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61. Global Population Distribution Database - Methodology A gridded canadian population dataset for 1991 with a 1/6 latitude and 1/4 longitudegrid resolution was obtained from the Canadian National Pollutant Release http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov/globalpop/1-degree/method.html | |
62. Food Bureau: Canadian Consumers The canadian population presently stands at more than 30 million and is projectedto grow at a rate of only 1.2% annually over the next decade. http://www.agr.gc.ca/misb/fb/food/consumer/mrkreports/consumers/consumers_e.html | |
63. Staging - Horsunset_05_01 canadian population Health Initiative Engaging Communities for PopulationHealth Chair John Millar, Canadian Institute for Health Information. http://policyresearch.gc.ca/horsunset_05_01_e.htm | |
64. Population Policy The numbers say otherwise. Since Confederation, the canadian populationhas grown very quickly. It rose from 3,463,000 in 1867 to http://www.magma.ca/~gpco/Essays/Population Policy/Essay Population Policy.htm | |
65. Cric.ca - Canada's Portal - Opinion Canada FACTS FIGURES. canadian population Growth Rate, 1997/98, 1998/99, 1999/2000.%. Canada, 0.9, 0.8, 0.8. Newfoundland, 1.6, -0.8, -0.4. Prince Edward Island,0.0, 0.5, 0.9. http://www.cric.ca/en_html/opinion/opv2n34.html | |
66. Vietnamese Canadian Federation - Statistics Recently released data from the 1996 census of the canadian population clearly showa significant increase in the Vietnamese ethnic origin population within http://www.vietfederation.ca/vietname.htm | |
67. Social Science Resources: Demography UN. CANADIAN STUDIES IN POPULATION the journal of the canadian populationSociety; and The canadian population Society main site; http://www.socsciresearch.com/r11.html | |
68. Creating Barrier-Free Broadband Learning Environments : Project Overview Potential learners with disabilities make up more than 15% of thecanadian population. This will increase in the next decade with http://www.barrierfree.ca/overview.html | |
69. Calendar Of Events Priority Topics. Over the next 25 years, the aging of the canadian populationwill increase dramatically, as babyboomers enter late life. http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/institutes/ia/events/index_e.shtml | |
70. Quickfacts - Strategically Located, Statistical Information This represents 75% of the canadian population and 48% of the total US population.Population, 86,417(est.), City of Brantford. 32,068 (est.), County of Brant. http://www.city.brantford.on.ca/ecd/quickfacts.htm | |
71. ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation campaigns, provide promotional support to local literacy groups and conduct researchto further the development of a fully literate canadian population. http://www.abc-canada.org/about_us/index.asp | |
72. CANADIAN STUDIES IN POPULATION assumptions, namely fertility, mortality, and immigration, on the projected totalpopulation and age structure, using canadian population projections from http://www.cicred.org/rdr/rdr_a/revues/revue89-90/08-89-90_a.html | |
73. CANADIAN STUDIES IN POPULATION, 1997, 1998 As the canadian population ages, adjustments to deteriorating health play animportant part in structuring demands for health care and social services. http://www.cicred.org/rdr/rdr_a/revues/revue95-98/08-95-98_a.html | |
74. The Effects Of Population Ageing On The Canadian Health Care System to Foot's mantra are aware that between 2025 and 2031, the population aged 65 andover will reach between 20 and 25 percent of the total canadian population. http://ideas.repec.org/p/mcm/sedapp/14.html | |
75. Census Of Canada: Census Of Population, Census Of Agriculture The Daily canadian Statistics Community Profiles Products and services Home Censuscanadian Statistics Community Profiles Products and services Other links, http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/release/index.cfm | |
76. CANADA - Pages Dealing With Information On Peoples And Canadian Population population growth from this time until the beginning of the 20th century, however Duringa very rapid expansion of canadian industry and a massive movement of http://www.cyber-north.com/canada/people.html | |
77. Canadian Economy Online canada yearbook 2001 Return to the canadian Economy Homepage Economy Overview Anoverview from Statistics Canada's Canada Yearbook 2001. population 4th quarter http://canadianeconomy.gc.ca/english/economy/ | |
78. The Canadian Association For Population Therapeutics / Translate this page http://www.capt-actp.com/ |
79. Look What The Canadian Government Has Done To Our Country! ForThisLand on population. From Sea .. Alberta and Saskatchewambecame canadian provinces in 1905. Newfoundland finally joined in 1949. http://laurea.topcities.com/bluepop.html | |
80. 2. Population Of Canadian Provinces population BY. PROVINCE/ TERRITORY. Capital Cities. March, 2002 Canada has experiencedone of the smallest censusto-census growth rates in its population. http://www.canadainfolink.ca/charttwo.htm | |
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