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61. Canadian Embassy In Germany, Ambassade Du Canada En Allemagne, Botschaft Von Kan Offers advice about visas and immigration, assistance to Canadians, and information about canadian culture in Germany and political relations between the two countries. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canadaeuropa/germany/ | |
62. English Language Program > Western Canadian Culture Western canadian culture Second largest country (land mass) in theworld; Population 31,000,000; Official languages English, French; http://www.cted.ucalgary.ca/esl/calgary.html | |
63. Separatism And Western Canadian Culture Separatism and Western canadian culture. This again causes Western canadian cultureto be undermined, and a great load of frustration placed upon it. http://www.westcan.org/westcan/culture.htm | |
64. Untitled Document Biography and an examination of his work.Category Arts Literature Authors Novelists MacLennan, Hugh......Hugh MacLennan 19071990 Dramatizing canadian culture John Hugh MacLennan,a five-time winner of Canadas prestigious Governor http://collections.ic.gc.ca/heirloom_series/volume4/238-239.htm | |
65. CCCP/PCCC A satire of Official canadian culture. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/3862/cccp/ | |
66. Canadian Culture Cultural Resources About Canada. Canadians in the World. canadian culture atHome and Abroad http//www.canschool.org/culture/links-e.asp. Web Links. http://brazilcanada.enoreo.on.ca/initial/resources/canadaculture.htm | |
67. Welcome To Canadian Culture - Canada's #1 Supportive Network And Resource Direct Goto canadian culture, CanadianCulture.Ca Working together with the People of Canada . Getinvolved with canadian culture! , Subscribe to our free newsletter, http://canadianculture.ca/ | |
68. Expressnews - International Students Slip Into Canadian Culture | University Of A campus rec volunteer helps Ling Yu learn how to skate, Internationalstudents slip into canadian culture By Ryan Smith December http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/expressnews/articles/news.cfm?p_ID=1541&s=a |
69. Canadian Culture In Perspective: A Statistical Overview canadian culture in Perspective A Statistical Overview, 2000 Edition.The third edition of canadian culture in Perspective provides http://www.fedpubs.com/subject/commun/cdnculture.htm | |
70. Xmcamail.9807: Canadian Culture canadian culture. diane celia hodges (dchodges whois-atinterchg.ubc.ca) Wed, 29 Jul 1998 100917 -0700 http://lchc.ucsd.edu/MCA/Mail/xmcamail.1998_07.dir/0092.html | |
71. Canadian Culture At Risk With AOL - Time Warner Merger, Says UWO Expert FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. January 11, 2000. canadian culture AT RISK WITHAOL TIME WARNER MERGER, SAYS UWO EXPERT. The purchase of Time http://comms.uwo.ca/media/archives/commentary/2000/jan_apr/AOL.htm | |
72. Canadian Culture canadian culture. Celebrations. Multiculturalism. Symbols. Traditions. Communities.canadian culture Links. A Ticket to Canada. Kindergarten Research. http://www.canadaproject.ecsd.net/canadian_culture.htm | |
73. L.M. Montgomery And Canadian Culture By Deirdre Baker LM Montgomery and canadian culture Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. Universityof Toronto Press. xviii, 268. LM Montgomery and canadian culture. http://www.utpjournals.com/product/utq/701/culture102.html | |
74. The Deification Of Choice In B.C. Canadian Culture - What Is It That B.Cers Real Short and Sweet Tips for living the abundant life. The Deification of Choicein BC canadian culture. What is it that B.Cers really want most in life? http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/digest54.htm | |
75. Calgary Community-Net: Canadian Culture And Environment canadian culture and Environment. NSTN True North. Other canadian cultureand Environment Links. Pier 21 Society; Aboriginal Super Information Hwy. http://www.calcna.ab.ca/canada/occupati/culture.html | |
76. The Daily, Friday, December 22, 2000. Canadian Culture In Perspective: A Statist The Daily. Friday, December 22, 2000. canadian culture in perspectiveA statistical overview. 2000 Edition. The third edition of Canadian http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/001222/b001222b.htm | |
77. Ukrainian Canadian Culture Smoky Lake History Archive. Ukrainian Culture Menu. From the Old Country http://www.smokylake.com/history/culture/default.htm | |
78. Delvinia - Canadian Culture Online Program Presentation canadian culture Online Program Presentation In early 2002, Delvinia organized industrybriefings across the country on behalf of Canadian Heritage to provide http://www.delvinia.com/ccop.html | |
79. Canadian Culture And New Media canadian culture and New Media. reply to this message / répondez à ce messageFrom Hiroaki Izumi izumih@uregina.ca Date Tue, 29 Sep 1998 122530 0400 http://www.newmedia-forum.net/voxpop/voxpop00030.html | |
80. UVIC CS 100A Introduction To Canadian Culture Course Description CS 100A, Units 1.5, F(30). Introduction to canadian culture. Anintroduction to the multidisciplinary study of cultural structures http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2000/courses/cs100a.html | |
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