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21. Welcome To Crisis Hotline Houston 24hour volunteer-answered crisis hotlines. Other services include Spanish Hotline, Teenline, and Survivors of suicide support groups. The website includes updated info on suicide prevention, depression, alcohol and other drug use and teen issues. http://www.crisishotline.org/ | |
22. Griefwork Center, Inc. crisis intervention, sudden loss, suicide awareness, grief and bereavement education, and training programs for professionals. http://www.griefworkcenter.com | |
23. Response Hotline Crisis Intervention / Suicide Prevention suicide and crisis, Response of Suffolk County, Inc. 7517500 SuffolkMobile crisis Team 952-3333 Sagamore Children's Center 673-7701 http://www.responsehotline.org/resources.htm | |
24. Crisis Intervention Resource Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS I. DESCRIPTION OF intervention PLANS Death of a Studentor Teacher. Natural Disasters. II. crisis TEAM HANDOUTS suicide. http://www.bartow.k12.ga.us/psych/crisis/crisis.htm | |
25. References: Crisis Intervention Resource Manual New York Lexington Books Monturoi, JJ (1990). suicide/crisis intervention, PsychologyDepartment, Radford University Radford, VA 24142. Oates, MD (1993). http://www.bartow.k12.ga.us/psych/crisis/reflist.htm | |
26. Suicide Prevention And Crisis Intervention Agencies suicide Prevention and crisis intervention Agencies. The informationbelow is provided to assist community members. The San Pedro http://www.sanpedro.com/spyc/agency.htm | |
27. Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention Phone Worker crisis intervention/suicide Prevention Phone Worker Last updated onNovember 25, 2002. The volunteer will become involved with mental http://www.volunteersolutions.org/uwwcct/volunteer/opp/one_196141.html | |
28. Send "Crisis Intervention/Suicide Prevention Phone Worker" To A Friend Send crisis intervention/suicide Prevention Phone Worker to a friendTo send information about this volunteer opportunity to a http://www.volunteersolutions.org/uwwcct/volunteer/email-to-friend.tcl?opp_id=19 |
29. Crisis Intervention - International Coaching Resources gangs. MentalHealth-Matters crisis intervention, suicide, self-injury,depression, suicide prevention, etc. suicide Prevention http://www.soulwork.net/international.htm | |
30. Healing Of Nations.org Deals With Native American Suicide Prevention And Crisis hurting. They go to each other and to good listeners. Remember thiswhen you are doing suicide prevention and crisis intervention. http://www.healingofnations.org/crisis1.html | |
31. Healing Of Nations.org Deals With Native American Suicide Prevention And Crisis suicide among Native American youth through the development of culturally relevantmodels for suicide prevention and communitybased crisis intervention teams. http://www.healingofnations.org/cr2.html | |
32. Crisis Intervention And Resources hour Helpline providing telephone reassurance, information and referrals, confidentialempathetic listening, crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline http://www.soberrecovery.com/links/crisis.html | |
33. Wellness: Crisis Intervention SAS. high school. counseling. Wellness crisis intervention. What would you doif one of your friends threatened to commit suicide? Would you laugh it off? http://eaglelink.sas.edu.sg/highschool/Guidance/Wellness/crisis.htm | |
34. MEL Social: Crisis Intervention Mentalhelp.net suicide Resources; National Runaway Switchboard provides confidentialcrisis intervention and referrals to agencies and other communitybased http://mel.lib.mi.us/social/SOC-crisis.html | |
35. Crisis Intervention comprehensive phonebased service that provides information and referrals to communityservices, child care options, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention http://www.infoline.org/Crisis/Default.asp | |
36. Suicide Prevention : A Crisis Intervention Curriculum For Teenagers And Young Ad Resource Record. suicide Prevention A crisis intervention Curriculumfor Teenagers and Young Adults (Human Service Series). Title http://www.hamfish.org/resources/record/43/ | |
37. PPGG :: Hotlines crisis intervention/suicide Prevention Hotlines. Helpful Links. crisis intervention/suicidePrevention Hotlines, Phone . San Francisco and Alameda Counties. http://www.ppgg.org/education/hotlines_crisis.asp | |
38. HBD Designs, Vancouver Based Internet Marketing,Crisis Intervention And Suicide home clients case study. HBD The crisis intervention and suicide PreventionCentre of BC Case Study. Web addresshttp//www.crisiscentre http://www.hughburnham.com/crisiscasestudy.htm | |
39. Suicide Crisis Intervention 01suicide crisis intervention. Bassuk, Ellen L., Stephen C. Schoonover Andrew D. Gill, eds. Lifelines, clinical perspectives on suicide. http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Crisis-Grief_Archive/11--Suicide/01-- | |
40. Emergency/Crisis Links crisis intervention, suicide, Boys Town USA library. crisis The Journalof crisis intervention and suicide Prevention. crisis UK http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Links_Folder/Crisis_Links.htm | |
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