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81. Speaking And Writing Resources Void Writers' resources provides resources for writing with an emphasis research links for use in your writing projects! The writing Parent - resources for parents who http://classervices.com/Online_Store.html | |
82. Tract Number 34 The writings of the Fathers can be trusted on matters of christian worship which may be mentioned only in passing or not at all in Scripture. 1 May, 1834. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/pc/tracts/tract34.html | |
83. Writing Resources Compiled By Rick Sutcliffe Writer's resources This page is courtesy of Arjay Books, a subsidiaryof Arjay Enterprises. It collects links to resources for writers. http://www.arjay.ca/writing/ | |
84. Christian Resources Compiled By Rick Sutcliffe christian Information and Links from Arjay An article reflecting on the September11 2001 disasters and their spiritual implications is now available HERE. http://www.arjay.ca/Christian/ | |
85. Selected Works Of Martin Luther Project Wittenberg archive with English translations and some texts in the original German. Two English Category Society Religion and Spirituality Luther, Martin Hymns...... 43, pp.513, trans. by James Kellerman. Concerning christian Liberty (1520) 25852590.An Open Letter to the christian Nobillity (1520) http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-luther.html | |
86. Bob Hostetler - Writing Resources Bob Hostetler Bookstore http://www.bobhostetler.com/books/every_christian.html | |
87. Writing Services For Graduate Students Editorial Services. For information about editorial services for graduate students,please contact Barbara christian, writing Services Coordinator, ext. 56350. http://www.learningcommons.uoguelph.ca/writing/gradstud.htm | |
88. Christian Top Sites : Internet Resources Online and offline christian resources for the whole web evangelism Planning andwriting strategy for chat witness, webmaster resources, monthly newsletter. | |
89. SLCC Online Writing Center For Writing Students writing Center for writing Students. Links to research information.Category Science Social Sciences Language and Linguistics Semiotics...... National Organization for Women; NAACP; American Civil Liberties Union; ChristianCoalition; writing/English. SLCC Online writing Center writing resources. http://www.slcc.edu/wc/student/rsch.htm | |
90. Christian-Mommies.com -- Christian Parenting Articles And Resources! christian Mommies is a site for fellowship between christian mothers. Browse through a wealth of Category Home Family Pregnancy...... 72703. Here is your opportunity to network with other christian writers, whilelearning about writing and getting published to further your writing career! http://www.christian-mommies.com/ | |
91. 40 Christian Writing Markets 40 christian writing Markets! SPECIAL REPORT. Are you looking for christianwriting markets that PAY? Many writers don't realize http://www.worldwidefreelance.com/40Christian.htm | |
92. Links Slip 'resources for the hopeful writer.' The Writers Home A Web Site For Writers,Editors And Lovers Of The Written Word. TrAce Online writing Community trAce http://www.worldwidefreelance.com/links.htm | |
93. Burning Void Writing Resources Page Essays on writing, book reviews and recommendations. Maintained links.Category Arts Writers resources Directories...... resources for writing Children's Literature. Journal writing resources Approachesto Journaling *; Journaling for Joy; Memories and Memoirs NEW; http://www.burningvoid.com/users/heather/writing/resources.html | |
94. New Page 1 Listed below are some resources for writer wannabes, beginners a number of links forChristian writers and book reviews, interviews, devotions, and writing helps http://www.lindafulkerson.com/new_page_1.htm | |
95. Writer's Universe--Christian/Inspirational christian/Inspirational Writer's resources christian/InspirationalWriting Seminars; 2002 christian/Inspirational Writer's Market http://www.writers-universe.com/genre/christian.html | |
96. Anointed Christian Links - Alphabetical Listing K United States and throughout the world. Kara Ministries Godcenteredchristian resources. Karissas christian Website if you http://www.anointedlinks.com/links_k.html | |
97. Anointed Christian Links - Alphabetical Listing E morality, truth, and many other topics that make up the foundations of a robust Christianfaith. Expository Sermons and Worship resources full text sermons http://www.anointedlinks.com/links_e.html | |
98. Turning Point resources Publishers publish. It is also a good place to check and see ifthey have already published a book in the topic you are writing on. http://www.christiansupersite.com/writer/resources.cfm | |
99. Turning Point and workshops Turning Point organizes for christian writers are supported by thevoluntary efforts of christian writers and christian writing groups from http://www.christiansupersite.com/writer/writingGroup.cfm | |
100. LITERATURE & WRITING Resources On The INTERNET, BURTON MANOR COLLEGE LEARNING WE Selected resources for WRITERS. of the Year' in the international Hans ChristianAndersen Awards. readings and forums to inspire and develop new writing. http://www.burtonmanor.org/bml-subj-gides/bml-lit-gide-index.htm | |
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