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81. PILOT - CARTOGRAPHIC RECORDS - BC ARCHIVES History buffs can research the background of the region's mineral resources and sea routes. Collection covers the 1840s to the 1990s. http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/cartogr/general/maps.htm | |
82. Delgamuukw V. British Columbia 1997 3 S.C.R. Delgamuukw v. british columbia. 1010 the Province of british columbia Respondent/ Appellant on the crossappeal 58 000 square kilometres in british columbia. For the purpose http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1997/vol3/html/1997scr3_1010.html | |
83. Ubcpress.ca :: University Of British Columbia Press About the Author(s) Cole Harris recently retired as a member of the Department ofGeography at the University of british columbia and is the author or editor http://www.ubcpress.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=2127 |
84. Loading L4U IPAC british columbia LAND AND PEOPLE GRADES 46 (917.11 MAC). Material Type, BOOKS. Summary,An activity book about british columbia for grades 4-6 readers. http://drc.sd62.bc.ca/DT000099.HTM | |
85. University Of British Columbia (UBC) (Canada) Departments And University of british columbia (UBC), http//www.ubc.ca. TYPE University/ College. COUNTRY Canada. REGION british columbia. LANGUAGE English. http://www.getcited.org/inst/138521 |
86. Beautiful British Columbia - Suite101.com Welcome Message, Welcome to Beautiful british columbia. If you are old oryoung, I know you will enjoy what british columbia has to offer you. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/beautiful_bc | |
87. British Columbia's Beautiful Interior - Suite101.com british columbia's Beautiful Interior Note This topic has been archived. I wisheveryone visiting british columbia a wonderful time while they are here. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/bc_beautiful_interior | |
88. Colloquium dr. David Ley (University of british columbia, Vancouver), From Humanistic Geographyto Social Constructivism in the context of action theory, behavioural theory http://www.kun.nl/socgeo/n/colloquium/colloquium.html | |
89. Public Schools Of British Columbia Curriculum, C. 1891 Maps of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Maps of Canada and british columbia. Politicalgeography, products, etc., of principal countries of the world. History. http://www.mala.bc.ca/homeroom/Content/Topics/Programs/1890prog.htm | |
90. UNC-CH Geog: North American Geog Depts-Canada Vancouver. University of british columbia. Victoria. University of Victoria Highestgeography degree offered =Bachelor's =Master's =Doctorate. Manitoba. Brandon. http://www.unc.edu/depts/geog/depts/canada.html | |
91. UNC-CH Geog: North American Geog Depts-Canada (text) Vancouver. D University of british columbia. Victoria. D University of Victoria Highestgeography degree offered B=Bachelor's M=Master's D=Doctorate. Manitoba. http://www.unc.edu/depts/geog/depts/canada-txt.html | |
92. Canada Geography 1. The Pacific Coast Bathed by warm, moist Pacific air currents, the british Columbiacoast, indented by deep fiords and shielded from Pacific storms by http://www.nationbynation.com/Canada/Geo.html | |
93. Natural Resources And Environmental Studies @ UNBC constituent Academic Programs (Biology, Environmental Studies, Forestry, geography, and Resource Recreation Tourism). http://www.unbc.ca/nres |
94. BC Education - Geography 12: Table Of Contents geography 12. INTEGRATED RESOURCE PACKAGE 1999. Table of Contents. Preface UsingThis Integrated Resource Package. Preface. Introduction to geography 12. http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/geo12/geotoc.htm | |
95. Geography Courses In The Web http://www.utexas.edu/depts/grg/virtdept/resources/educatio/courses/gis/gis.htm | |
96. VCC Library: Canadian Geography FC 50 75 Canada - geography. G 1115 - G 1199 Canada - Maps. G 1170 - G 1174 BritishColumbia - Maps. GF 511 Human geography. QE 511.5 Physical geography - Canada. http://www.vcc.ca/library/vclb_abe_cdn_geog.htm | |
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