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41. SABCnews Congo Government Troops Kill 100 Civilians congo government troops kill 100 civilians. November 21, 2002, 1730. Congofactions meet for talks on interim government November 15, 2002, 1213 PM. http://www.sabcnews.com/africa/central_africa/0,1009,47818,00.html | |
42. SABCnews DR Congo Government, Rebels Resume Talks Please note a free version is available at real.com. RealPlayer. home/africa/centralafrica DR congo government, rebels resume talks. February 27, 2002, 2145. http://www.sabcnews.com/africa/central_africa/0,1009,29241,00.html | |
43. CWNews: Congo Government Denies Media Coverage To Church Peace Project The story on this page is congo government Denies Media Coverage To Church PeaceProject. congo government Denies Media Coverage To Church Peace Project http://www.cwnews.com/Browse/2001/01/14670.htm | |
44. Congo Government Sites congo government sites. (created 30 January 2002) SITE and LINKSUNDER (perpetual) CONSTRUCTION (last updated 30 January 2002) http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~smckee/govt_congo.html | |
45. AllAfrica.com -- Congo-Kinshasa: Peace Process Threatened By Uganda And Rwanda M as well as in other areas could derail the peace process in the Democratic Republicof Congo (DRC), warned representatives of the congo government Friday. http://allafrica.com/stories/200301210055.html | |
46. A0071803 DOS/IIP -- African Security Issues -- Text: U.S. Condemns Congo Governm Text US Condemns congo government Offensive. Deputy Spokesman Reeker'sstatement of July 18. The US government strongly condemns http://usinfo.state.gov/regional/af/security/a0071803.htm | |
47. Browsing Regional Africa Congo Government Category Browse Regional Africa congo government USA Official Immigration AndGreen Card Lottery. Top Regional Africa Congo Government. http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Regional/Africa/Congo/Government/ |
48. Listings Of The World Regional Africa Congo Government Related. Regional/Africa/Congo/Society_and_Culture/Politics (0) Regional/Africa/Government(4). Help build the largest humanedited directory on the web. http://listingsworld.com/Regional/Africa/Congo/Government/ |
49. CultureGrams Kids Edition Congo Government The president has held a lot of power over all areas of government. Since Congo'scurrent civil war began, the president only rules the areas controlled by his http://www.shakamak.k12.in.us/cgkids/site/kids_260.htm |
50. ChevronTexaco - ChevronTexaco Press Release ChevronTexaco Global Energy Inc., a subsidiary of ChevronTexaco, today announcedit has signed an agreement with the Republic of the congo government to invest http://www.chevrontexaco.com/news/press/2002/2002-05-14.asp | |
51. Crisisweb: The International Crisis Group's On-line System Establish a mediation structure within MONUC that will bring the RCD, the congo governmentand Mai Mai leaders together to agree on a common strategy and joint http://www.intl-crisis-group.org/projects/showreport.cfm?reportid=877 |
52. USAID-Congo: Environment Program The United States Foreign Assistance Act authorizes USAID to work directly withthe congo government in two areas of global concern Global Climate Change http://www.usaid.gov/cg/environ.html | |
53. Full Coverage Congo Brazaville 17 June 2002 congo government grants UN permission to enter besieged town Reliefcould soon come to thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the http://www.oneworld.org/themes/country/country_178_1.shtml |
54. BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Q&A: Can The Congo Peace Deal Work? BBC News Online looks at the peace deal signed in South Africa this week by theDemocratic Republic of congo government and the main rebel movements aimed at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2586607.stm | |
55. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Congo, Democratic Republic Of The Features map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people. http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cg.html | |
56. MapZones.com Government congo, government, Back to Top. After the congo received its independencefrom Belgium in 1960, it experienced five years of political turmoil. http://www.mapzones.com/world/africa/democratic_republic_of_congo/governmentinde | |
57. Democratic Republic Of Congo : République Démocratique Du Congo Progovernment reports on the war. http://www.crocker.com/~acacia/congo.html | |
58. Dynamic Directory - Regional - Africa - Congo - Government Regional Africa congo Society and Culture Politics (0). Regional Africa government (3). congo Cabinet Names and http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Regional/Africa/Congo/Government | |
59. MapZones.com Government congo, government, Back to Top. 1992 constitution declared the congoa multiparty democracy with a president as head of state. Legislative http://www.mapzones.com/world/africa/republic_of_congo/governmentindex.php | |
60. Choose Your Access To The Major Popular Sites On The Net! Similar pages congoWeb the congo - governmentcongoWeb - le congo. government. Constitution. Fundamental Act of the Republic ofthe congo - 1997 (in French). Flag. History. History of government in the congo. http://www.rdcongo.org/ | |
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