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21. Recent Publications, Newsletter And Bibliographies/ Department Of Systematic Bio Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. wp.pl Katalog Katalog wiatowy DMOZ Science Biology botany publications http://www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/pubs.htm | |
22. Recent Publications, Newsletter And Bibliographies/ Department Of Systematic Bio Staff publications Database of publications by botany Staff Centres of Plant DiversityChecklist of the Flora of the Guianas Checklist of the Flora of the http://nmnhwww.si.edu/botany/pubs.htm | |
23. Welcome Describes labs, research, publications, and photos. http://www.botany.utexas.edu/ | |
24. Marine Botany - Publications 1999 The use of different eelgrass (Zostera marina) variables to assess water quality,13 pp. Master thesis in Marine botany. Other publications 1999. http://www.marbot.gu.se/publications/pub1999.html | |
25. Australian Systematic Botany Society Home Page homepage for Australian systematic botany society, news, conferences and publications. http://www.anbg.gov.au/asbs/ | |
26. Marine Botany - Publications 1990 FD Thesis, Dept Marine botany, University of Göteborg. Thesis summary, 27pp. FD Thesis, Paper III, Dept Marine botany, University of Göteborg. http://www.marbot.gu.se/publications/pub1990.html | |
27. Gardening History Timeline: From Ancient Times To The 20th Century Noteworthy publications, Persons, and Events in the History of Gardening. Including some Related Information from Agriculture, Natural History, botany, and Ecology. By Michael P. Garofalo http://www.gardendigest.com/timegl.htm | |
28. Aquatic Botany An international scientific journal dealing with applied and fundamental research on submerged, floating and emergent plants in marine and freshwater ecosystems. (Elsevier Science Journals.) http://www.elsevier.nl:80/inca/publications/store/5/0/3/3/0/3/ | |
29. English Nature - Botany - Publications Text botany. Identification Guides. Blamey, M, GreyWilson, C, 1989. Wilson,PJ, Sotherton, N, 1994. publications Available from this Site. http://www.english-nature.org.uk/text_version/science/botany/plant8.asp | |
30. WU Libraries Biology Library Electronic resources for biology, including biochemistry, botany, and medicine, as well as how to find people, publications, and other information on the web. http://library.wustl.edu/units/biology/ | |
31. Donovan Plant physiological ecology. Lab members, research interests, and list of publications. http://dogwood.botany.uga.edu/~donovan/donovan.html | |
32. Marine Botany - Publications By Kenneth H. Dunton http://wwwutmsi.zo.utexas.edu/staff/dunton/publications.htm | |
33. Zoosporic Fungi Online Home Page Resource of information on zoosporic fungi, which includes chytrids, oomycetes, labyrinthulids, and other protists. Contains glossary, photos, how to isolate and maintain these organisms in culture, current publications, job listings, and related links. http://www.botany.uga.edu/zoosporicfungi/ | |
34. The Academy Of Natural Sciences - Biodiversity Research Group - Botany - Botany botany Department publications on the PH Collections. The followingrecent papers include references to specimens in PH. The list http://www.acnatsci.org/research/biodiv/botanypublications.html | |
35. The Academy Of Natural Sciences - Biodiversity Research Group - Botany the US For a list of recent publications by scientists on PH and its holdings, clickhere. In addition to curating this collection, the botany Department staff http://www.acnatsci.org/research/biodiv/botany.html | |
36. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Botany - Publications A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - botany- publications. Find the web's best sites, add websites, and http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=952718 |
37. GIS.Lab.botany - Publications PEERREVIEWED publications Guisan, A. and Theurillat, JP (in press). Mitt. 18209-218. publications IN LOCAL JOURNALS/BOOKS (GEN. WITHOUT PEER REVIEW) http://www.unil.ch/iesig/publis.htm | |
38. Institut D'Ecologie - Botany - Publications - All The Membres Of Translate this page Cette page en francais. http://www.unil.ch/ibsg/publi_en.html |
39. Laboratory Of Botany - Publications publications, Baroniòa, V. Vascular flora of Latvia Sedge Carex (Cyperaceae).Editor in chief V. Ðulcs. - Riga University of Latvia, 2001. - 100 pp. http://www.lubi.edu.lv/botanic/Literatura-en.htm | |
40. INSTITUTE OF BOTANY. Publications PERIODICAL publications The Institute publishes a quarterly scientific journalBOTANICA LITHUANICA. 199 p. MAIN publications (since 1990). http://www.botanika.lt/bi/publi_en.htm | |
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