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Crime Stats Sentencing: more detail |
81. Gap In Murder Stats A Mystery in murder stats a mystery FBI's numbers differ from city's By Jane Prendergast, jprendergast@enquirer.comThe Cincinnati Enquirer. FBI violent crime statistics http://enquirer.com/editions/2002/06/25/loc_gap_in_murder_stats.html | |
82. Silverthorne, Colorado - Government - Police - Community Programs & Services or in person, regarding decisions in pleabargaining, sentencing, and parole release.To be informed about their eligibility for crime victim compensation as http://www.silverthorne.org/government/comm_programs.html | |
83. Victim Rights Article to contact the law enforcement agency who is responsible for investigating the crime. Pretrialconferences Trial Change of plea hearing sentencing b. Right to http://www.faxnet1.org/newsart/victimrights.htm | |
84. Oklahoma Sexual Offender Registries The information includes the name, address, crime type, employment, race, sex sex,race, physical characteristics, the offense committed, sentencing date and http://www.faxnet1.org/library/oklahoma.htm | |
85. Crime Victims Rights, Domestic Violence Rights To inform the court of the impact of the crime at the pretrial and sentencing;To be notified of the release of the offender from prison, custody or other http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Abuse/holli/facts_stats/victim_rights.ht | |
86. Houston Police Online -- Victim Services Unit The right to provide information to the probation department conductinga presentencing investigation on the impact of the crime. http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/department/police/vsu.htm | |
87. Oregon Criminal Justice Commission_213_008 shall state on the record at the time of sentencing the substantial Auth. ORS 137.667Stats. in the criminal conduct associated with the crime of conviction. http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_200/OAR_213/213_008.html | |
88. About Us are followed in the days and weeks after a crime has occurred. be contacted with questionsregarding arraignments, bond hearings, trial dates, and sentencing. http://www.kcpd.org/legalresources.html | |
89. HoustonChronicle.com - He referred to their upstanding lives since the crime and said, In my view Amongthe most gripping statements to the court during the sentencing was that of a http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/nation/1779284 | |
90. Tough Computer Crime Bill Clears Hurdle Smith's bill would direct the US sentencing Commission to take several factors consideration,along with the level of planning, whether the crime was committed http://www.internetnews.com/bus-news/article.php/1107521 | |
91. MADD Online: Criminal Justice 101 Before sentencing, a victim impact statement should be submitted to the prosecutor griefmaterials, information on how to apply for crime victims' compensation http://www.madd.org/victims/0,1056,6250,00.html | |
92. SexOffenders will be sentenced to a longer term than someone whose previous offense that was aproperty crime. These possibilities are included in the sentencing guidelines http://www.olmstedcounty.com/sheriff/sexoff.htm | |
93. British Columbia Crime Trends From this perspective, stringent sentencing guidelines, mandatory life sentencesfor threetime as adults, have culminated in an effective deterrent to crime. http://www.cometobc.com/crimetrends.html | |
94. CPD - Helpful Information - Victims Rights with information regarding the emotional, physical, and financial impact the crimehas had on you and to state your sentencing recommendations (felony only). http://www.chandlerpd.com/cpd_site/helpful_info/az_rights.htm | |
95. CPD - Helpful Information - Victims Rights If you wish to be heard regarding sentencing, you must either appear at the initialappearance/arraignment or submit a written or video/audio taped statement http://www.chandlerpd.com/cpd_site/helpful_info/current_case.htm | |
96. Small Research Report For Stats/Methods http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1150/psych12.html | |
97. Marital Assault of the sentence may be suspended upon the defendant's successful completion of counselingor therapy, either before or after sentencing, after consideration of http://www.wm.edu/WMPD/marital.htm | |
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