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101. Worker-communist Party Of Iran Workercommunist party of Iran English http://www.wpiran.org/ |
102. New York State Communist Party State affiliate of the communist party USA which believes in worker ownership and control of the means Category Regional North America Politics Parties...... What IS the CPUSA? The CPUSA (communist party USA) is the only politicalparty organized and run exclusively by workingclass people. http://www.dezines.com/nyscpusa/ |
103. Political Report 5th National Council Of The Iraqi Communist Conference of Kurdistan CP Iraq Organisations Abroad. Iraqi CommunistParty's Central Committee Discusses Recent political Developments. http://user.tninet.se/~lto357q/framse1/icphis.htm |
104. Non-communist Parties Play Active Role In China's Political Life between the CPC and other noncommunist parties and thus making the system of multi-partycooperation and political consultation standardized, said http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200210/16/eng20021016_105149.shtml |
105. Chile Political Parties / Partidos Políticos Translate this page Chile political Parties Partidos Políticos, political Database of the Americas(HOME). Note The dates of party foundation here reflect the dates the parties http://www.georgetown.edu/pdba/Parties/Resumen/Chile/desc.html |
106. League For The Revolutionary Party Communist Organization For This is the US section of communist Organization for the Fourth International (COFI) and was formed Category Society Politics Socialism Organizations...... The League for the Revolutionary party (LRP), based of authentic Marxism and the politicalindependence of task by adherents to the communist Organization for http://www.lrp-cofi.org/ |
107. P revolutionary party (portugal) partido socialista unificado de cataluña politicalparties and movements (spain) partido socialista socialist and communist http://www.fotw.ca/flags/keywordp.html |
108. Political Activism Resources Korean site with world wide links concerning information and activism strategies and organizations.Category Society Activism In Daily Life Money Matters...... The AMERICAN NAZI party is a legally based politicaleducational organization dedicatedto the preservation of the White Race, the Aryan Republic, and our http://www.kimsoft.com/kimpol.htm |
109. Publications Holzer, J. (ed.) The communist Parties in the PostSoviet political PartySystems. Baòouch, H. - Fedorko, M. (eds.) International Organisations. http://www.iips.cz/texty/english/public.html |
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