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Crime Stats General: more detail | |||||
81. BadJocks.com - Sports Crime Resource Center Bob Reno) crime Among NFL's actually have fewer arrests per person then the generalpopulation Sample stats APBnews.com found that 11 percent of the players in http://www.badjocks.com/resource.html | |
82. Stats Info national murder or rape rate provided in your threeyear-old text book or a five-year-oldjournal article, go directly to the FBI's Uniform crime Report online http://www.cjed.com/rschers_stats.htm | |
83. Palomar College Police Department - 2001 Campus Crime Stats http://www.palomar.edu/police/2001_stats.htm | |
84. Palomar College Police Department - 1999 Campus Crime Stats http://www.palomar.edu/police/1999_stats.htm | |
85. Stats Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report National crime VictimizationSurvey, Violence Against Women (NCJ145325), January 1994. http://www.ptialaska.net/~women/stats.html | |
86. STATS US Attorney general John Ashcroft has asked that a modified version of Project Exilebe taken NATIONWIDE! FACTS, stats Cost of CrimeFACT, stats and Cost http://keasl5227.tripod.com/throwawaythekeys/id3.html | |
87. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Victim Characteristics 97. Presents data from the redesigned NCVS that examines violent crimeacross the general population, ages 12 or older. NCJ 162031. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict_v.htm | |
88. Crime Data Sources In Criminal Justice crime DATA SOURCES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE How crime Data is Collected,Analyzed, and Put to Use. Campus crime US Academic statistics. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/data.htm | |
89. General Info general Information Sources. My current project is to seek out new crimestats links at the city, county, state and academic levels. http://www.nmu.edu/cj/Criminal Justice Links/general_info.htm | |
90. Gore Calls For Banning Handguns Our phones have been ringing off the hook, Baker said. Our membersand gun owners in general heard Gore's message loud and clear. | |
91. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott Campus Safety, Crime Stats Prescott Campus Safety. EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University Department ofCampus Safety, Prescott crime STATISTICS. CATEGORY, VENUE, 1999, 2000, 2001. http://www.erau.edu/0Universe/01/prsafety/01crimetable.html | |
92. General Information About Us general Information. Districts; CMPD News; Telephone Directory; CrimeStats; Shame TV; Most Wanted; Missing Persons. Events Calendar. Page Comments? http://www.charmeck.org/Departments/police/about us/mission and business plan/ge | |
93. Sheriff Warren E. Brown After a short period of mining during the gold rush Warren settledin Martinez and opened a general merchandise establishment. On http://www.cocosheriff.org/warren_brown.htm | |
94. Police Arrest gun was a .380caliber semiautomatic with seven bullets in the chamber, accordingto the suspect's file in Williamsburg-James City County general District Court http://www.wm.edu/WMPD/news2.htm | |
95. ARC General Information Page . ARC HOME PAGE. American River College 4700 CollegeOak Drive Sacramento, CA 95841 916) 4848011 http://www.arc.losrios.edu/about/aboutarc.html | |
96. Texas Department Of Public Safety - Courtesy, Service, Protection Listed below are the Texas crime Reports that are available in PDFformat. You must have the Adobe Acrobat crime Report for 2001. http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/crimereports/ | |
97. Your Community family members. The Ombudsman program offers several advantages tothe unit, its personnel, and the Coast Guard in general. First http://www.cinchouse.com/features/build_community.htm | |
98. DNA Fails In Jefferson-Slave Link DNA Fails in JeffersonSlave Link Associated Press, Copyright 2000 March 23, 2000 A DNA test has again failed to link a descendant of Monticello slave Tom http://www.naawp.com/news/dna_fails_jefferson.htm | |
99. Newsletter Archives OVER SEVENTY FIVE ISSUES! ALL FOR ONLY $9.99. Click here to go to our GeneralStore and order your copy today! We are still sending out the newsletter! http://www.naawp.org/news/Newsletter/default.htm | |
100. Contact The NAAWP CONTACT US. Tell us what you think about our web site, our organization, or anythingelse that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions. http://www.naawp.org/forms/contact.htm | |
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