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21. Center For Outcome Measurement In Brain Injury Welcome to the homepage of the Center on Outcome Measurement in brain injury (COMBI),an online resource for those needing detailed information and support in http://www.tbims.org/combi/ | |
22. Brain Anatomy About brain injury A Guide to Brain Anatomy Click On Any Label To Go To A Definition or Scroll Down To View All Definitions. Brainstem The lower extension of the brain where it connects to the spinal cord. http://www.waiting.com/brainanatomy.html | |
23. BIAK Provides a technical description of the brain, how a brain can be injured, levels of impairment, levels Category Health Conditions and Diseases......brain injury Association of Kentucky, Welcome to the brain injury Associationof Kentucky, a nonprofit 501(C)3 agency. We are working http://www.braincenter.org/ | |
24. Brain Injury Association Of Niagara Nonprofit organization committed to maximizing the quality of life for individuals and families affected by an acquired brain injury. Supported by United Way. http://www.niagara.com/hian/ | |
25. The International Brain Injury Association Dedicated to the development and support of professionals, advocates, policy makers, consumers and Category Health Conditions and Diseases Organizations......Dedicated to providing international leadership, advancing opportunitiesand successes for persons with brain injury. The International http://www.internationalbrain.org/ | |
26. Brain Injury And Concussion Information Providing information, and referring injured persons to attorneys.Category Regional North America Legal Services Referral Services......The brain injury page is a resource for brain injured persons and their caregiversand loved ones to find information and links about brain injury. http://tbilaw.com/ | |
27. Brain Injury Society Serves acquired and traumatic brain injured individuals and their families. Contains information on Category Health Conditions and Diseases Organizations...... Why brain injury Society? Many thanks. brain injury Society Membership FormGet reader (This form MUST be printed and mailedit is not electronic!). http://www.bisociety.org/ | |
28. New Hampshire Brain Injury Association Works to improve the quality of life for survivors of brain injury and their families. Resource directory Category Regional North America Health Disability Resources......New Hampshire brain injury Association mission is to promote awareness, understanding,and prevention of brain injury through education, advocacy, research http://www.bianh.org/ | |
29. Abet Artists With Brain Injuries Artists as survivors of brain injury or neurological disorders utilize their artistic abilities as a means of recovery despite physical or hidden disabilities. http://hometown.aol.com/jassminems/home_index.html |
30. The Brain Dynamics Centre he goal of this Centre is to shed light on the workings of the human brain. The disorders studied include ADHD, posttraumatic stress disorder, social phobia, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, Parkinson's disease, and traumatic brain injury. http://www.braindynamics.med.usyd.edu.au/ |
31. Brain Injury Glossary A A glossary of terms used for brain injury, AZ. http://www.waiting.com/glossarya.html | |
32. Brain Injury Permanency From Concussion Information about injury and recovery. http://www.subtlebraininjury.com/ | |
33. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Brain Injury brain injury. Joint Editors Jeff Kreutzer Sociological Abstracts andUnCover. Related Sites International brain injury Association. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/02699052.html | |
34. Test Page For The SSL/TLS-aware Apache Installation On Web Site Dr. Diane. Author of a book on coping with brain injury from concussion, accident, trauma, stroke.Category Shopping Publications Neurological Disorders......Psychologist, Consult Dr. Diane, Speaker, Copingwith Mild Traumatic brain injury by Dr. Diane, http://www.health-helper.com/ | |
35. Institute For Cognitive Prosthetics Services for individuals who are recovering from cognitive deficits from a stroke or acquired brain injury. http://www.brain-rehab.com | |
36. Book Coping With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - By Dr. Diane Dr. Diane's Book Coping With Mild Traumatic brain injury. Thus began her searchfor answers for herself and all others, world wide, with a brain injury. http://www.health-helper.com/bookcovr.html |
37. Ocean Hyperbaric Neurologic Center Multi disciplinary brain repair center specializing in the neurological applications of hyperbaric oxygenation for conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke, coma, and traumatic brain injury. (Florida) http://www.oceanhbo.com | |
38. Brain Injury Association Of Washington Provides support, advocacy, workshops, training, regional news, and statewide support group information.Category Health Conditions and Diseases...... and use the textnavigation menu at the bottom of the pages. Thank youfor your patience. - The brain injury Association of Washington. http://www.biawa.org/ | |
39. Traumatic Brain Injury Resources Traumatic brain injury. What is Traumatic brain injury. Definition. Traumaticbrain injury results from rapid acceleration and deceleration http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/cise/ose/categories/tbi.html | |
40. Brain Injury Association Of Minnesota Website for the brain injury Association of Minnesota, serving the 94000 Minnesotanswith brain injury, their loved ones, and the professionals who work with http://www.braininjurymn.org/ |
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