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61. MCCPI: Sexual Assault Prevention Tips For Communities As an enhancement of neighborhood watch, many communities on the size of the neighborhood,number of understanding and encouraging crime prevention partnerships http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/pct/ccpi/sexc.htm | |
62. Arlington County Police Department - Crime Prevention Tips watch neighborhood watch Guidelines neighborhood watch Petition (pdf Residential Burglary Your Role in prevention (pdf brochure Rape Rape is a crime of violence http://www.co.arlington.va.us/police/crime_prevention/index.asp | |
63. Crime Prevention a 77% drop in burglaries after implementing neighborhood watch. after it started awatch program. Department of Justice, National crime prevention Council, and http://www.cityofreno.com/pub_safety/police/crime_prevention/ | |
64. Contra Costa Times | 01/31/2003 | Crime Prevention Continues Despite Cuts let their neighbors know about crime prevention topics and report back for them viathe Web, he said. Just like traditional neighborhood watch programs, the http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/news/local/states/california/counties/contra_ | |
65. Neighborhood Watch - Crime Prevention - Douglas County Sheriff's Office - Oregon neighborhood watch Program support for almost 100 programs prevention material availablevia speaker presentations, brochures and/or Rural crime; Illegal Drugs. http://www.dcso.com/crime1.asp | |
66. Prevention Page Forward crime prevention continues to increase people's interest in, and awareness of theft,business security, and home security and neighborhood/Block watch. http://www.ci.redmond.wa.us/insidecityhall/police/crimeprevention.asp |
67. Clarian Health will help you organize crimewatch groups, such as neighborhood watch, Block watch,or Apartment watch-what Nashville police crime-prevention officer Shawn http://www.clarian.org/content/rodales/14612.jhtml | |
68. City Of Lawndale - Neighborhood Watch About neighborhood watch neighborhood watch is a crime prevention program that teachescitizens techniques to reduce the risk of being a victim at home or in http://www.lawndalecity.org/HTML/DEPTHTML/MSD/NeighbWatch.htm | |
69. Sheriff Brass' Crime Prevention Unit Reduce the opportunity for crime.Category Society crime prevention...... such things as neighborhood watch; Resident Patrols (Citizens On Patrol); PolicePatrolling (High Visibility Patrolling); crime prevention Planning Committees; http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1591/ | |
70. Mission Viejo Neighborhood Watch | CITY OF MISSION VIEJO in participating in the neighborhood watch program and/or would like more information,please feel free to contact the Mission Viejo crime prevention Office at http://ci.mission-viejo.ca.us/depts/cm/neighborwatch.html | |
71. Wichita Police Department Community Affairs Section For more information or to schedule a Business Security Survey, contact the WichitaPolice Department crime prevention Unit at (316) 2684101 neighborhood watch. http://www.wichitapolice.com/comm_affairs/comafair.htm | |
72. City Of Virginia Beach - Police Department - Operations Division - Crime Prevent Signs When the requirements are met and the completed participant roster has beenturned into the crime prevention Unit, neighborhood watch stickers will be http://www.vbgov.com/dept/police/division/support/prevention.asp | |
73. Education, Health & Safety Los Angeles Police Department's crime prevention Section's crime prevention circulars. neighborhoodwatch Programs neighborhood watch, Block watch, Town watch http://www.ci.la.ca.us/lacity145.htm | |
74. Santa Clara County - Office Of The Sheriff neighborhood watch is a crime prevention program, which enlists the active participationof citizens in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in http://sccsheriff.org/cep-neighbor_wtch.html | |
75. Neighborhood Watch Tips on preventing crime in your neighborhood using your neighborhood watch programShare crime prevention Tips Discuss ways to improve home and personal http://www.oceansidepolice.com/Neighborhood_watch.asp | |
76. Services Division Safety Presentations on topics such as personal and residential safety, con andfraud games, and neighborhood watch. The crime prevention Unit also presents http://www.ci.south-bend.in.us/Police/page4.html | |
77. Commsvcs Gun Safety Home Security neighborhood watch Operation Identification Personal SafetyRobbery prevention Safe Computing School crime prevention Seatbelt Safety http://www.state.de.us/dsp/commserv/commsvcs.htm | |
78. Starting A Neighborhood Watch Program For information on forming a neighborhood watch group call FAYETTEVILLECITY POLICE DEPARTMENT crime prevention 587-3555. Staying Alive! http://www.accessfayetteville.org/neighborhood_resources/starting_a_neighborhood | |
79. About Us - Crime Prevention- Police Department - City Of Davis neighborhood watch is effective by educating residents about ways to reduce risks,to The crime prevention Unit would like the opportunity to present our most http://www.city.davis.ca.us/police/AboutUs.cfm?topic=2 |
80. Neighborhood Watch Effective For Crime Prevention Released May 18, 1999. neighborhood watch effective for crime prevention.By Senior Airman Brian Jones 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs. http://www2.acc.af.mil/accnews/may99/990176.html | |
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