort.org/books/50/50_7.htm | |
40. INTERACTION BETWEEN ROOT MEDIA AND FERTILIZER FOR CUCUMBER CROPS GROWN IN GREENH on Soil and Soilless media under Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter ClimatesINTERACTION BETWEEN ROOT media AND FERTILIZER FOR CUCUMBER crops GROWN IN http://www.actahort.org/books/323/323_21.htm | |
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