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81. Harvard Libraries: General And Reference:Biography general and ReferenceBiography. Records retrieved 7. Electronic resources accompaniedby the symbol I or C are restricted by license agreement to members of http://lib.harvard.edu/e-resources/subject/general_and_reference_biography.html | |
82. Biography And Genealogy biography and Genealogy resources. Sample subject headings for generalworks CaliforniabiographyIndexes; CaliforniaGenealogy; http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/reference/genealogy.html | |
83. General Resources For Historians Bibliographical resources. Zetoc Electronic Table of Contents from theBritish Library. Requires an Athens username. Genealogical resources. http://www.history.ox.ac.uk/links/general.htm | |
84. Transcendentalism: Web Resources Extensive webliography, emphasizing the literary aspects of transcendentalism.Category Society Philosophy American Transcendentalism...... general Web resources on Samuel Amos Bronson Alcott A. Bronson Alcott HomepageBiography Fruitlands Essay on Emerson Bronson Alcott's Experiment in http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/eng624/tr-links.htm | |
85. American And English Literature Internet Resources Contains links to Shakespeare's biography, works, synopsis Authors and Poets GeneralAmerican and British a guide to selected internet resources related to http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
86. Wenatchee Valley College Library Web Site Map Agriculture general resources Pest Management Soil Irrigation Tree Fruit Anthropologygeneral resources Arts general resources Art Collections Museums Art |
87. Teacher Guides To Shakespeare: General Resources Teacher Guides to Shakespeare general Guide picks. A Boxful of CharacterIn this lesson students will create life boxes (a container http://shakespeare.about.com/cs/teacherguides1/ | |
88. UN Secretary-General United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva; and, at UN Headquartersin New York, as Assistant Secretarygeneral for Human resources Management and http://www.un.org/Overview/SG/sg7bio.html |
89. Chinook | E-Resources By Subject | Biography eresources by Subject. Use of these databases is subject to copyrightlaws and license limitations . biography. biography and Genealogy http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/chi/bio.html | |
90. A Sociology Guy's Anthropology Links For biographies of key figures in the history of the discipline check out the AnthropologyBiography Web from Minnesota State University general resources. http://www.trinity.edu/mkearl/anthro.html | |
91. General Resources Page http://www.pge.utexas.edu/reading/general.html | |
92. General & Multidisciplinary Resources and Education (FLITE). general Multidisciplinary resources Pleasechoose a database from the list below. Unless otherwise specified http://library.ferris.edu/generalmulti.html | |
93. Virginia Secretary Of Natural Resources general Assembly, Delegate Murphy was noted for his commitment to environmentalconservation and stewardship and protection of Virginia's natural resources. http://www.naturalresources.state.va.us/nrinfo/bio.cfm | |
94. University Of Sydney Library Collections & Resources Policy F, Especially Australian and British biography = 3a codes level 1 = minimal generalcoverage; level libraries databases electronic resources subject guides http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/about/policies/collections/genhist.html | |
95. History HUB | General Resources A history hub. A place for historians to read about history, get advice on good history books, challenge themselves to trivia, browse our anecdotes and of http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/3165/grindex.html | |
96. General Resources Page http://www.pe.utexas.edu/Dept/Reading/general.html | |
97. Philosophy Resources Other Full Text Books biography Dictionaries Search http://library.uml.edu/home/e-philos.htm | |
98. Attorney General Mike McGrath Biography - MT Dept Of Justice biography of Montana's 19th attorney general, Mike McGrath. http://www.doj.state.mt.us/agbiography.asp | |
99. General Logon Page Enter the following information so that we may authenticate you. Ifyou are using your library ID barcode or other ID for remote http://galenet.gale.com/ |
100. Yale University Library French Language Literature Resources . Humanities Languages Literatures French Language Literature resources. SelectedInternet resources in French Language and Literature. http://www.library.yale.edu/Internet/frenchlit.html |
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