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61. Chandra :: X-Ray Sources :: Black Holes An explanation of cosmic Xray sources, from black holes to galaxy clusters, aswell as a review of the history of X-ray astronomy, what X-rays are and how http://chandra.harvard.edu/xray_sources/blackholes.html | |
62. Black Holes To Blackboards Despite assertions by some of a flat Earth, we really do live on a ball that's spinning through space. Here's a an exercise in visualizing our rotating planet. http://www.aspsky.org/mercury/mercury/9803/dahlman.html | |
63. Chandra X-ray Observatory - Missing Page closest in content. Capable browsers will automatically be transportedthere in a few seconds. Thanks for visiting! black holes, http://chandra.harvard.edu/xray_sources/black_holes.html | |
64. Howstuffworks "How Black Holes Work" black holes suck material in FOREVER and may even hold galaxies together!Learn all about these gravitational monsters! How black holes Work. http://science.howstuffworks.com/black-hole.htm | |
65. TRANSMITTING PARTICLE ENERGY IN A UNIFID UNIVERSE Explains the dynamic makeup of the universe, transmitting (conducting) electromagnetic energy (frequencies), gravity, black holes, the formation and future of the universe. http://unified-universe.com/ | |
66. Casting New Light On Dark Stars Startling new astronomical research suggests black holes may produce far more power than scientists ever dreamed. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/21711.html |
67. Black Hole To learn more about black holes, see also black holes and Beyond. The set of smallGIF images used to create the blackhole inline animation is available. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/blackhole.html | |
68. Index Of /~cramer/RelViz/text/exhib1 An exhibition on relativistic computer dynamics used to present the theory of black holes. http://www.astro.ku.dk/~cramer/RelViz/text/exhib1 | |
69. The New History Of Black Holes: 'Co-evolution' Dramatically Alters Dark Reputati A new theory called coevolution holds that supermassive black holes and galaxiesco-evolved, each dependent on the other. black holes suffer a bad rap. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/blackhole_history_030128-1.html | |
70. Access Disabled Pictures, diagrams, and explanations of black holes in an easy to understand format. Good site for someone doing research on black holes for a report or project. http://www.homestead.com/sciproj/ | |
71. Pair Of Supermassive Black Holes Inhabit Same Galaxy, Destined To Collide A pair of gargantuan black holes found to inhabit the samegalaxy will eventually merge in a flurry of activity. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/merging_backhole_021119.html | |
72. Black Holes With Java black holes with Java. (However this is the radial coordinate commonly used fordescribing such black holes and the coordinate use as radius in the applet). http://www.astro.queensu.ca/~musgrave/cforce/blackhole.html | |
73. Frequently Asked Questions About Black Holes Frequently Asked Questions About black holes. Compiled by black hole?Or, why do some stars end up as black holes but others don't? http://www.phys.vt.edu/~jhs/faq/blackholes.html | |
74. Massive Black Holes From the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this site hopes to answer questions about the possibility of massive Category Kids and Teens School Time black holes......Massive black holes are now thought to be located at the centers ofgalaxies found throughout the universe. These objects, millions http://arise.jpl.nasa.gov/arise/blackholes/blackholes.html | |
75. Sam's Pages Have Moved... A series of images and simulations of various phenomena associated with a black holeCategory Science Physics Relativity black holes Simulations......All good things must come to an end . Thus my pages have moved (well I guessthey didn't come to an end!). My new address is http//www.geekcomix.com/snh/. http://physics.arizona.edu/~hart/bh/ | |
76. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Black Holes On Collision Course For the first time two supermassive black holes have been seen at the heart of onegalaxy. Much to our surprise, we found that both were active black holes. . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2493331.stm | |
77. Gothos: Jillian's Guide To Black Holes Introduction to the types, formation, and environment inside and outside of black holes.Category Kids and Teens School Time black holes......Gothos is a creative outlet for fantasy art and an educational site forblack holes and gravitational waves. Jillian's Guide to black holes. http://www.dragonweave.com/gothos/html/black_holes/ | |
78. Black Holes Basic ideas and descriptions of what black holes are and if white holes exist.Category Science Physics Relativity black holes Education......black holes. Gabor Kunstatter Physics Department University of Winnipeg black holes;Einsteins Gravity and black holes; Problems with Newton; What is Gravity? http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/users/gabor/black_holes/ | |
79. Beyond The Event Horizon, BlackHols black holes With Angular Momentum. The Schwarzchild black hole, while fascinating,will probably never be found in nature. Do black holes Really Exist? http://www.astronomical.org/astbook/blkhole.html | |
80. Black Holes A one hour lecture given to senior liberal arts students on the concepts surrounding black holesCategory Science Physics Relativity black holes Education......black holes. Click here to go to the JPU200Y home page. Click here togo to the Physics Virtual Bookshelf. Another Approach to black holes. http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/BlackHoles/BlackHoles.ht | |
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