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41. Computer Science Departments Carnegie Mellon listCategory computers computer science Academic Departments...... University of Washington; University of WisconsinMadison; Wake Forest;WPI Technical Report libraries at various computer science Departments http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ari/htmls/OtherCS.html | |
42. IUB Libraries: Computer Science Collection Home Page The computer science collection at the Indiana University BloomingtonLibraries. Link to IUB Home Page, Link to IUB Search Page, Link http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=346 |
43. AU Libraries Computer Science And Software Engineering Lists of journal titles Selected electronic computer science journals at AU librariesThere is also a comprehensive list of Ejournals at AU libraries; this E http://www.lib.auburn.edu/scitech/resguide/computer/compusci.html | |
44. BU Libraries -- Electronic Resources By Subject -- Computer Science Memorial Library SEL= science Engineering BU libraries Mugar Memorial. http://www.bu.edu/library/eresources/ercs.htm | |
45. BU Libraries- Research Guide: Computer Science .......Research Guide computer science, Indexes EJournals Societies Associations CS Links. Indexes. computer science Preprint Server, http://www.bu.edu/library/research-guides/csrg.htm | |
46. Western Libraries - Computer Science UWO Departments Department of computer science Contact webmaster@lib.uwo.ca Contentsof this page Thursday, 13Mar-2003 103728 EST © 2002 Western libraries http://www.lib.uwo.ca/resources/computerscience.shtml | |
47. Penn State Libraries Mathematics Library Journals And Electronic computer science Journals. TOP. Knowledge Acquisition 19931994. LectureNotes in computer science Linux Journal Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/math/csjnlst.html |
48. Penn State Libraries Mathematics Library CompSci Info computer science and Engineering Resources. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/math/compsci.html |
49. Computer Science Bonn: Libraries Of The Institute Of Computer Science University Significant libraries for the Topic computer science in Bonn and its Environs.libraries located in the building. Library of the Institute http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/institut/bib-en.html | |
50. Internet Resources compilers, compiler generators, interpreters, translators, important libraries, andassemblers and Web sites that list computing and computer science periodicals http://www.ala.org/acrl/resjune01.html | |
51. FIU Libraries -- Information By Subject (Computer Science) cited references. INTERNET SITES. FIU School of computer science, FIU.Internet Resources for computer science, FIU libraries. This page http://www.fiu.edu/~library/subjects/computersc.html | |
52. Brandeis University Libraries: Computer Science Resources computer science Resources on the Web. Gerstenzang science Library Home Page. HomeLast updated 03/04/03 ©2003 Brandeis University libraries Comments to http://library.brandeis.edu/subjects/computer.html | |
53. Brandeis Libraries' Guide: Computer Science For a complete list of Web resources see computer science Resources on the Web. HomeLast updated 03/04/03 ©2003 Brandeis University libraries Comments to http://library.brandeis.edu/resources/resguides/subject/cscguide.html | |
54. INRIA - Web Sites In Computer Science reports and thesis Activity reports Books INRIA's libraries Mutimedia Conferences and tutorials Web sites in computer science and mathematics . http://www.inria.fr/publications/infoweb/index.en.html | |
55. Information & Computer Science (UC Irvine Libraries) Elsevier science Direct Remote access restricted to UCI Access to publications fromIEEE computer Society and and the Association of Research libraries (ARL) E http://www.lib.uci.edu/online/subject/comp.html | |
56. Computer Science Research At UCSB Libraries for computer science ryan@library.ucsb.edu 805893-7225 or Ask a Librarian. Lastmodified This is an official University of California Santa Barbara libraries' http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/comp.html | |
57. Libraries: Computer Science site containing papers, and information on computer science research; practice, andapplication of computer and information edu The College of Wooster libraries http://www.wooster.edu/Library/sCompSci.html | |
58. Libraries: Subject Guide To Databases: Computer Science Applied science Technology Abstracts, about. computer Source (EBSCOhost), about. librariesHome Page, , Suggestions for the libraries' Pages, , Which Database to http://www.wooster.edu/library/guides/databases/dbsubject_computer.html | |
59. BySubject/CS-ECE Computer Science And ECE Subject Resources [ http//www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS+ECE/subjects.html Missy Harvey, ComputerScience Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu. Carnegie Mellon University libraries. http://zeeb.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS ECE/subjects.html |
60. BySubject/CS-ECE Computer Science And ECE Technical Reports [ http//www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS+ECE/techrpts.html Missy Harvey, ComputerScience Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu. Carnegie Mellon University libraries. http://zeeb.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS ECE/techrpts.html |
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