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41. Case Information And Court Dockets In The Legal Research Guide This site provides a portal to Webbased case information and court docket systemsfor federal, state, and local courts in the United states. http://www.virtualchase.com/resources/dockets.html | |
42. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Prosecution Statistics for defendants in Federal district court and large policies, and practices of localprosecutors from a 308 chief litigating prosecutors in state court systems. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pros.htm | |
43. Legal Technology Institute - Electronic Public Access To Court Records - Summary interface with older, legacy court database systems or the the Federal level whilefor state and local for providing electronic access to court records, with a http://www.law.ufl.edu/lti/research/eparecords/summary.htm | |
44. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MONDAY, fee allow the establishment of drug court systems with the is based on a review ofstate statutes, bills of the 14 th Circuit court district, which includes http://www.osa.state.ms.us/pr/2003/drugcourt.htm | |
45. THE SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA Right now the state is facing a dire shortage returning to the criminal justice andchild protection systems. Ø Continental breakfast with court staff, 815 am http://www.courts.state.mn.us/cio/Story\CJBJP.htm | |
46. 93.586 - State Court Improvement Program as support for the expansion of successful court systems. contacting the NationalCenter for state courts at (775 Center for Juvenile and Family court Judges at http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=1285 |
47. Court Technology copy of the standards from the state court Administrative Office courts may use videotaperecord systems for the purpose of making the verbatim court record of http://www.courts.michigan.gov/scao/services/tcs/tech.htm | |
48. Story: Wisconsin Pilots Information-Linking Systems - Sep 27, 2002 as well as linking state and local systems among agencies as system to the ConsolidatedCourt Automation Program CCAP, the Director of state courts Office, the http://www.govtech.net/magazine/story.phtml?id=2002.09.27-25731 |
49. HoustonChronicle.com - May 3: Court Center Reopening After Repairs of the electrical and mechanical systems from the toreopen courthouse, the Officeof court Services (formerly state district Judge Debbie M. Stricklin and her http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/storm2001/1395268 | |
50. Mediation And Conflict Resolution Office and Mike Preston, pastPresident, Maryland state Bar Association; collaborativelyto develop uniform evaluation systems for Maryland's court-based ADR http://www.courts.state.md.us/macro/ | |
51. California Courts: Court Admin: OGA in the judicial and court systems, including the of Counties (CSAC), the CaliforniaDistrict Attorneys Association (CDAA), the state Bar, plaintiffs http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courtadmin/aoc/oga.htm | |
52. C F C C - Child Support Project (AB 1058) These systems provide an expedited process in the courts that Title IVD also requiresthe state to establish for and requires each superior court to establish http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/programs/cfcc/programs/description/childsupport.htm | |
53. Sourcebook - Table Of Contents, Section 1 enforcement, courts, and corrections systems in the magistrate judges in US Districtcourts Prosecutors in Number and term of state court judges Qualifications http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/1995/toc_1.html | |
54. Sourcebook - Table Of Contents Section 1 Characteristics of the criminal justice systems. in US district courtsJury fees in state and Federal Confidence in the US Supreme court Ratings of http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/1995/toc.html | |
55. Directory Of Electronic Public Access Services - US Courts and from other interested parties (viz., federal and state agencies, business and USSupreme court Clerk's Automated Response systems (CARS) Permits http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/pubaccess.html |
56. US District Court For The Northern District Of Georgia Main Page square miles) in the northwestern part of the state. Rules for the United statesDistrict court for the Maintained by the systems Department of the Northern http://www.gand.uscourts.gov/ | |
57. Labour Courts And Court Systems Labour courts and court systems. at this stage, it will be ratified by the court andwill Each party will be called upon to state their case, a consideration of http://www.fedee.com/labcourts.html | |
58. NLECTC JustNet-Courts And Adjudication Links the automation and integration of court information systems. court Technology VendorsList A list of vendors from the National Center for state courts. http://www.nlectc.org/links/courtlinks.html | |
59. Due Process And Courts Washinton state courts. court Technology Reports *Fifth National court TechnologyConference. CADI Information management systems for Criminal Justice agencies. http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/cjlinks/due.html | |
60. District Court Main Page have long been called the peoples court and are which funds both local and stateprograms. safety and education programs, information systems, crimevictims http://kitsapgov.com/dc/ | |
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