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Capital Punishment Pros & Cons: more detail | |||||||
81. AP Readings For Final Exam Summarize some of the arguments used to justify capital punishment. Describesome of the pros and cons of gun control legislation in the US. http://faculty.uml.edu/sgallagher/APFinalexam.htm | |
82. Debate Topics - Magnolia Student Links The Case Against the Death Penalty; capital punishmentthe Death Penalty; UnitedStates of America Death Penalty in Texas; The pros and cons of Nuclear Power; http://www.pleasantridge.k12.ca.us/magnolia/studentlinks/websites78/speech_debat |
83. Program 5 Panel presentation on pros and cons of the capital punishment debate. Presentationon the theological, moral and legal dimensions of the death penalty. http://www.serrainternational.org/old/Program 5.htm | |
84. OUP USA: The Death Penalty In America welledited and comprehensive collection of readings on the pros and cons of the andthe best current contributions to the debate over capital punishment. http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0195104382.html | |
85. Opposing Viewpoints capital punishment. Death Penalty Information Center Focus on the Death PenaltyPresents pros and cons on capital punishment Why the Death Penalty? http://www.woodbridge.lib.nj.us/sub_social.htm | |
86. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Capital Punishment [PA] - Big Punisher At Epi capital punishment A lyrical Masterpiece by MissMocha, Feb 09 '00Pros Everything cons None Read the full review, punish me? http://www.epinions.com/musc_mu-267929/display_~reviews | |
87. Pros capital punishment pros. The Biblical Approach What did the bible have to sayabout capital punishment? For what crimes did God suggest the death penalty? http://www.geocities.com/capitalpunishment2001/Pros.html | |
88. WebQuest out the history, chronology, and procedures first to get a good understanding ofcapital punishment before you get into statistics and the pros and cons sites. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/ahudson/WebQuest.html | |
89. LookSmart - Death Penalty LookSmart Home. Featured Sponsors. Death Penalty. Learn about the pros and cons ofcapital punishment, or the death penalty, through these sites. Directory Topics, http://www.looksmart.com/eus1/eus317836/eus317916/eus156783/eus218002/eus263854/ |
90. Updatabase.com - Free Student Essays And Papers 73. Importance of capital punishment, Annonymous Claim? copyright, 0. gun gontrolpros and cons, zach brown, 10. Matchmaker.com Sign up now for a free trial. http://essays.virtualave.net/cgi-bin/APLUS-list.cgi?law |
91. 2theAdvocate The Life of David Gale takes on the death penalty in the capital of capitalpunishment, Texas. Regardless of death penalty pros or cons, the movie is http://www.theadvocate.com/stories/022803/mov_davidgale001.shtml | |
92. Issues Essays the Internet Poverty Prejudice Premarital Sex Private School Vouchers Problems withCapital punishment Procrastination Profanity Essay pros and cons Of having http://www.onlineessays.com/issues.php3 | |
93. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Anti Death Penalty Sites" 7. Focus on the Death Penalty A comprehensive site on capital unishment and http//www.theelectricchair.com/deathorg.htm9. SoYouWanna know the pros cons of http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Anti Death Penalty Sites |
94. Capital Punishment: Life Or Death? Universitygroup project discusses the ultimate form of punishment and presents arguments on both sides of the debate. our sides of the capital punishment issue. From left to thoughts and feels toward capital punishment. Just for fun, to 1976 that capital punishment was ruled unconstitutional by http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~tonya/spring/cap/group1.htm | |
95. The Death Penalty Debate capital punishment IS IT EVER JUSTIFIED? Our society has become increasingly violent. Gone are the days where you can leave your doors open and your cars unlocked. Family values and morals are declining. What is capital punishment? Alternatives to capital punishment? What type of is meant by Pro capital punishment? What is meant http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/just/death/debate.html | |
96. Timeline 1907 Kansas abolishes capital punishment. 1970s An eventful decade for capitalpunishment sees the death penalty invalidated and then reinstated. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/angel/timeline.html | |
97. On Campus 04/13/01--John Artis To Deliver Keynote Address At Annual UT Heman Swe http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/oncampus/01oc_issues/oc010413/oc_artis.html | |
98. OPA News Release, 04/2001 News Media Advisory: UT Austin To Host Panel Discussio http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/news/01newsreleases/nr_200104/nr_punish010418.ht | |
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