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41. Micro Co-generation Systems the excess heat of the power production process for heating the house or makinghot water, micro cogeneration can save 10 to 20 % primary energy compared to http://www.ecn.nl/sf/products/stirling/microcogeneration.html | |
42. 'Co-generation Directive' To Save Energy And Combat Climate Change - 23 Jul 2002 cogeneration Directive' to save energy and combat climate change.The European Commission is bidding to promote the co-generation http://www.eubusiness.com/item/86873/78833A55/3933 | |
43. SPI - Consultant Of China Power,energy Electricity (incl. There are 1229 cogeneration units over 6000 KW, with total capacity of 21971 MW,accounting for 12.12 % of fossil fired power capacity at the same power rate http://www.solaires.com/chinapower/cogen/cogen.htm |
44. Daidan Technology The cogeneration has the Following Merits. energy can be Effectively Used The heat(exhaust gas at about 800?, etc.) produced together with the electrical http://www.daidan.co.jp/english/english/technology/energy/energy_3.html | |
45. Co-generation Go back. cogeneration. co-generation is the concept of producing twoforms of energy from one fuel. One of the forms of energy must http://edugreen.teri.res.in/explore/renew/cogen.htm | |
46. Kinectrics - Energy Users (Commercial, Multi-Residential, Institutional And Manu energy suppliers, we evaluate opportunities to utilize on site resources for energyproduction. For example, an assessment of a co-generation opportunity for http://www.kinectrics.com/en/sector/leusector.html | |
47. Energy Management Ventures mechatronic devices why we are interested in Adaptive delivery control, Distributedgeneration controls, cogeneration controls, energy Management Ventures. http://www.innovation.danfoss.com/Danfoss_Corporate_Ventures_Infopages/energy_ma | |
48. Oregon DEQ Air Quality Program Policy Regarding High Efficiency Co-generation Fa Definitions. High Efficiency cogeneration Facility means an energy facility,except coal and nuclear power plants that sequentially produces electrical and http://www.deq.state.or.us/aq/co-gen_policy.htm | |
49. Application Of A Co-Generation System In A Residential Complex Electrical utilities discard 70 per cent of the fossil fuel energy theyconsume, compared to 1030 per cent for a co-generation system. http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/imquaf/himu/buin_015.cfm | |
50. PROPOSALS FOR THE ENERGY FIELD with cogeneration systems that utilize gas engines, gas turbines, and fuel cells;in suburban factories, waste materials can be used as a source of energy. http://www.nkk.co.jp/en/proposal/energy/main.html |
51. MES - Gas Turbine Co-Generation System Gas Turbine cogeneration System Back to energy Systems. High EfficiencyGas Turbine co-generation System GP1000 , General Outline http://www.mes.co.jp/english/product/energy/h06.html | |
52. ERCo - Energy Research Company: Plant Surveys the development of the optimum electric tariff, improving electric load factor, retrofittingenergy efficient equipment, and evaluation of cogeneration systems http://www.er-co.com/plantsu.htm | |
53. North Island Generation 3, Southdown, cogeneration, 120, Mercury energy/ TransAlta JV. 4, Otahuhu A,Gas, 85, Contact energy. 16, Bay Milk, co-generation, 10, Todd energy/ PacificHydro JV. http://www.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/research/powersystems/North_Island_generation.h | |
54. Co-Generation cogeneration is an energy system that utilizes both electricity generated fromburning a fuel as well as the waste heat from the conversion of that fuel to http://www.biogastech.com/cogeneration.htm | |
55. Current State And Topics Of New Energy Sources cogeneration means a system that simultaneously supplies power and heat. in powergeneration to supply heat, the system has a total energy efficiency rating http://www.apec-vc.or.jp/net/enewenergy/newenergy/page02_06.htm | |
56. Advanced Recycling Equipment - Turnkey Co-generation Cogeneration Dual energy A typical cogeneration system converts a burnable fuelinto a combination of thermal energy and electrical energy. energy Production. http://www.advancedrecyclingequip.com/turnkey_cogeneration.html | |
57. UNEP - IAF District Heating Co-Generation Plant In Eastern Europe Generation Plant in Eastern Europe. ($38,000 advisory support for $1,000,000 totalinvestment). Purpose Advising a European commercial bank on a proposed energy http://www.uneptie.org/energy/act/re/IAF/projects/easterneurope.htm | |
58. Current Savers - Co-Generation Miniturbines. cogeneration co-generation is a highly efficient means of generatingheat and electric power at the same time from the same energy source. http://www.currentsavers.com/co-generation.html | |
59. Untitled Document Commission proposes cogeneration Directive to save energy and combatclimate change. A proposal for a Directive aimed at saving http://eic.mra.si/eng/inside.php | |
60. Plasma-Material Interaction Group Combined Cycle And Co- of each of combined cycle and cogeneration will be covered in-depth before takinga brief look at the rather complex integrated systems. Many energy flow and http://starfire.ne.uiuc.edu/ne201/course/topics/combined_cycle_and_cogeneration/ | |
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