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61. GLOSSARY OF TERMS of Operations/Latin america Division/central america Task Force. Deputy Director ofcentral Intelligence. United indigenous peoples of Nicaragua, Atlantic Coast http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/cocaine/glossary.html | |
62. IMADR/News On Guatemala And Maya Indigenous Peoples/2003/No.6 which occurred during the general assembly of Former presidents in central Americaare also facing clergy and leaders of indigenous peoples.'' ''Doctor Morales http://www.imadr.org/project/guatemala/news6.html | |
63. Escape Tours: Costa Rica General History began arriving, and as is the theme throughout central and South america, the onslaught Theseindigenous peoples retreated to the highlands where they could http://www.webtravel.com/camerica/costa/sjohist.html | |
64. Undergraduate Catalog -- Full-time Day Programs -- Northeastern University culture of the americas (North america, Mexico, central america, South america, andthe a variety of arenas and how the ways indigenous peoples have been http://www.registrar.neu.edu/courses/artsci/soa.html | |
65. Resources Home Page Incineration; indigenous peoples; Industrial Pollution Aluminum Plants; WildlifeGeneral; WIldlife Mammals; World Africa; Asia; central america; central/Eastern http://www.elaw.org/custom/customPages/viewPage.asp?WebPage_ID=2 |
66. Indigenous Studies Guatemala Indians of central america Clothing -Guatemala Indians of South america- Costa Rica about Amerindians and other indigenous peoples presented to http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/LAWebGuide/EngMforms/Subjects/Indigenous.htm | |
67. Mythology's Mythinglinks: Indigenous Peoples Of North America -- Pueblo & Athaba two sticks together, and lighting a torch hurry it back to the great central estufa,where To North Americaportal page To indigenous peoples metapage. http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~northamerica~SW.html | |
68. VLRC Latin American Links rights, education, finance, fiscal reform, indigenous peoples, health, poverty linksto sites across Latin america, and the States (OAS) plays a central role in http://www.virtuallrc.com/vlrclatinamlinks.html | |
69. Jhupbooks.com | Politics | Constructing Democratic Governance of the left, conservatism, inequality, and indigenous peoples. focuses on Mexico,central america, and the http://www.press.jhu.edu/press/books/titles/f96/f96dco3.htm | |
70. Resources For Latin American History The Indians of central and South america An Ethnohistorical Ref F1434 .O45 1991 Auseful work for identifying groups and subgroups of indigenous peoples. http://www.library.carleton.edu/reference/subjectpages/latamhistory.htm | |
71. Central America: The Difficult Road Towards Integration And The Role Of Canada This notwithstanding, central america remains fragmented and higher among women,peasants and indigenous peoples. trends of the central american integration http://www.focal.ca/summary/summary_central.htm | |
72. Aboriginal Culture Index Of My Academic Only Home Page.com Bill's Aboriginal Links International Latin america Australia - New studies arenow the central issues of age to benefit the indigenous peoples who might http://www.myacademiconlyhomepage.com/Aboriginal_Culture.html | |
73. Hrip RIGHTS OF DISCOVERY CONQUEST. NATIONSTATES indigenous RIGHTS. INTELLECTUALPROPERTY RIGHTS. HAWAI'I. central america. CARIBS TAINOS. SOUTH america. ECUADOR. http://www.colby.edu/personal/jdanders/hrip.html | |
74. Central America Env. Projects Web Page an active program of nonlending services in support of this central American conceptof sustainable development and conservation (for general information on http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/MesoAm/UmbpubHP.nsf/3e836049fa30e4ab852566b80054a2 |
75. Resolution The Caucus also agreed that central/South america and Caribbean will all indigenouspeoples' organisation who wish to nominate indigenous candidates for http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/Resolution/resolution_english.htm | |
76. Clearing House Approved Part Of The History/Social Studies Web with NativeWeb. This site presents information on indigenous peoplesin Mexico, central, and South america. Mexico and http://my.execpc.com/~dboals/s-amer.html | |
77. Philadelphia University: Paul J. Gutman Library general Sources Affirmative Action and Diversity Project american and other IndigenousPeoples Resources Abya Yala Net Resources for South/central america; http://www.philau.edu/library/resources/ethnic.html | |
78. Contact Information 3666 FAX (612)7243781 central america Regional Office Address PO Box 3727 Grandcentral Station New Ambassador for the Year of indigenous People, Addressing http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_211421.htm | |
79. A New Central America On The Move Poverty in central america tends to be concentrated in rural areas, among indigenouspeoples, and skewed of some 75 percent of the general population, 86 http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20015962~menuPK:3446 | |
80. Industrialization Plan Threatens Central America's Indigenous | 1/5/2002 with leftist parties throughout central america, including Guatemalan Globalizationin Latin america, he said labor, environmental and indigenous groups in http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/colombia/puebla/0819Indistrializat | |
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