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61. Untitled Institute of Lithuanian history, Department of archaeology, Kraziu 5, LT2001 Dessaär Environmental and cultural history in the baltic region som leds av http://www2.hgo.se/forsk.nsf/9517229359c2fd67c12565ef0049b590/11d8864967fe5459c1 | |
62. Barbara Voytek the Forest The Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the baltic region and AdjacentAreas Institute of archaeology Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw http://sscl.berkeley.edu/arf/main/voytek.html | |
63. The Duyfken Replica Project P1 Selected European oak timbers from the baltic region will be assembled using fire shipby the Duyfken Foundation, within the Maritime archaeology Department of http://www.mm.wa.gov.au/Museum/march/duyfken/reproj.htm | |
64. Jungsteinzeit Translate this page within the Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB) of the baltic region J. Hoika Beiträgezum SAA Symposium 1998 Seattle. http//www.comp-archaeology.org/w2wfrm http://www.jungsteinsite.de/links.htm | |
65. Dendrochronology, From "Science In Archaeology" of archaeology under the title Science in archaeology A Review imported from Gdanskin the Eastern baltic. 4 over the last 9500 years in a region bounded by http://www.arts.cornell.edu/dendro/ajatext.html | |
66. A Review Of Short Visits In The Virtual Exhibition Of Lithuanian Cultural Herita Lietuviskai. 20th. The Balts and baltic archaeology. Lithuanian Sports. CulturalResistance and its Culture. Samogitia a Unique Ethnographic region of Lithuania. http://daugenis.mch.mii.lt/alka/apzvalga.en.htm | |
67. Summaries In English the cultural development of the baltic region in general, and the south baltic inparticular comparatively large resources for environmental archaeology. http://internetserver.kalmarlansmuseum.se/arkeologi/summaries_in_english.htm | |
68. Archaeologylinks archaeology Countries/regions. Asian baltic region Britain Canada Eastern EuropeEuropean I European II European III France General Resources Germany Greece http://yalesecondary.sd34.bc.ca/Subject Weblinks/archaeologylinks.html | |
69. Chapter 4 The Geography Of Celtic-Scythian Commerce archaeology and history reveal a great deal about Celtic certain geographical featuresof the steppe region. between the Atlantic, Nordicbaltic, eastern Black http://www.ucg.org/articles/usbbp/ch4geography.html |
70. 10.2 Thor Heyerdahl - Thor Heyerdahl's Final Projects - By J. Bjørnar Storfjell He had already contacted Dr. Sergey Lukiashko of the Institute of archaeology atthe They showed a clear affinity with fibulae from the baltic region and would http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai102_folder/102_articles/102_heye | |
71. Politologisk Forskerskole :: Www.polforsk.dk news and documentations of catastrophes) Maritime archaeology - the science balticumForeignness and Integration in the baltic Sea region http//www http://www.polforsk.dk/html/Kursusprogram.php?Nr=114 |
72. Open Russia Foundation of Russian archaeologists and specialists from the Institute of archaeology at the possibletransmission via the great rivers of Russia to the baltic region. http://www.openrussiafoundation.com/Programs/heyerdahl.cfm | |
73. EAA98 - Session On Aerial Archaeology AIR SURVEY FROM THE baltic TO RIVER THEISS ditch systems from the region around Leipzig thenecessary association between aerial archaeology and archaeological http://aarg.univie.ac.at/events/eaa98/eaa98.html | |
74. CINARCHEA Film-Festival: Subframe past ten years of its existence, the focus of the international archaeology filmfestival had been increasingly on productions and issues of the baltic region. http://www.uni-kiel.de/cinarchea/rucke/cin02/02award.htm | |
75. Lunds Universitet - Internationellt between Ethnical Groups in the baltic region in the Bozena (eds.), Contacts acrossthe baltic Sea during Trends and traditions in Swedish Medieval archaeology. http://www.lu.se/intsek/courses/Rl105.html | |
76. Division Of Palaeontology, Personel, Pirkko Ukkonen Helsinki Papers in archaeology 104957. - Ukkonen, P. The Introduction and Pre-ChristianHistory of Farming in the East baltic region - Osteological evidence http://www.helsinki.fi/ml/geo/ukkonen.eg.html | |
77. LU - Pçtniecîba - Zinâtniskâs Publikâcijas Inside Latvian archaeology. Goteborg, 388 Vasks A. 1999. PACT Enviromental andCultural History of the Eastern baltic region. Rexsensart (Belgium), Vol. http://www.lu.lv/jauna/petniec/publik_vest1999.html | |
78. Baltic Amber Bibliography-Lithuania of the Second International Conference on Amber in archaeology Liblice 1990 amongthe Stone Age inhabitants of the Eastern baltic region // International Union http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/amber/lithuania.htm | |
79. Untitled Document and cultural history of the Eastern baltic region, PACT, 57 sensitive coastal areasof the baltic Sea, 7 of scientific methods in archaeology, Savonlinna, Finland http://www.gi.ee/~veski/kirjandus.html | |
80. Conference About Amber The conference baltic AMBER IN NATURAL SCIENCES, archaeology AND APPLIED ARTS FIRSTMILLENIUM AND THEIR PROVENANCE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF EASTERN baltic region. http://ldmuziejus.mch.mii.lt/Mokslas/Amber_conf.en.htm | |
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