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21. Administrative Rule - PART 1010 - LIST OF ENDANGERED AND THREATENED FAUNA Eastern Massasauga, Sistrurus catenatus. d) threatened AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OFILLINOIS Timber Rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus. e) endangered birds OF ILLINOIS http://dnr.state.il.us/legal/1010.htm | |
22. USFWS - Region 3: Threatened And Endangered Birds birds Available Information (threatened, endangered, and proposed). Bald eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Bald Eagle Recovery and Proposed Delisting. http://midwest.fws.gov/endangered/birds/ | |
23. FLORIDA'S ENDANGERED SPECIES, THREATENED SPECIES AND SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AS endangered, threatened OR OTHERWISE CATEGORIZED AS OF CONCERN.Status Designation, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, birds, Mammals, Invertebrates, http://www.floridaconservation.org/pubs/endanger.html | |
24. Threatened And Endangered Birds Of The Insular Caribbean Island Resources Foundation and Birdlife International Threatenedand endangered birds of the Insular Caribbean. http://www.irf.org/birds.htm | |
25. Endangered And Threatened Birds endangered and threatened birds. This web page contains informationabout six birds, four endangered and two threatened. This page http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/c/l/clw212/birds.htm |
26. Connecticut Wildlife Division Endangered And Threatened Species Series Illustrations are copyright protected and may not be used in any other format. EndangeredSpecies, Mammals. birds. American Bittern. threatened Species, Top. Mammals. http://dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/wildlife/learn/esfact.htm | |
27. Endangered & Threatened Birds Of Northern California Fish and Wildlife Service logo. Links to national web page. TextVersion. Some threatened endangered birds Found in California. http://sacramento.fws.gov/es/animal_spp_acct/acctbird.htm | |
28. Endangered & Threatened Birds Of Northern California US Fish Wildlife Service Pacific Region Sacramento Fish Wildlife OfficeSome threatened endangered birds Found in California Graphic Version. http://sacramento.fws.gov/es/textfiles/acctbird_txt.htm | |
29. Birds - Endangered Species There are over 9,900 known species of birds. 321 species are considered endangered,meaning that they additional 727 species are Nearthreatened, meaning they http://www.camacdonald.com/birding/actionalerts.html | |
30. Nebraska's Nongame And Endangered Species Programs birds Mountain Plover *. MAMMALS Southern Flying Squirrel. PLANTS Western PrairieFringed Orchid Blacknose Shiner. *Also on the US endangered or threatened List http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/ngthreat.html | |
31. ND Endangered And Threatened Species Federally Listed endangered, threatened, and Candidate Species 1995. kill, harm,or harass endangered species. The birds historically wintered along the Gulf http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/species/grusamer.htm | |
32. 1994 Endangered And Threatened Species Recovery Program Recovery Program endangered and threatened Species, 1994. birds. For an explanationof the symbols used in this table see the Appendix section of this resource. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/recovprg/table2b.htm | |
33. Rare Birds endangered and threatened birds in New Jersey. endangered birds. endangeredSpecies are those prospects for survival in New Jersey http://www.pressplus.com/content/birds/birdlist.html |
34. Mammals, Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians, Fish birds There is a separate list of Birdrelated reports that has informationon a number of the endangered and/or threatened birds. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/factsheets/00etlist1.htm | |
35. The Ornithological Web Library Links To Endangered Species: Programs & Research The Ornithological Web Library a comprehensive libraryof endangered and threatened wild birds. http://www.aves.net/the-owl/blnkrare.htm | |
36. NJAS: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife Of New Jersey threatened Species are those who may become endangered if conditions surroundingthem begin to or continue to deteriorate. birds. endangered. http://www.njaudubon.org/Conservation/Endanger.html | |
37. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Threatened/Endangered Birds threatened/ endangered birds American Peregrine Falcon Village ElementarySchool, Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA; Arctic Peregrine http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/birds.html | |
38. Hawaii's Endangered Species Hotlinks birds Kauai akailoa, Kauai ou, and the Kauai o'o. Hawaii's endangered SpeciesThis website includes an updated list of Hawaii's endangered and threatened http://www.hisurf.com/~enchanted/hawaii'shotlinks1.html | |
39. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Endangered Species Animals of the World WCMC 1996 Animal Redlist threatened birds of Asia the BirdlifeInternational Red Data Book threatened and endangered Species System (TESS http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/end_spp.htm | |
40. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: REGIONAL List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, and reptiles by J. Mitchell, birds by MA Byrd and mammals by CO Handley, Jr.) Terwilliger,K. and JR Tate 1995 A Guide to endangered and threatened Species in http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp2.htm | |
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