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Communication Org & Research: more detail | |||
1. Human Communication Research Advancing understanding of human symbolic processes with emphasis on theorydriven research, the developm Category Science Social Sciences communication Journals...... Oxford University Press publishes Human communication research on behalf of theInternational communication Association, assisted by Stanford University http://hcr.oupjournals.org/ | |
2. CRIA: Communication Research And Information Design. An Independent Membership B Our members achieve the highest quality communication between organisations andcustomers by using our expert services, research, publications, and courses. http://www.communication.org.au/ | |
3. ADCRF Home Page After Death communication research Foundation (ADCRF) extensive information and resources regarding after death communication (ADC), ADC, bereavement, grief, life after death. AFTER DEATH communication research FOUNDATION HOME PAGE. (ADCRF) the other two websites that we have www.nderf.org and www.oberf.org All three websites give a rounded picture of http://www.adcrf.org/ | |
4. Www.CommunicationResearch.org useful for graduate students in mass communication. Please suggest any Journal Listing Find journals here! Academic research Labs and Archives Old communicationresearch.org site http://www.communicationresearch.org/ | |
5. Pan Asia Networking, An Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) Program A program of Canada's International Development research Centre (IDRC), site offers insight into its Category Regional Asia Computers Services organisations...... joint publication of Pan Asia Networking of the International Development researchCentre Send an email to digitalreview@ict4d.org if you are interested in http://www.panasia.org.sg/ | |
6. National Competence Center In Research On Mobile Information And Communication S research on self organizing mobile ad hoc networking technology and infrastructure. Project proposals and publications. http://www.terminodes.org/ |
8. Communication Research: Information Design For People copies of the reproduced material are forwarded to the Institute. CRIAPO Box 398 Hawker ACT 2614 Australia. cria@communication.org.au. http://www.communication.org.au/html/tufte_review.html | |
9. Home Formerly SCA, this is the oldest scholarly speech organization in the United States. Site currently Category Science Social Sciences communication organizations...... 4622 or email memberservice@natcom.org based perspectives that focus on communicationscentrality others scholarship, to develop research, teaching, and http://www.natcom.org/ | |
10. The American Communication Association International organization with a moderate slant toward quantitative communication studies. Ejournal, annual conference information, and links to research resources. http://www.americancomm.org/ | |
11. ARL Directory Of Scholarly Electronic Journals And Academic Discussion Lists Scholarly research pertaining to online topics. Includes a directory of scholarly and professional Category Reference Libraries Journals...... Directory, use the online order form, email pubs@arl.org , or contact Office ofScholarly communication Home. The Association of research Libraries Maintained http://www.arl.org/scomm/edir/ | |
12. Public Relations house14b.gif communication research.org. sitemap. http://www.communicationresearch.org/prmain.html | |
13. Communication Dot Org 4th Generation Search communication.org. MegaStar (BOARDGAME). Who will become the "MegaStar"? Multimedia research Permissions http://www.communication.org/ | |
14. Icahdq.org - Home Scholarly organization known for its conferences in exotic locations. Site includes abstracts of the current issue of Human communication research, Journal of communication, and communication Theory. http://www.icahdq.org/ | |
15. Computer & Communication Research Labs Computer Communications research Labs Strive For New Heights. Welcome! TheComputer and Communications research Labs(CCL). is a technology creator. http://www.ccl.itri.org.tw/Eng/index-e.html | |
16. Association For Educational Communications And Technology The mission of the AECT is to provide leadership in educational communications and technology by linking Category Arts Visual Arts Education Visual Literacy Associations...... AECTDL@aect.org is now DL@aect.org. Educational Technology research DevelopmentOur premiere journal is focus is on computer-mediated communication, and the http://www.aect.org/ | |
17. Telecommunications Policy Research Conference September 28-30, 2002.Category Business Telecommunications Conferences...... The 31st research Conference on communication, Information and Internet 925 FairwayDr. NE, Vienna, VA 221803633 (voice) 703.242.1869 info@tprc.org. http://www.tprc.org/ | |
18. TPRC Conference Information The 29th research Conference on communication, Information and Internet makers withthe best of recent research and to www.tprc.org is hosted and maintained by http://www.tprc.org/tprc01/2001.htm | |
19. MSKCC.org - President's Research Seminar Series Ready Ready communication Between the Synapse and the Address Rockefeller research Laboratories430 East 67th RRL 6392000 PublicAffairs@mskcc.org Legal Disclaimer. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/12092.cfm | |
20. ICT Research :: Reports And Publications ImpaCT2 The Impact of Information and communication Technologies on Pupil Learningand including a more detailed description of the research methods employed http://www.becta.org.uk/research/reports/impact2/index.cfm | |
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