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Crime Stats Weapons: more detail |
61. Crime Stats For 1997 crime stats for 1997. 1996 crime stats. crime. *Breakdown. Actual Number. NumberCleared. % Cleared. 84. *other dangerous weapons. 34. *knife or cutting inst.20. http://www.ci.tuscaloosa.al.us/pd97stat.htm |
62. Crime Stats as minor assaults, arson, forgerycounterfeiting, bad checks, embezzlement, stolenproperty, vandalism, weapons, prostitution, sex TOTAL crime INCREASED BY 6 http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/mc/services/police/media/crimestats1.html | |
63. El Dorado Police Department El Dorado Arkansas MAJOR crime COMPARISON BY YEAR. MURDER, RAPE. ROBBERY, Total Domestic ViolenceCalls, 17. Cases in which weapons were used, 14. Firearm, 0. TRAFFIC stats. http://www.eldoradopolice.org/stats.html |
64. Department Of Public Safety @ SFSU Main Campus crime stats, On Campus*, Residence Community, Public Property,NonCampus Property. Special Category Arrests (Liquor, Drug and weapons). http://www.sfsu.edu/~dps/clery/2002/main_campus.html | |
65. Crime Stats Ray City crime stats. are those categorized under the FBI's Uniform crime Reportingsystem serious and include damage to property, weapons violations, narcotics http://www.alltel.net/~rcpd/crimestats.html | |
66. Crime Stats 0. 1. 0, 0, 0. Drug Violations. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1, 0, 0. weapons Violations. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0, 0. N/A Signifies statistical data not required to report duringspecified year. http://www.qcc.mass.edu/safety/crimesta.htm | |
67. IWU Student Affairs: Crime Stats procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of CampusSecurity Policy and Campus crime Statistics Act. 6. weapons Law Violations. http://titan.iwu.edu/~security/clearyact.htm | |
68. NEWS - Scotland Gun Crime Stats AM To AAANews Subject ssaanews NEWS - Scotland gun crime stats not a single incidentof crime involving a Even offences involving air weapons were down to http://www.rfcsask.ca/NEWS/scotland.htm | |
69. Palomar College Police Department - 2001 Campus Crime Stats Burglary, 14. Vehicle Theft, 8. Simple Assault, 0. Grand Theft, 11. PettyTheft, 32. Narcotics Violation, 4. weapons Offense, 1. Alcohol Offense, 2.Hate crime, 0. http://www.palomar.edu/police/2001_stats.htm | |
70. Palomar College Police Department - 1999 Campus Crime Stats Burglary, 4. Vehicle Theft, 9. Simple Assault, 1. Grand Theft, 10. Petty Theft,36. Narcotics Violation, 5. weapons Offense, 0. Alcohol Offense, 2. Hate crime,0. http://www.palomar.edu/police/1999_stats.htm | |
71. PD Arrest Stats SA Referrals for Student Conduct Code Violations by Type of crime for 1999. SAReferrals for Alcohol, Drugs, weapons 2001 including data by Location. http://admin.siue.edu/studentrightto/pdarrest.htm | |
72. Online Forty Niner: V8n32: Crime Stats Unclear crime stats unclear. The real kicker of the report is that crime rates are down. includingvehicle theft, drug and alcohol arrests and weapons possessions have http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2000/fall/opinion/v8n32-ourview.html | |
73. Online Forty Niner: V8n24: Crime Stats Decrease crime stats decrease. Annual crime statistics released by University Police show decreasingrates were no reported robberies involving dangerous weapons such as http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2000/fall/news/v8n24-crime.html | |
74. The Chronicle: Crime On College Campuses been required by federal law to compile annual statistics about crime on their Campusesreporting the most alcohol, drug, and weapons arrests; crimes on 481 http://chronicle.merit.edu/stats/crime | |
75. Medical College Of Wisconsin Complete security report Medical College buildings crime stats Campus map crimecategory. 2001. 2000. 1999. 2. 3. 3. Arrest for weapons law violation. 0. 1.1. http://www.mcw.edu/pubaffairs/security/campuscrimechart-final.html | |
76. Fresno State Crime Stats - Section - Bulldog News July 8, 2001 Fresno State crime Data University stats Paint Dark The crime datafor 1998 cover s calendar year 1998 or Liquorlaw violations, Drug, weapons. http://www.bulldognews.net/crime_stats.html | |
77. 1995 Crime Stats 1995 Youth crime stats. Source Statistics Canada The Daily, July 30, 1996. Backto Index. Quotes Violent crime. 16. Property crime. 30. 28. Offensive weapons. 21. http://www.cry.bc.ca/cr_st95.html |
78. Campus Crime Statistics: Bucknell Public Safety and probably would result in serious personal injury if the crime were successfully suchas manufacture, sale, or possession of dead weapons; carrying deadly http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/public_safety/crimestats.shtm | |
79. Office Of Safety And Security - Crime Statistics Alcohol Violations, 0, 0, 0, 0. Drug Abuse Violations, 0, 0, 0, 0. weaponsPossession, 0, 0, 0, 0. Drug Abuse Violations, 0, 2, 2, 3. weapons Possession,0, 0, 0, 0. http://www.spu.edu/depts/security/crime_stats.asp | |
80. R-MC Campus Safety - Crime Statistics weapons to minors, aliens possession deadly weapons, and all attempts committingany of the other aforementioned. Note The FBI Uniform crime Reporting (UCR http://www.rmc.edu/directory/offices/campussafety/crimestats.asp | |
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