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Cape Verde Regional History Africa: more detail | ||||||
61. ZUJI history, The Berlin Conference of 188485 divided africa between the European powers,leaving Portugal with Guinea-Bissau, cape verde, Equatorial Guinea and http://www.zuji.com.au/dest/guide/0,1277,ZUJIAU|369|1314|1,00.html | |
62. African Genealogy - The Genealogy Beat africa Surname regional Genealogy Sites. verde history and Culture - At the Capeverde Home Page; Germans in South africa; Hayes Family history - South africa; http://society.searchbeat.com/africaroots.htm | |
63. Cape Verde In Regional > Africa http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Regional/Africa/Cape_Verde/ | |
64. History, Arts Faculty Library Guinee, GuineeBissau, Ivory Coast, cape verde, Liberia, Mali This regional classificationis followed by an indication Middle Ages 3. Modern history 4. Latest http://odur.let.rug.nl/library/english/collection/rubr60.htm | |
66. WWW Virtual Library: Museums In Africa Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, cape verde Central African Regionalmuseums Includes the Natural Sciences Museum, history Museum, Observatory http://www.museums.or.ke/vlmp/vlmpafrica.html | |
67. Cape Verde Resources history. Historical Chronology of cape verde From Raymond A. Almeida of the Universityof Massachusetts. General Information. Archaeology at About.com africa http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blcapeverde.htm | |
68. GoSeekIt And MosaicFX Directory - Multilingual Directory Of The Home regional cape verde. 9. cape verde Profile cape verde general informationon profile, demography, government, history, geography, economy http://af.dir.mosaicfx.com/serf.pl?data=278 |
69. Mountain Forum Atlas Search Results Page Go to our regional pages to Jalca) SemiHumid Mindanao cape verde Principaltype(s Specialization Communications Culture - history Education Agriculture http://www.mtnforum.org/resources/atlas/memberoutput.cfm?gislink1=127 |
70. Lycos Homepage > Travel And Holidays > Travel Guides By Destination > Afri Holidays Travel Guides by Destination africa cape verde, about the Islands,their history, flora and cape verde A travelogue from cape verde focusing http://www.lycos.co.uk/dir/Travel_and_Holidays/Travel_Guides_by_Destination/Afri | |
71. The Cape Verde Islands This long history of colonial rule permanently affected cape verdean culture of anera for the local and regional economies, such as cape verde's, that had http://people.bu.edu/cvsa/CVHC.html | |
72. Nordic Africa Institute IRIN Integrated regional Information Network is a in Portuguese from the cape VerdeNews Agency of information about Gambia's history, government, investment http://www.nai.uu.se/links/country/westafrica.html | |
73. Africa : News And Newspapers : Internet Gateway Publications, Our City Local history, Kids' Stuff, Burkina Faso Burundi CameroonCape verde Central African from the Integrated regional Information Networks http://library.christchurch.org.nz/Resources/NewsAndNewspapers/Africa/index.asp | |
74. C flag association canadian flag association canadian flag history canadian flag africacompany cape town cape town (south africa) cape verde cape verde http://atlasgeo.span.ch/fotw/flags/keywordc.html | |
75. Brief Profile Of Cape Verde Its history began in the 15 th century when of President George W. Bush, cape Verdeis eager United States on expanded trade, regional stability, democracy http://www.virtualcapeverde.net/capeverdeusaembassy/country_profile_brief.htm | |
76. Archaeology Of Africa - Archaeology Digs Current Events Earth Sciences history Cultural Studies For Teachers For WritersRegional Studies Temporal Faso Burundi Cameroon cape verde Central African http://archaeology.miningco.com/library/atlas/blafrica.htm | |
77. SOAS: Centre Of African Studies São Tomé e Príncipe, cape verde, GuineaBissau. ICS Politics and recent history;structural adjustment SOAS Ethnicity and politics; regional politics of http://www.soas.ac.uk/cas/membpol.html | |
78. The ICRC In Senegal regional Delegation Dakar ICRC maps Maps of ICRC operations. Countries coveredCape verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger (Info resources\Maps\africa), 1-8 http://www.helpicrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/html/senegal!Open | |
79. ReliefWeb: Cape Verde The Latest , cape verde. 13Mar-2003, , FAO, Two million face serious food shortages in WestAfrica, 27-Feb-2003, , USAID, USAID assistance to the West African regional program, http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/ByCountry/Cape Verde?OpenDocument&StartKey=Ca |
80. ReliefWeb: Cape Verde The Latest , cape verde. 13Mar-2003, , FAO, Two million face serious food shortages in WestAfrica, 27-Feb-2003, , USAID, USAID assistance to the West African regional program, http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/ByCountry/02A91D5EE6DC0005C125653E002FFD42?Op |
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